Because Kate Middleton is living the Disney princess life we all
learned about as kids: she had humble beginnings, met a handsome prince, had a
fairy tale wedding, became famous, and now attends glamorous events in
beautiful, amazing clothes. Later, she’ll get to live in a palace and wear a
But she’s doing it in such a friendly, fashionable, down-to-earth way that we
can’t help but like her. She sweeps and cleans like Snow White and Cinderella.
She’s smart and adventurous like Belle and Jasmine. She’s athletic and strong
like Pocahontas and Mulan.
We feel like we know this girl, like we grew up with her, like we could laugh
and swap stories over a cup of tea or a bottle of wine. She’s pretty, funny, and
makes Prince William laugh, and we get the sense that unlike Charles and Diana’s
marriage, this one is based on love and respect instead of image and duty.
In short, we CARE about Kate Middleton, and because she always dresses so
nicely, we want to see what she wears to the next ball, and the next one, and
the next – and, God Bless her, she “gets” it and doesn’t disappoint. She doesn’t
even need a Fairy Godmother to whip up a couture creation (although a few have
done so on occasion); no, she’ll buy stuff right off the rack from High Street
stores just like a “normal” person and look smashing regardless of the label or
price point.
THAT is the true “Kate Effect,” in my opinion: her ability to move up and
down the social hierarchy with as much ease as she shops discount or couture,
and make it look SO easy, we can’t help but be impressed. She’ll have a pint at
the pub, hang with cowboys in Calgary, rub elbows in Hollywood, and have tea
with the Queen. Then she’ll go home, do a grocery run, cook dinner for her
husband, and walk the dog.
She’s totally normal – yet ridiculously elite – all at the same time.

