Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Walk in the Fall Park

It is back to the Hodgepodge this week.  Check out how Joyce answers her own questions HERE

1. Thursday is National Walk To A Park Day. I know these celebratory days are mostly made up, but some are fun to think about. Do you live close enough to a park to walk to one on Thursday? Will you? The most famous park in the world is Central Park located in NYC. Have you ever been to Central Park? What did you think? If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to see?

 Yes, I am close enough to walk to the Arbor Hill Nature Preserve, but I choose to do my walking inside the beautiful natural trails and not on the streets to get there.  I will not be going there on Thursday, although a 6 a.m. walk would be wonderful.

I have never been to Central Park in NYC.

2. Something you've done recently that turned out to be a 'walk in the park'?

I haven't done anything lately out of the ordinary that was a challenge.


3. Can you parallel park? Do you have to do this often where you live? 

Yes, I can.  No, I don't have to do it often; however, there were several little Lake Michigan towns that we visited earlier in the year that required parallel parking.  I managed to get my big SUV in the space quite well.

4. The colors of, brown, russet, golden bronze, golden yellow, purplish red, light tan, crimson, orange red, and scarlet. Are these colors you like to wear? Is this your season in terms of color? What about your home? Would we see these tones in your home decorating?

Oh yes, these are my comfort colors and very evident in my closet.  They are also in my fall decorations right now.  I showed some of my favorite home decor on a blog this week that can be found HERE

5. What part of history do you find most interesting? Elaborate.

I love studying Biblical history.  The study of how God's plan for His people never changed even when they were a rebellious, sinful people and they experienced His wrath.  I especially enjoy studying about the Kings during that time and how they relate to the prophets and Jewish people.  After a period of silence, God through His Son, Jesus entered history to bring the redemption and the completion of all the Old Testament teachings.  Such a beautiful story.  It is also very relevant to what is going on in this day and time.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

These are a couple favorite items in my house that reflect my comfort colors year round and are repeated in other rooms.


Monday, October 7, 2024

Loving My Fall Home

Doesn't everyone love fall decor?

If you're like me, we wait for September or, if you can put it off, October to put out those favorite little touches that remind us of autumn and cooler days to come.

My touches seem to get less and less every year; however, I need my favorites where I can see them and feel at home.  So, let me share these favorites with you.

This simple little grouping on our round table holds my little velvet pumpkins and a fall-scented candle.

I love the combination of these beautiful glass pumpkins with the heirloom antique books and Bibles.  The mixed texture and color contrasts speak to me and bring warmth to my otherwise cold stone fireplace.

The other end of the mantel is anchored with this more colorful grouping.

In a corner of the living room is this round table that is seasonally dressed for fall.  The plaid drape repeats the colors from the mantel and adds its own warmth to the room.

Baskets bring their own touch of fall to your decor and this faux fall arrangement is a favorite to use in various groupings.  I love the touch of this sweet little tea cup and saucer, a gift from a dear friend several years ago.  It's things like this that make a house a home.

The touch of teal is complimentary and breaks up the browns and oranges while bringing interest to the white sofa.  This color also repeats teal colors in original paintings on the walls.  

This snuggly throw was made by a favorite aunt many years ago and brings warm color to my little sofa in the sunroom.  I love throw pillows and especially these silk embroidery ones that were found at an antique store with my sweet sisters years ago.  It brings back special memories that are important to me.  That's being at home in the space you call home. 

Faux fur and animal prints also help say "Fall Is Here!" and bring a touch of class and warmth to a room.

This sweet vintage dish which contains a handmade candle by my granddaughter, Cassidy will always have a place in my home.  Remember, it doesn't have to be fancy, just meaningful.

So, this is my fall decor and I hope you have gotten a sense of warmth and love from visiting our little place that we love calling "HOME!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

September Happenings in Review

It has been quite a while since I did a family catch-up post.  Since there have been some really exciting happenings during September I feel compelled to share.

On September 2nd, Dick celebrated his 84th birthday, and on the 4th, we celebrated our 59th wedding anniversary.  Although next year will be the biggie for both of us, this is still a milestone.

On September 24 we were blessed to welcome into the world, our 4th great grandchild and first great girl, Navy Grace.  Weighing in at 8lb. 4oz., she is a beautiful, healthy baby.  Of course, we welcomed her from a distance since she is in Indiana and we're in Texas.  She is a doll and her mother says the spitting image of her big brother, Jax.

Her other Great Grandmother was blessed to meet her and I think this is the sweetest picture of brother and sister.  Navy was born one day before Ann Mary's birthday.  So special.

