One way Christy and her family have sought to minister is through Respite Care where they keep foster children in order to give the foster parents a break. This is such a ministry to these parents but has also blessed this busy family of six.
I have continued to think about that statement and my immediate response. I would love to tell you that I answered my own question with an assertive and confident "Of course I do." But, to be truthful, I have not. As I've examined myself, I have acknowledged that I would much prefer to be served that to serve. I do not make sacrifice easily and when I am called to step outside my comfort zone to do something for someone else, I often see it as a sacrifce and not a service done out of humility and love.
Is it just me or does the Lord keep reinforcing lessons He desires to teach? This morning on the front page of the South Bend Tribune was an article about a couple who have written a book entitled Hello Gorgeous.,0,3610036.story

Hello Gorgeous! was founded in 2005 in South Bend, Indiana by Kim and Mike Becker. Moved by a desire to use their talents and energies on behalf of those facing the effects of cancer treatment, the Beckers sold their full-service hair salon and set out on a mission to provide free, surprise, all-day makeovers designed to help overcome the negative effects of radiation and chemotherapy. With the help of donations and volunteer help, the Beckers were able to buy and equip a Holiday Rambler RV and extend their program to communities in the surrounding areas. Now, they have fostered affiliates in several states.
Before I left Christy's she gave me the book that changed her life, Kisses From Katie.
Not surprising to my daughter, I have not been able to put this book down. I read in amazment about this wonderful young lady's life. And on every page, I am reminded of what Christy said, "...if you have a servant's heart." But, I also have to ask myself, "Do I really trust the Lord to take care of my every need as Katie does or as the Lord would have me to?" Again, that answer is a resounding "No!" But I desire to!
This story is about a young 18 year old girl who grew up in affluence in Tennessee and felt God's call on her life to go to Uganda, not as a missionary, or a nurse, or a teacher, although she ended up being all of those, but just to "LOVE." And that she is doing! Now at the ripe old age of 22, she has adopted 14 beautiful "chocolate-colored" girls (her description) and is the founder and director of a non-profit ministry called Amazima. You can read her blog at
As I continue to think on my daughter's statement and what it means for me, I must continually pray, "Lord, give me a passion to serve you. Change my selfish heart into a servant's heart."