Showing posts with label wednesday hodgepodge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wednesday hodgepodge. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Red, White & Blue Hodgepodge


These are indeed perilous times and like Elon Musk boldly declared, this could be the last national democratic election if we elect the wrong party that supports Marxist policies.  Don't sit back and let others decide your future and that of your country and family for you.

Ok, that's my sermon for the day.  Now, go to Joyce's blog HERE, and see how she answered her own questions. 

1. Monday was National Apple Day...did you eat an apple or enjoy something made with apples on Monday? Do you like apples? Do you prefer your apples raw, baked, or in cider? Do you have a favorite variety of apple?

I am not a big apple eater and prefer my apples in a cider or cut up small in a Waldorf Salad.

2. Do you think there's any truth to the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Of the following healthy habits which do you find easiest to incorporate into your life and which is the most difficult for you to adopt-

adequate sleep, a balanced diet, plenty of water, eat breakfast, don't smoke, exercise, limit alcohol,  include fruits and vegetables in your diet, manage stress, limit screen time

I don't think the saying has particular relevance; however, I do try to incorporate all the above healthy habits in leu of eating an apple every day.  Getting adequate sleep is always a challenge for me as I deal with insomnia, and eating a balanced diet is getting harder for us because our desire for food is ever changing as we get older and older.

We try to include some fruits and veggies during the week; I don't have a lot of stress in my life but seem to manage what little might rear its ugly head, with prayer and a monthly massage.  Now, limiting screen time is still a challenge.  We were without WIFI for a couple days and I realized how much our life revolves around that essential connection to the world.

3. Who taught you how to drive? Do you enjoy driving? Would you rather be the driver or the passenger?  Do you have a favorite scenic drive near you? 

My dad taught me to drive and was an excellent and patient teacher.  I love to drive and am the primary driver.  I much prefer to be the driver at all times.  We don't have a favorite scenic drive near us, because all scenic drives can only be accessed by miles and miles of horrific city traffic.  Once out of the DFW Metroplex, there are beautiful drives in all directions if you don't mind wide-open Texas spaces.

4. What small habit has had a big impact on your life?

I'm not sure how big an impact it has had on my life except to alleviate stress, but I do not allow clutter.  There is a place for everything and nothing is left laying around.

5. Tell us about something nice that happened to you recently.

We had our Ladies Bible Study yesterday then went to lunch together.  These are the most godly women and such a blessing to me.  They are fun, encouraging, inspirational and simply a group of beautiful ladies.  It just doesn't get much nicer than that.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 


There are already issues with voting machines in GA, TN and TX, so ask for a paper ballot and make sure it is registered before leaving.  And, be sure to thank the senior adult volunteers who are giving their valuable time to insure we have a safe and secure place to carry out our patriotic duty.

VOTE EARLY!These are indeed perilous times and like Elon Musk boldly declared, this could be the last national democratic election if we elect the wrong party that supports Marxist policies.  Don't sit back and let others decide your future and that of your country and family for you.Ok, that's my sermon for the day.  Now, go to Joyce's blog HERE, and see how she answered her own questions.  1. Monday was National Apple Day...did you eat an apple or enjoy something made with apples on Monday?...

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Walk in the Fall Park

It is back to the Hodgepodge this week.  Check out how Joyce answers her own questions HERE

1. Thursday is National Walk To A Park Day. I know these celebratory days are mostly made up, but some are fun to think about. Do you live close enough to a park to walk to one on Thursday? Will you? The most famous park in the world is Central Park located in NYC. Have you ever been to Central Park? What did you think? If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to see?

 Yes, I am close enough to walk to the Arbor Hill Nature Preserve, but I choose to do my walking inside the beautiful natural trails and not on the streets to get there.  I will not be going there on Thursday, although a 6 a.m. walk would be wonderful.

I have never been to Central Park in NYC.

2. Something you've done recently that turned out to be a 'walk in the park'?

I haven't done anything lately out of the ordinary that was a challenge.


3. Can you parallel park? Do you have to do this often where you live? 

Yes, I can.  No, I don't have to do it often; however, there were several little Lake Michigan towns that we visited earlier in the year that required parallel parking.  I managed to get my big SUV in the space quite well.

4. The colors of, brown, russet, golden bronze, golden yellow, purplish red, light tan, crimson, orange red, and scarlet. Are these colors you like to wear? Is this your season in terms of color? What about your home? Would we see these tones in your home decorating?