Granddaughter #6, Ava Grace, a HS senior, is already having a fun and busy year.  We can't believe our youngest is already thinking about colleges.  They had homecoming this past weekend and she was asked to sing the National Anthem.  She did an amazing job and of course had her own cheering section.  You may not be aware of the Texas HS tradition of carnation overload for homecoming dates.  

Sweet Landon wanted to be his aunt's date but the one who could drive won out.

Also this month, our world traveler, Cassidy and now a new resident of Athens, Greece, was officially united with Athens native, Angelos.

We call him our real-life Greek god.  Welcome to the family, grandson-in-love #4.

A boy and his dog - Landon & Samson.  Is this not the cutest!

And that about sums up the September highlights on this first day of October.  Life just gets sweeter and sweeter.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

I'm Aging - What Now?

I recently saw someone's blog heading that made me pause.  She asked, "You're what?"  It's as if she had read my mind and repeated the question I had been dealing with.  Now what?

On November 1st, I will hit the big 80.  Achieving that number used to mean that women were ancient and condemned to days spent in a rocking chair knitting afghans for her great grandkids.  That won't ever be me, but what does it mean for me to be "old"?  Am I ancient or was that just from a child's perspective?

Everyone handles aging in different ways.  Some ignore it and are suddenly shocked when they can no longer do those things they thought would never change.  Others fight it every step of the way with workouts, smoothies, facelifts, hairstyles and makeup.  Still others are thankful for each new day and embrace all the changes that come with aging.

While the pursuit of a long and healthy life is to admired, some methods people choose can be unhealthy or even detrimental.  Constantly fighting the aging process can be counterproductive.  By spending so much time trying not to show their age, they miss the years that they have by being unhappy with who they really are.  Acceptance allows for a greater appreciation of life as it is.

This has been my experience with my personal friends who happen to be very close to my age.  Every one of them has come to believe that the most valuable resource regarding aging is acceptance.  None of them have given up on embracing who they are and making the most of the natural beauty they possess, while also enhancing that beauty along with strengthening their minds and body.

Yes, the constant struggles of aging can be stressful.  I recently had to have a hip replacement and now am having knee issues.  All of this means I can no longer walk 5 miles every day or lean over without wondering if I will lose my balance.  Just rolling over in the bed wakes me up sometimes.  I cannot stand to see the crepey skin on my upper arms and the cellulite on my legs.  I wonder how long before I will no longer feel confident driving in Dallas traffic.  Yes, all this can cause stress and fear if we aren't careful.  That's where acceptance comes in.

Paul in one of his epistles wrote, "I have learned to be content in whatever state I find myself."  That is acceptance!  But, it's not just acceptance of whatever state you are in, but it is also embracing that state and knowing God isn't finished with you.  It is acknowledging that yes, I'm not who I used to be and never will be again; however, with God's help, I will be the best me I can be at this stage in my life.

So what now?

Eighty is the new 60!  I am going to see about the knee and get it taken care of so I can resume walking a couple miles every other morning.  I am going to make myself get up early in order to get a good aquatic workout before the sun rises.  I am going to continue taking the best care of my appearance that I possible can and yes, that means coloring my hair and getting a monthly pedicure.  I am going to continue feeding my body with healthy food, and my mind with Bible study and meditation.  I am going to look forward to being with friends and finding encouragement through their company.  I am going to delight in the births of new great grandbabies and achievements of my seven precious grandchildren.  I am going to be grateful for another day and hopefully year(s) with my sweetheart.  We are going to continue traveling and planning road adventures.

There is always something for which to be grateful and something to look forward to in every situation of life.  We just have to look for it and allow God to help us be content in all things new and old.

Come on 80, I am going to make you look good!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Reasons to Celebrate on the Hodgepodge

Today marks our 59th year of marriage.  On Monday night we celebrated with some sweet friends who were married exactly one day earlier than us in 1965.  Monday was also Dick's 84th birthday, so we all celebrated with delicious Key Lime Pie, compliments of Pappadeaux's.  Before going out for dinner, we saw the movie, "Reagan" which I highly recommend if you haven't already seen it.  Oh for the days of articulation, courage, determination and common sense.

Now, let's see what questions Joyce has given us to ponder this week on the Hodgepodge.

1. Something you're working on currently?

I am still working my way through a chronological reading of the Bible.  I have gotten bogged down due to travels so am a bit behind on my schedule.  Hubby keeps reminding me that it won't change or go away, so don't fret.  I'm trying.

I am always working on the HOA monthly newsletter.  That is an on-going project for sure.

2. Tell us something about your first job? Was it a positive or negative experience for you? Did your parents insist you work while in school (either high school or college) or did you work because you wanted to?

