This will be my final Saturday 9 post for this year.
I hope you will have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thank you Sam for bringing us together around music for this weekly post.

We Need a Little Christmas
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) At the beginning of this recording, Daffy says he hopes all his friends remember his size, style and favorite color. What piece of clothing would you like to add to your wardrobe?
What woman would not love to have this black maxi length wool coat and look this glamorous in it! Of course, I would never wear it in the south but I can dream, can't I.
2) His friends are late for Daffy's holiday soiree. Think about the last get together you attended. Were you early, late or right on time?
We try to always be either a bit early or right on time. I can't tolerate late. But, our last gathering was last night when we had friends over for dinner. I was right on time!
3) It hasn't a snowed a single flurry where Daffy is. Have you had to shovel yet?
Hardly! We did have some flurries in late November, but I don't think you would find a single snow shovel in our state of Louisiana.
Disappointingly, we aren't even expecting a white Christmas in Northern Indiana this year.
4) Daffy sings that he's looking forward to fruitcake. How about you? Are you a fruitcake fan?
5) Daffy is an American Black Duck. Their usual diet doesn't generally include fruitcake. These ducks more commonly dine on seeds, foliage and bugs. What was your most recent meal?
Last night I had good friends over for a breakfast dinner consisting of
Breakfast Casserole
Pork Steaks
Biscuits with Homemade Fig Preserves
Pecan Pie Muffins
Fresh Fruit
Breakfast Casserole
Pork Steaks
Biscuits with Homemade Fig Preserves
Pecan Pie Muffins
Fresh Fruit
6) The only Christmas card Sam has received so far this year is from her insurance agent. She never sees her agent socially. In fact, she doesn't think she's seen him at all in 2018. Have you received many cards this year? If so, were they from people you feel close to?
We have only received a few so far and this is very unusual for this time of the month. Folks just aren't sending out cards like they used to. Neither are we.
My cards are from our daughter, a nephew, close friends, and a 1st cousin.
7) When do you start holiday shopping: Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving/Black Friday, Halloween?
I don't do a lot of shopping, but if I see something during the year that I think would be appropriate for someone, I get it. Otherwise, I usually start thinking about it seriously in November.
8) Sam was recently driven crazy by kids running through store aisles wearing elf hats with bells. Do you have any apparel that makes noise?
None other than the rustling sound of my winter rain coat.
9) This time of year is big for charitable fundraising. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you.
I sponsor a little Rwandan 5 year old girl through a Christian ministry,
We correspond with each other monthly and I look so forward to getting her little letters with her childish colorful drawings and updates on her family and activities.
I was able to buy her a pair of shoes for her birthday and also Christmas gifts through the organization. They provide education, food and community support for sponsored children and their families.
I learned about this ministry through
Ann Voskamp seen here with her sponsored child.
I learned about this ministry through
Ann Voskamp seen here with her sponsored child.
There are so many needy children in that area that Africa New Life can help, with contributions and sponsorship from folks like us.