Oh yes, these are my comfort colors and very evident in my closet.  They are also in my fall decorations right now.  I showed some of my favorite home decor on a blog this week that can be found HERE

5. What part of history do you find most interesting? Elaborate.

I love studying Biblical history.  The study of how God's plan for His people never changed even when they were a rebellious, sinful people and they experienced His wrath.  I especially enjoy studying about the Kings during that time and how they relate to the prophets and Jewish people.  After a period of silence, God through His Son, Jesus entered history to bring the redemption and the completion of all the Old Testament teachings.  Such a beautiful story.  It is also very relevant to what is going on in this day and time.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

These are a couple favorite items in my house that reflect my comfort colors year round and are repeated in other rooms.


It is back to the Hodgepodge this week.  Check out how Joyce answers her own questions HERE 1. Thursday is National Walk To A Park Day. I know these celebratory days are mostly made up, but some are fun to think about. Do you live close enough to a park to walk to one on Thursday? Will you? The most famous park in the world is Central Park located in NYC. Have you ever been to Central Park? What did you think? If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to see? Yes, I am close enough to w...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Reasons to Celebrate on the Hodgepodge

Today marks our 59th year of marriage.  On Monday night we celebrated with some sweet friends who were married exactly one day earlier than us in 1965.  Monday was also Dick's 84th birthday, so we all celebrated with delicious Key Lime Pie, compliments of Pappadeaux's.  Before going out for dinner, we saw the movie, "Reagan" which I highly recommend if you haven't already seen it.  Oh for the days of articulation, courage, determination and common sense.

Now, let's see what questions Joyce has given us to ponder this week on the Hodgepodge.

1. Something you're working on currently?

I am still working my way through a chronological reading of the Bible.  I have gotten bogged down due to travels so am a bit behind on my schedule.  Hubby keeps reminding me that it won't change or go away, so don't fret.  I'm trying.

I am always working on the HOA monthly newsletter.  That is an on-going project for sure.

2. Tell us something about your first job? Was it a positive or negative experience for you? Did your parents insist you work while in school (either high school or college) or did you work because you wanted to?

My first job was gift wrapping during the Christmas holiday at the finest department store in the nearest town - Wellans Department Store in Alexandria, La.  The first day was totally negative because the lady in charge was a slave driver and wanted every corner crisp, a minimum of tape used, and every bow perfect  I finally met all her requirements and enjoyed the job thereafter.  My parents never insisted I work while in school, but did encourage me to help a widow lady with her yard work one hot summer.

3. Have you ever had a job that required overnight travel? How did you feel about that? Have you ever had a job that required you to wear a uniform? Do you work better in the morning or at night?

Yes, as an Administrative Assistant and later as Chief Facilities Officer in the La. Technical College system, I was required to travel quite a bit to attend overnight meetings and conferences.  At times it was frustrating because those in the southern part of the state seemed to think the distance from south to north was much further than from north to south; therefore scheduling all the required meetings in the south.  I never had to wear a uniform.  I work better at night.

4. What's something you bake or cook that is labor intensive? Is it worth it?

NOTHING!  If a recipe calls for more than 2-3 steps, forget it.

5. One thing you're looking forward to in the month of September? 

We have already taken a 3-day road trip to Central Texas Hill Country to celebrate Dick's 84th birthday and our 59th wedding anniversary.  It was a great trip.

Dick will be performing the wedding for a special couple in a couple weeks.  She is the granddaughter of one of our best friends, and the fifth wedding in this family for him to do.

Hopefully, the beginning of Fall in North Central Texas.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We had the wedding of our granddaughter, Savannah the end of July that you may remember me mentioning.  Below are a few of my favorite pictures.

Today marks our 59th year of marriage.  On Monday night we celebrated with some sweet friends who were married exactly one day earlier than us in 1965.  Monday was also Dick's 84th birthday, so we all celebrated with delicious Key Lime Pie, compliments of Pappadeaux's.  Before going out for dinner, we saw the movie, "Reagan" which I highly recommend if you haven't already seen it.  Oh for the days of articulation, courage, determination and common sense.Now, let's see what questions Joyce has g...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Fun Way to Spend the Hodgepodge

After driving 5 1/2 hours this morning, taking a much needed nap, catching up on some much needed computer work, I still was able to find enough time to visit with Joyce for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Thank you Joyce for asking some fun questions this week that didn't require too much brain power that happens to be in short supply for me right now.

