Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday Medley: Good Samaritan Day

Thank you Terri for this week's medley of questions.





National Good Samaritan Day is observed on March 13th.  This day is also known as Good Samaritan Involvement Day. This is a day for unselfish actions to help those in need and to celebrate kindness.
The term “good Samaritan” comes from the Bible parable where a Samaritan helped a stranger who had been robbed and beaten and left to die by the side of the road.  The Samaritan not only cleaned the man’s wounds and clothed him, but took him to an inn where he paid for the man’s care.
The term is used today to describe those who perform acts of kindness for those in need, especially those who are strangers.
Make an effort to help someone who is struggling or having a problem. Use #GoodSamaritanDay to post on social media.
1.  When did someone come to your rescue and can you tell us about it?
Last Wednesday morning as I getting ready for an appointment, I received an alert that there had been possible fraudulent charges on my business CC.  The only time I had ever used this card other than for product ordering online, was two days earlier when I erroneously used it to get gas.  There had to have been a reader on the gas tank.  No other way would my card number be accessible.
I immediately called the bank and found out that only a day earlier someone had charged over $800 for AirB&B's in California.  With the bank person's help, I closed the account and ordered a new card.
A few minutes later, I discovered that I had lost my actual checking account CC at some point the same day.  Again, I immediately called the bank customer service and we ordered another new card.  Thankfully no fraudulent charges had been made.
These two people definitely came to my rescue and I quickly got accounts closed and replacement cards in the mail.
ALERT:  Always check for hidden cameras and test the card reader on the gas tank before inserting your card!
2.  When did you help someone out of a jam and can you tell us about it?
This question is a bit harder to answer.  I don't recall actually helping anyone other than to have helped a dear, sweet friend who is in assisted living during a recent visit.  I got her walker and helped her to stand and get her balance before walking.  I also picked up some things off the floor that she had dropped.  This is so minor, but it is what she needed at the time.
3.  What are your thoughts on being a good Samaritan?  Some states (like Florida) have even passed Good Samaritan laws so you don't get into trouble with the law for trying to help someone.
The Bible teaches that we are to serve and help meet the needs of others.  In today's skeptical society, these acts of kindness can be misunderstood and judged wrongly.  However, I do not believe that this absolves us of the responsibility and obligation to show kindness to our fellowman.  We as Christians are called to be Christ's example to a very hurting world, and how best to do that than be possibly the only Jesus someone may see.
4.  Thursday is National Pi Day.  It's a fun play on the date 3.14.  Will you have some pie to celebrate?
No, no pie in this house, but I am looking forward to having some of our "oldest" friends visit with us on Thursday.

Bill and Velta were friends of Dick's before he and I ever met.  In fact, it was in their house in Kentwood, LA, that Dick proposed to me in 1965.  They now live in Lancaster, SC so we don't see each other very often.  With friendships like this, there is no starting over, only picking up where we left off.  They are so dear to us and we can't wait to see them.
5.  Did you know that Pi is the most studied number in mathematics?  Are you good with numbers?
Does this answer your question?
6.  Tell us something random about your week.
My Week in Pictures
Rain and more rain

Morning workouts


Wednesday rehearsals

Routine cleaning
Time with my sweetie
Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. Good to hear they were able to close your accounts quickly! Love your week in pictures! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Haha! You had some really good answers, very kind lady you are, and then you made me laugh with that workout picture. Unfortunately, I identify with the little kid and the cat cartoon. You're so right that we are always to be helping. That credit card thing (thingee) is just downright scary. I have been checking before I put the card in at the gas pumps, but hadn't thought about a camera??? Wow! I'm so glad you were able to get someone who was capable and sympathetic to your problem. You are blessed to have those long time friends and that is a very nice picture of you and your hubby. Oh yes, I also really like the raindrops photo.

  3. Good grief, CC scams are scary and soooo aggravating. We’ve had a few in our lifetime. Yes, old friendships are hard to beat! Enjoyed your graphics!

  4. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your long-time friends, and no pie. :-) Thieves are also advancing technologically, unfortunately. Glad you were able to get that resolved quickly and soon. A lesson to is all to be alert to those readers. Mr C tells me they even have readers (scanners) that can take your cc info as your walking past on the sidewalk. Good grief.

  5. That's a wonderful photo of you and your sweetheart! Man, so scary about the fraudulent activity on your card. Pity, those sorts of people aren't unintelligent. Imagine if they used those skills in an honest fashion? Wishing y'all scads of fun with those 'old' dear friends!

  6. I have been in the same situation with my CC! I am glad they fixed it so quickly. They are so good about that. I always wonder how many credit cards those people have at a given time because they always get caught.
    I am so glad you get to see your friends! I hope you have a wonderful time!
    I feel the same way about math! Loved your answers! Happy Wednesday!

  7. That is a great photo of you and your sweetie!! Loved the week in photos too! Thanks for joining the Medley this week! CC fraud is everywhere. Glad you got such good help from your bank! Have a good rest of the week!


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