Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Fun Way to Spend the Hodgepodge

After driving 5 1/2 hours this morning, taking a much needed nap, catching up on some much needed computer work, I still was able to find enough time to visit with Joyce for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Thank you Joyce for asking some fun questions this week that didn't require too much brain power that happens to be in short supply for me right now.

1.  What's the last thing you completely overreacted to?

I don't normally overreact to anything as I am pretty temperate and controlled.  Now, this does not mean I don't get mad, frustrated or experience the desire to hit, strangle or back over an individual(s) at times.  Having just spent 13 hours in the car on major interstate highways and listened to news reports some of that time, I experienced all of the above at one time or another.

Another activity that causes a degree of stress is completing the E-check-in for an upcoming doctor's visit.  Am I the only one who wants to say, "most of these questions are none of you #$%^& business"?  I just finished answering 5 out of 5 online questionnaires that could easily have been answered with that one response.

2.  Your top five snacks?

Before yesterday I would have said Costco's Trail Mix is my #1.  That was before a bad overlooked cavity in a molar responsible for chewing, was found and filled.  That one will now be marked off the list.
#2.  Grapes & cheddar cheese squares
#3.  A bite of chocolate
#4.  Banana w/Peanut Butter
#5.  Glass of chocolate milk 

3.  What smell always brings back some type of memory?  Elaborate.

A woodburning fire brings back memories of when our children were home and our family enjoyed evenings together.  It also stirs those memories of helping Hubby cut and stack wood for burning.  Yes, those were good days.

4.  What's something you learned from the last book you read?

The last book I read was Jeremiah in the Bible where he wrote in Chapter 4:3-4 that the unplowed ground where thorns and thistles grow (our hardened heart and disobedience) are to be broken up and planted with good seeds (faithful living in obedience).  He also followed that with this verse.  "Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, remove the foreskin of your hearts."  This simply means, purify, get clean, get rid of anything that comes before your relationship with a Holy God.  In other words we are being told to ready, prepare ourselves for what it takes for spiritual renewal and a life of obedience to all that Almighty God has called us to be and do.

5.  What's the next thing on your to-buy list?  Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?

Our old Keurig machine has gone on the blink and since Hubby is the coffee drinker in the family, we need to get him a coffee maker soon.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

This past Sunday afternoon we spent the most delightful time with a special young lady from a previous city and church.  Dick and I adopted Bonnie as another granddaughter several years ago.  After life changes to all of us, we have gone four years without seeing her until this week.  What a delightful time of catching up and sharing what God has done and is still doing in her beautiful life.  We love you, Bonnie.

On Monday, Dick and I drove to Little Rock, AR to see our nephew and the best dentist in the country, Lee Wyant and his wife Jacqueline.  We also got to visit with his son, Clay.  Jacqueline loves to cook and prepared a most delicious meal that didn't challenge the new filling in my mouth.  Thank you for your warm hospitality and for a good night's sleep.  We loved our time with you.  Nothing like family.

And, this handsome young man will be celebrating his 55th birthday tomorrow, the 22nd.  John has always and continues to bring such joy to our lives.  We cannot love you more or be more proud of the godly man you are, and the husband, father and grandfather you have become, John.  You are loved big!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. Oh girl, I get the vapors (lol) just thinking about driving 13 hours. Right there with you on those medical questionnaires ... grrrr. Aren't 'bonus' grands the best? Happy birthday to your handsome 'boy'! Mine turns 55 in December ... time is a thief.

  2. Hubs and I have started mixing our road trip soundtrack between music and a book on Audible. I find listening to the news in the car stirs me up to a degree I can't handle. I'm glad you got your tooth taken care of. The dentist is not my favorite. And glad you had some sweet times of catching up too. It's nice to see you here today!

  3. So wonderful to have time with friends and family. Happy Birthday to your son!

  4. Yes the interstate, on a long trip, can do that to you. It seems like all the doctor's stuff these days can be frustrating. Your snacks sound great. I like PB in my yogurt. That's a lovely memory. Amen to #4. That looks like a nice Keurig machine. So nice that you got to spend time with Bonnie. Sounds like a lovely dinner and a very Happy Birthday to Dick!

  5. I love your answer to #4 and am pleased you answered it that way. We need to be more visible to others about our faith.
    I'm originally from the San Francisco Area. We moved up to a rural area of California, and I had plans to visit once a month. After being here, since 2008 the last timer back in SF was in 2015. I no longer can handle the bumper-to-bumper traffic. It makes my sciatica nerve act up.
    Your son is very handsome, and I can see the resemblance. He looks like you.
    I hope you have a wonderful week.

  6. Hi Libby, I enjoyed reading your post today. Your snack list sounds great! Happy Birthday to your son! That is a really nice picture of the two of you!

  7. Hi - stopping by your blog from another HodgePodge post. I enjoyed your post and your photos. Looks like you have had some visits! How nice. And I like your snack choices - um:)

  8. I'll have to check out Costco's Trail Mix. What a lovely picture of the two of you!

  9. Oh I'm with you on the medical questionnaires! So time consuming and frustrating. Loved reading your "random thought" section this week!

  10. Ouch! I'm so sorry about your tooth!! Happy birthday to your son! That is a wonderful picture of the two of you!!

  11. Wood burning fire ... ;-) I agree with that memory.
    I love all the photos ... family is a gift!


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