1.  What's the last thing you completely overreacted to?

I don't normally overreact to anything as I am pretty temperate and controlled.  Now, this does not mean I don't get mad, frustrated or experience the desire to hit, strangle or back over an individual(s) at times.  Having just spent 13 hours in the car on major interstate highways and listened to news reports some of that time, I experienced all of the above at one time or another.

Another activity that causes a degree of stress is completing the E-check-in for an upcoming doctor's visit.  Am I the only one who wants to say, "most of these questions are none of you #$%^& business"?  I just finished answering 5 out of 5 online questionnaires that could easily have been answered with that one response.

2.  Your top five snacks?

Before yesterday I would have said Costco's Trail Mix is my #1.  That was before a bad overlooked cavity in a molar responsible for chewing, was found and filled.  That one will now be marked off the list.
#2.  Grapes & cheddar cheese squares
#3.  A bite of chocolate
#4.  Banana w/Peanut Butter
#5.  Glass of chocolate milk 

3.  What smell always brings back some type of memory?  Elaborate.

A woodburning fire brings back memories of when our children were home and our family enjoyed evenings together.  It also stirs those memories of helping Hubby cut and stack wood for burning.  Yes, those were good days.

4.  What's something you learned from the last book you read?

The last book I read was Jeremiah in the Bible where he wrote in Chapter 4:3-4 that the unplowed ground where thorns and thistles grow (our hardened heart and disobedience) are to be broken up and planted with good seeds (faithful living in obedience).  He also followed that with this verse.  "Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, remove the foreskin of your hearts."  This simply means, purify, get clean, get rid of anything that comes before your relationship with a Holy God.  In other words we are being told to ready, prepare ourselves for what it takes for spiritual renewal and a life of obedience to all that Almighty God has called us to be and do.

5.  What's the next thing on your to-buy list?  Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?

Our old Keurig machine has gone on the blink and since Hubby is the coffee drinker in the family, we need to get him a coffee maker soon.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

This past Sunday afternoon we spent the most delightful time with a special young lady from a previous city and church.  Dick and I adopted Bonnie as another granddaughter several years ago.  After life changes to all of us, we have gone four years without seeing her until this week.  What a delightful time of catching up and sharing what God has done and is still doing in her beautiful life.  We love you, Bonnie.

On Monday, Dick and I drove to Little Rock, AR to see our nephew and the best dentist in the country, Lee Wyant and his wife Jacqueline.  We also got to visit with his son, Clay.  Jacqueline loves to cook and prepared a most delicious meal that didn't challenge the new filling in my mouth.  Thank you for your warm hospitality and for a good night's sleep.  We loved our time with you.  Nothing like family.

And, this handsome young man will be celebrating his 55th birthday tomorrow, the 22nd.  John has always and continues to bring such joy to our lives.  We cannot love you more or be more proud of the godly man you are, and the husband, father and grandfather you have become, John.  You are loved big!

After driving 5 1/2 hours this morning, taking a much needed nap, catching up on some much needed computer work, I still was able to find enough time to visit with Joyce for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Thank you Joyce for asking some fun questions this week that didn't require too much brain power that happens to be in short supply for me right now. 1.  What's the last thing you completely overreacted to?I don't normally overreact to anything as I am pretty temperate and controlled.  Now, thi...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A Summer Lighthouse Hodgepodge

Joining Joyce for another Wednesday Hodgepodge.

From this Side of the Pond

1.  What's a task you do on a regular (or semi-regular basis) that feels like it should be an Olympic event?

I know this sounds silly, but I recently tore my right rotor cuff, so using the vacuum cleaner is a challenge.  I wouldn't seriously classify it as an Olympic event but it is a challenge. 

2.  What's in the trunk of your car right now?

We have an SUV so the 3rd row of seats are usually folded so there is a lot of space.  Right now, there is nothing but a hidden pair of jumper cables.  As we are visiting our Indiana family, right now the trunk is empty until we reload it on Thursday.

3.  Summer foods vs. fall foods...which do you prefer?

There really isn't a difference in how we eat, except we do eat more soups in the fall.

    Would you rather - watermelon or caramel apple?  iced coffee or pumpkin spiced latte?  potato salad or sweet potato casserolebarbecued ribs or roast turkey?  ice cream sandwich or apple pie?  corn on the cob or candy corn?

4.  August 7th is National Lighthouse Day.  Have you visited any lighthouses?

Yes, we love to visit lighthouses and visited two along Lake Michigan last week.

This was found in Charlevoix, MI, a delightful town that we want to visit again.