My first job was gift wrapping during the Christmas holiday at the finest department store in the nearest town - Wellans Department Store in Alexandria, La.  The first day was totally negative because the lady in charge was a slave driver and wanted every corner crisp, a minimum of tape used, and every bow perfect  I finally met all her requirements and enjoyed the job thereafter.  My parents never insisted I work while in school, but did encourage me to help a widow lady with her yard work one hot summer.

3. Have you ever had a job that required overnight travel? How did you feel about that? Have you ever had a job that required you to wear a uniform? Do you work better in the morning or at night?

Yes, as an Administrative Assistant and later as Chief Facilities Officer in the La. Technical College system, I was required to travel quite a bit to attend overnight meetings and conferences.  At times it was frustrating because those in the southern part of the state seemed to think the distance from south to north was much further than from north to south; therefore scheduling all the required meetings in the south.  I never had to wear a uniform.  I work better at night.

4. What's something you bake or cook that is labor intensive? Is it worth it?

NOTHING!  If a recipe calls for more than 2-3 steps, forget it.

5. One thing you're looking forward to in the month of September? 

We have already taken a 3-day road trip to Central Texas Hill Country to celebrate Dick's 84th birthday and our 59th wedding anniversary.  It was a great trip.

Dick will be performing the wedding for a special couple in a couple weeks.  She is the granddaughter of one of our best friends, and the fifth wedding in this family for him to do.

Hopefully, the beginning of Fall in North Central Texas.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We had the wedding of our granddaughter, Savannah the end of July that you may remember me mentioning.  Below are a few of my favorite pictures.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Fun Way to Spend the Hodgepodge

After driving 5 1/2 hours this morning, taking a much needed nap, catching up on some much needed computer work, I still was able to find enough time to visit with Joyce for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Thank you Joyce for asking some fun questions this week that didn't require too much brain power that happens to be in short supply for me right now.

1.  What's the last thing you completely overreacted to?

I don't normally overreact to anything as I am pretty temperate and controlled.  Now, this does not mean I don't get mad, frustrated or experience the desire to hit, strangle or back over an individual(s) at times.  Having just spent 13 hours in the car on major interstate highways and listened to news reports some of that time, I experienced all of the above at one time or another.

Another activity that causes a degree of stress is completing the E-check-in for an upcoming doctor's visit.  Am I the only one who wants to say, "most of these questions are none of you #$%^& business"?  I just finished answering 5 out of 5 online questionnaires that could easily have been answered with that one response.

2.  Your top five snacks?

Before yesterday I would have said Costco's Trail Mix is my #1.  That was before a bad overlooked cavity in a molar responsible for chewing, was found and filled.  That one will now be marked off the list.
#2.  Grapes & cheddar cheese squares
#3.  A bite of chocolate
#4.  Banana w/Peanut Butter
#5.  Glass of chocolate milk 

3.  What smell always brings back some type of memory?  Elaborate.

A woodburning fire brings back memories of when our children were home and our family enjoyed evenings together.  It also stirs those memories of helping Hubby cut and stack wood for burning.  Yes, those were good days.

4.  What's something you learned from the last book you read?

The last book I read was Jeremiah in the Bible where he wrote in Chapter 4:3-4 that the unplowed ground where thorns and thistles grow (our hardened heart and disobedience) are to be broken up and planted with good seeds (faithful living in obedience).  He also followed that with this verse.  "Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, remove the foreskin of your hearts."  This simply means, purify, get clean, get rid of anything that comes before your relationship with a Holy God.  In other words we are being told to ready, prepare ourselves for what it takes for spiritual renewal and a life of obedience to all that Almighty God has called us to be and do.

5.  What's the next thing on your to-buy list?  Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?

Our old Keurig machine has gone on the blink and since Hubby is the coffee drinker in the family, we need to get him a coffee maker soon.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

This past Sunday afternoon we spent the most delightful time with a special young lady from a previous city and church.  Dick and I adopted Bonnie as another granddaughter several years ago.  After life changes to all of us, we have gone four years without seeing her until this week.  What a delightful time of catching up and sharing what God has done and is still doing in her beautiful life.  We love you, Bonnie.

On Monday, Dick and I drove to Little Rock, AR to see our nephew and the best dentist in the country, Lee Wyant and his wife Jacqueline.  We also got to visit with his son, Clay.  Jacqueline loves to cook and prepared a most delicious meal that didn't challenge the new filling in my mouth.  Thank you for your warm hospitality and for a good night's sleep.  We loved our time with you.  Nothing like family.

And, this handsome young man will be celebrating his 55th birthday tomorrow, the 22nd.  John has always and continues to bring such joy to our lives.  We cannot love you more or be more proud of the godly man you are, and the husband, father and grandfather you have become, John.  You are loved big!