I could not agree more with Joyce that January has literally flown by. And what do I have to show for it? A whole bunch in fact, but I'll limit my list to two.
For starters, our granddaughter, Cassidy has returned from her month-long visit to Paris, Morocco (where she spent a night in the Sahara), Barcelona and Budapest. Praise the Lord for her safe return!
And, our youngest Grand, Ava Grace attended her school's annual Daddy Daughter Dance. They have shared this special night together since Kindergarten.
Now, let's see what questions Joyce has for us today on the Wednesday Hodgepodge
1. Speaking of endings....at your wit's end, at loose ends, a dead end, burn the candle at both ends, all's well that end's well, or no end in sight...which 'end' phrase might best be applied to your life lately? Explain.
Quite frankly, I am having a hard time applying any of those to my life right now. I will go with no end in sight as I started a new workout program this morning, and Dick and I are trying really hard to stay with the Pritikin Health Plan. When it comes to trying to stay healthy, there really is no end in sight. Or better yet, you keep doing it until the end.
Brooches and gloves
These are a few of my little pins from the 50's. A little lady must have at least one appropriate pin.
And even in the early 60's, an evening gown or suit were not complete without gloves. That's me on the far left.
The prospect of being able to shop with an Indiana granddaughter for her prom dress via Face Time.
4. January 30th is National Croissant Day. Do you like croissants? Sweet or savory? We're having chicken salad for lunch...would you rather have yours served on a croissant, a wrap, a bagel, bread, or a roll of some sort?
We aren't eating bread and I should eat the salad by itself, but I would sure hate to hurt anyone's feelings. So, I will make the sacrifice and have my salad on a fresh croissant.
5. Sum up your January in fifteen words or less.
You began with a snowy white bang up north and are closing with the promise of spring in the south.
(Sorry, that's 20 words)
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with Ann Voskamp, the author of "One Thousand Gifts" and blogger of "A Holy Experience."
Yesterday, her post was one of the most stirring I've read. You can find it at the link below:
Ann has been in Rwanda and has written about her experiences there. This particular post asks the question,
Why Every Girl (and her dreams) Counts — and what happens if they don’t

It so touched my heart that I felt led to sponsor a child through the
Whether you feel led to do this or not after reading this blog post, you will see your child or grandchild differently and know how very blessed they are.