This may have become our favorite.  We found this one at the end of a very rural road in Silver Lake, MI.  It was built of red bricks in the late 1800's.  I did a blog post this week on this trip HERE.

  Do you have a favorite?

See above.  We do have another favorite that we have visited several times in South Harbor, MI.

It is spectacular during the winter when it is covered in ice.

Not my photo

  Is a lighthouse something you seek out if you're visiting an area known for theirs?

Yes, we delight in seeking out lighthouses when we know there is one near where we're visiting.  And then, we love finding one by surprise such as last week.

5.  Light at the end of the tunnel, out like a light, give the green light, a lightbulb moment, in a new light, in the limelight...of the 'light' idioms listed which applies in some way to your life lately?  Explain.

"In the limelight" probably best fits our past couple of weeks.  Our granddaughter #3 was married in a beautiful ceremony on July 27 in Three Oaks, MI.  She definitely has been in the limelight and rightly so.  She was the most elegant, stunning, graceful, and beautiful, happy bride.  These two pictures speak for themselves.

Rehearsal Dinner


6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Last night we took our son and daughter-in-law out for dinner to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary (Aug 13) and John's 55th birthday (Aug 22).  Where have the years gone?  How is this possible?

We have also enjoyed spending time with our great grandson #2, Jax this week.  On Tuesday, we went to the library which he loves to do.  He calls it "books & babies."  Isn't that the cutest!  He loves to be read to and his Mimzy checked out 18 books today.  He will have a lot of reading ahead for sure.  I'm so glad he loves being read to.

Joining Joyce for another Wednesday Hodgepodge. 1.  What's a task you do on a regular (or semi-regular basis) that feels like it should be an Olympic event?I know this sounds silly, but I recently tore my right rotor cuff, so using the vacuum cleaner is a challenge.  I wouldn't seriously classify it as an Olympic event but it is a challenge. 2.  What's in the trunk of your car right now?We have an SUV so the 3rd row of seats are usually folded so there is a lot of space.  Right now, there is n...

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A July Hodgepodge


Our church singing "Salute to the Armed Forces"

I am joining Joyce who hosts the Wednesday Hodgepodge each week on her blog From This Side of the Pond.

1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday.

Our plans at this time are to go to the "All American 4th" music and fireworks event on a local college campus in the early evening.  It will be sweltering as temperatures here are exceeding 100 degrees, but we're hoping for shade and a breeze.  Of course these plans are subject to change.  As for the actual 4th of July, we will be home and having our own quiet celebration.

We may also go to Music in the Park for a Patriotic Band Concert on the 3rd.

We went with friends last week and it was so much fun.

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert?

We don't do a lot of desserts, but we do like a homemade ice cream recipe we call "Lemon Fluff."  It is made from sto-bought vanilla ice cream, sweetened condensed milk and frozen lemonade.  This is a long-time family favorite and so refreshing this time of year.

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?

My feeling of patriotism and loyalty to my country isn't conditional on the political climate or a recent debacled debate.  Now, my being pleased with what is going on in this country is getting harder and harder to experience.  In fact, I find it all very sad and discouraging most of the time.

What makes me proud to be a citizen of this country is the fact that we can still celebrate the freedoms so many fought and died for through these 200 years.  I am proud that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles that formed the very foundation and guiding declarations of this country.  I pray that these will again be the guiding force for future generations, though that seems doubtful at this time as there are no moral principles guiding our nation anymore.  Only God knows what is ahead for America!

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song?

  • Sands of Iwo Jima
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Black Hawk Down
Favorite Patriotic Song:    National Anthem & God Bless America

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

We don't need a July bucket list because our calendar is quiet full of pleasurable things.  We have several dates planned for simple fun times with friends; we will be grand-dog sitting while our Dallas family is on our church's youth choir/mission trip in Hawaii; the youth concert when they return; and to top it all off is a trip to Michigan for our granddaughter #3's wedding.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

One thing that has been on my bucket list is to visit the French Lick Hotel and Resort in southwest Indiana.  Several months ago I read an article about it's history and transformation.  This captivated my interest not only in history but in architecture.

Being that we were going to be in Indiana in late July following the big wedding, and had the time, we decided it wasn't enough to just make a detour to see it, we wanted to spend a night in this historic and beautiful place.

One of the must sees is the gorgeous dome and completely refurbished interior and massive columns.

I can't wait to share this trip with you in August.

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!Our church singing "Salute to the Armed Forces" I am joining Joyce who hosts the Wednesday Hodgepodge each week on her blog From This Side of the Pond.1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday.Our plans at this time are to go to the...

