Welcome to what appears to be the first real Autumn Wednesday Hodgepodge where I live. It is truly a gorgeous day after having 24 hours of thunderstorms yesterday and a lovely cool front. Glorious!
1. In two or three sentences describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
If you have never met me, then I would be the 5'6" tall slim, soon-to-be 78 year old woman, who hopefully doesn't look her age. Also hopefully I would appear approachable, attractive and someone you would like to know. I am a daughter of the King, wife of 57 years, mother of a son and daughter, grandmother of 7 and great grandmother of 2.
2. Will you celebrate Halloween this year, and if so tell us how?
No, the only celebration at our house near Halloween is my birthday the next day, Nov 1.
Let's play this or that-chocolate candy or fruity candy? Chocolate candy
Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie? Pumpkin Pie (as a last resort)
Halloween party or scary movie? Neither
Hay ride or corn maze? If I were still a teenager it would definitely be a hay ride in the country.
Carve a pumpkin or paint a pumpkin? Not interested in either at this point.
3. What's something that scared you when you were young? Are you still afraid?
I think my greatest fear was failure. No, after having failed and survived repeatedly, it is no longer a fear.
4. Your favorite soothing drink?
My soothing hot cup of Mystic Chia every morning
5. Are you thinking about Christmas yet? Does this make you feel happy or stressed?
Yes, I have been thinking about it, and in fact have already made some of our travel arrangements to Northern Indiana for Christmas. Also, we have decided that from now on our gift giving will be concentrated on the two Great Grandsons. Thankfully, the parents will be making gift option suggestions which will simplify the process. Planning ahead always makes me happy.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Speaking of those adorable baby boys!
3 month old Jax made his first trip to the pumpkin patch last week. And by the way, the cute monogramed 3-6 mth old outfit I gave him pre-birth does NOT fit. He is going to be a tall big boy like his daddy.

Aunt Cassidy has declared that 6 month old Landon is the "avocado to her toast" for an early Halloween party last week.
Yes, I agree! We are greatly blessed.