Glamor Girl

Average Girl
Which is why so many watch her every move. They want to “Be like Kate.”
And if you look beyond the labels and the glamour and steal some of her
habits, you might enjoy similar success.
Say what?!
Let’s be clear: Kate Middleton did NOT get where she is today by luck
or happenstance. She makes it look easy, but the reality is that she’s a clever,
ambitious woman who was raised by a clever, ambitious woman, and if you study
the Middleton family’s success, you’ll see that it IS possible to go from
average to extraordinary – even within the confines of the rigid British social
You just have to know which rules to follow – and which to break – in order
to get what you want.
Here are seven of Kate Middleton’s success secrets that have turned her into
a global phenomenon — and could possibly do the same for you. She:
1. Works Hard
Kate was born in a mid-sized town to middle class parents working as flight
attendants. When Kate and her siblings were little, Carole Middleton started a
party supply mail order company called
Party Pieces from the kitchen table.
Homebased startups require A LOT of effort, a family effort, so Kate helped out
by keeping house, watching her siblings, filling orders, packing boxes, etc. She
is no stranger to long hours and hard work, and still prefers the DIY method for
most things these days, including grocery shopping and keeping house.
Habit: Hard work is appreciated everywhere in the
world; laziness is not.
2. Has a Plan
While William and Kate have not shared their 2, 5, or 10 year plans
with the world, it’s clear that they have them and are working through their
lists. Whereas Charles once complained that, “He should have had two wives, one
to work either side of the crowd while he directed things from the middle,”
William and Kate work the crowds together, have fun together, and clearly have a
distinct direction in which they want to take the monarchy. When William’s away
attending to military duties, Kate sees to their public engagements alone; she
doesn’t wander and drift and get into trouble like Sarah Ferguson did when
Andrew was away. No, Kate holds down the fort and keeps things in order,
according to their plans.
Habit: Failing to plan means you’re planning to
fail. Figure out where you want to go, and then determine the necessary steps to
get there.
3. Sticks to a Budget
Kate still practices a lot of the budget-conscious ways she learned as a
girl, much to the shock and surprise of “the establishment.” While many royal
brides have spent recklessly on clothes and jewels – both Wallis Simpson and
Princess Diana come to mind – Kate does not. She may have worn an £80,000
bespoke gown for her wedding, but she typically keeps her purchases in the
£50-£500 range, and wears the same clothes several times. She’s even been known
to swap clothes with her mother, and doesn’t really care whether it’s reported
in the press. She still looks great regardless.
Habit: Wealth comes from saving, not spending. Live
below your means, regardless of your income.
4. Is Likeable
One of the most remarked-upon things at the Royal Wedding was the diversity
of guests at the church. Royals, rock stars, and celebrities sat alongside
William and Kate’s middle-class friends, school mates, and neighbors. Once upon
a time, that would have been unheard of in royal circles. For William and Kate,
it’s par for the course. They get along with everyone all along the social
strata, which is why they’re as popular as they are.
Habit: Be likeable. If you don’t feel comfortable
talking to certain types of people, read a copy of
How to Win Friends and
Influence People by Dale Carnegie, do what it says, and watch your
income grow.
5. Has Connections
Influential families have always sent their kids to expensive schools. Which
is why one of the first things Carole Middleton did with her business income was
to send her children to the best schools she could afford – because the
connections made there last a lifetime, particularly among the British
William and Kate met at college, as did Pippa Middleton and her
current beau, George Percy, the heir to the Duke of Norththumberland. The
Norththumberland title is one of the oldest in England, and the family castle –
Alnwick – is the one used for Hogwart’s in the
Harry Potter films. If
Pippa should marry George, the middle-class Middleton sisters would have come
from nowhere to marry two of the most powerful men in England.
Edith Wharton would swoon.
Habit: Expand your social circle. If your current
friends and associates don’t move in the circles in which you’d like to move, it
might be time for a change. Change jobs, change neighborhoods, or change your
children’s schools. It could do wonders for your income and future.
6. Dresses for Success
Kate Middleton has been both praised and criticized for her fashion
style. While the fashion forward think she dresses too conservatively, the
“average” woman loves how she looks…which is why they’re running right out to
buy what she wears. Her style appeals to a wide range of people, whereas an
extreme look would be off-putting. What’s more, Kate’s mastered
the secrets of other style
icons, like dressing in her best shapes and colors, while also paying homage
to people and places. Wearing the colors of the Canadian flag, Kate paired her
engagement photo cream dress with a red maple leaf hat and the Queen’s diamond
maple leaf brooch for Canada Day during their Canadian tour last summer. It’s a
perfect example of her fashion savvy.
7. Understands She’s a Role Model
With so many people “projecting” themselves into her life, Kate knows
she’s a role model to millions of people and takes the role very seriously.
While the ever-present paparazzi can be a trial to any celebrity – particularly
one with such a world-wide following – she still manages to make it look easy by
smiling and being friendly. No foul language, no bad behavior, no nasty Tweets
or Facebook posts, no early morning coffee runs in sweats and no makeup. In
fact, the only “racy” picture you’ll ever find of Kate was the time she wore a
sheer dress at a college fashion show before she and William started dating.
Compare that to every other celebrity you’ve seen, or to any reality show on
television that requires constant bleeping for all the bad language.
Habit: THINK before you do ANYTHING. We’re not
perfect, we all make mistakes, we all do stupid stuff we wish we could take back
later. But if you think through the potential impact of your words, emails,
tweets, posts, behavior, etc. – BEFORE you do them, you’ll have a lot less to
regret or explain later. If you want a following, BE SOMEONE TO FOLLOW.
Now I know some of you might be saying, “Well, who couldn’t do all
that stuff if you had Kate’s friends and income?”
Remember, she didn’t always have them. The Middleton money is new. They got
it by following the 7 habits listed above, and it’s paid them handsomely.
Just as it will for you.
Start with what you have, set goals on where you want go, and start working your plan.
Remember: you have what you have because of the
decisions you’ve made. If you want a different outcome, make different
Start projecting yourself into a more successful life, and you may be
surprised by just how quickly you can “be like Kate” and have a Kate-like effect
of your own.

Diana Pemberton is an author and fashion blogger who’s been helping
women online dress better since 2000. Ready to add some Kate Middleton style?
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