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Simply a Special Father

Happy Father's Day, Dick!

1. June 12 is National Simplicity Day. In what way is your life simple? What's one way that it's not?

I had never heard of this, so looked it up and found the following:

"The theme for this year is ‘Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities.' This year's theme implies that an individual should focus on their life on fulfilling the necessities by not wasting money on unnecessary objects."

Our lifestyle is simple in that we live fairly frugally while also enjoying life to the fullest.  We don't deny ourselves anything, so I guess it boils down to our needs and desires are pretty simple.

2. Something you remember from a 'simpler time'?

Simpler times were when we were perfectly content with what we had, and never thought to compare what we didn't have with others.  When I was a child in the 50's, there was no economic difference in our village - we were all poor but didn't know it.  We enjoyed simple things such as playing outside all day, playing games and reading at night, going on picnics and spending time with friends.  We were creative and enjoyed meals around the table every night.  Simple, but quality times.

3. Do you like squash? If so what's your favorite variety? What's a favorite way to prepare squash?

Yes, I do like squash and prefer yellow and zucchini smothered with onions.


4. Do you shop the warehouse stores (such as Costco, Sam's B.J's, etc)? If so how often do you go, and what's something you always buy in this type of store?

We have become so spoiled since moving to Plano, TX.  There is a Costco less than two miles from our house and a Sam's about 15 minutes away.  We go to Costco as often as we think of something we need or want.  We also use the pharmacy there, so that gives us plenty of excuses to visit.

There are specific things we get at each warehouse store such as individually packaged chicken breast and meat patties at Sam's.  Costco has the best chicken salad, Trail Mix, fresh veggies and fruit, plus a variety of frozen prepared veggies.  Also, we get our organic eggs there, and the list goes on.

5. Father's Day is this coming Sunday. Any plans to make the day special? Tell us something about your own father, or something about your hubs as a father, or about someone who stepped into your life and acted as a father if yours was not a part of your life. 

We may go to our daughter's for lunch after church, but no other plans than to just enjoy the day together.

My dad was a "gentle giant" and a prince of a godly man.  He was our hero in every respect and still is, not only to my sister and me but to all his grandchildren as well.  I am also so grateful for my children's father who has been a godly influence and leader in our family.

Happy Heavenly Father's Day, Daddy!

6. Insert your own random thought here.


Happy Father's Day, Dick! 1. June 12 is National Simplicity Day. In what way is your life simple? What's one way that it's not?I had never heard of this, so looked it up and found the following:"The theme for this year is ‘Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities.' This year's theme implies that an individual should focus on their life on fulfilling the necessities by not wasting money on unnecessary objects."Our lifestyle is simple in that we live fairly frugally while also...

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

An Excited Hodgepodge

Joyce posts the questions on her blog From This Side of the Pond and we answer them on our blog each Wednesday.  Thank you for joining me this week.

1. What's a talent you wish you had? 

I would love to play the piano like my friend, Sarabeth.  But since there is no one like her, that is only a dream.

2. In one word, what's your state of mind right now?

Excited !  (See #6)

3. What's the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year?

A new vehicle and hopefully it will happen this month. 

4. Tuesday (April 2nd) was National PB and J Day...did you celebrate? Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich something you eat weekly or more? What's your favorite kind of jelly?

I did not celebrate and wasn't even aware it was PB and J Day.  I do love a good PB & J sandwich though and would  eat one on a weekly basis for sure, if it weren't so fattening.  The only jelly to eat with PB is grape.  Otherwise, my favorite is peach. 

5. Are you easily intimidated? Who or what intimidates you?

I am not easily intimidated, and there isn't anyone that I know who intimidates me.  However, I could be intimidated were I in a room with highly skilled mathematicians or scholars and expected to compete. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Why am I excited?  Our son and daughter-in-law fly in Wednesday morning for a several day visit with us.  We can hardly wait.  Also, this Saturday, our first great grandson will have his 2nd birthday and his mother will turn another year older on Monday and we get to celebrate them both on Sunday.  Those are all good things to look forward to and reasons to be excited.

Joyce posts the questions on her blog From This Side of the Pond and we answer them on our blog each Wednesday.  Thank you for joining me this week. 1. What's a talent you wish you had? I would love to play the piano like my friend, Sarabeth.  But since there is no one like her, that is only a dream.2. In one word, what's your state of mind right now?Excited !  (See #6)3. What's the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year?A new vehicle and hopefully it will h...