Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Red, White & Blue Hodgepodge


These are indeed perilous times and like Elon Musk boldly declared, this could be the last national democratic election if we elect the wrong party that supports Marxist policies.  Don't sit back and let others decide your future and that of your country and family for you.

Ok, that's my sermon for the day.  Now, go to Joyce's blog HERE, and see how she answered her own questions. 

1. Monday was National Apple Day...did you eat an apple or enjoy something made with apples on Monday? Do you like apples? Do you prefer your apples raw, baked, or in cider? Do you have a favorite variety of apple?

I am not a big apple eater and prefer my apples in a cider or cut up small in a Waldorf Salad.

2. Do you think there's any truth to the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Of the following healthy habits which do you find easiest to incorporate into your life and which is the most difficult for you to adopt-

adequate sleep, a balanced diet, plenty of water, eat breakfast, don't smoke, exercise, limit alcohol,  include fruits and vegetables in your diet, manage stress, limit screen time

I don't think the saying has particular relevance; however, I do try to incorporate all the above healthy habits in leu of eating an apple every day.  Getting adequate sleep is always a challenge for me as I deal with insomnia, and eating a balanced diet is getting harder for us because our desire for food is ever changing as we get older and older.

We try to include some fruits and veggies during the week; I don't have a lot of stress in my life but seem to manage what little might rear its ugly head, with prayer and a monthly massage.  Now, limiting screen time is still a challenge.  We were without WIFI for a couple days and I realized how much our life revolves around that essential connection to the world.

3. Who taught you how to drive? Do you enjoy driving? Would you rather be the driver or the passenger?  Do you have a favorite scenic drive near you? 

My dad taught me to drive and was an excellent and patient teacher.  I love to drive and am the primary driver.  I much prefer to be the driver at all times.  We don't have a favorite scenic drive near us, because all scenic drives can only be accessed by miles and miles of horrific city traffic.  Once out of the DFW Metroplex, there are beautiful drives in all directions if you don't mind wide-open Texas spaces.

4. What small habit has had a big impact on your life?

I'm not sure how big an impact it has had on my life except to alleviate stress, but I do not allow clutter.  There is a place for everything and nothing is left laying around.

5. Tell us about something nice that happened to you recently.

We had our Ladies Bible Study yesterday then went to lunch together.  These are the most godly women and such a blessing to me.  They are fun, encouraging, inspirational and simply a group of beautiful ladies.  It just doesn't get much nicer than that.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 


There are already issues with voting machines in GA, TN and TX, so ask for a paper ballot and make sure it is registered before leaving.  And, be sure to thank the senior adult volunteers who are giving their valuable time to insure we have a safe and secure place to carry out our patriotic duty.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. We never vote early but always vote on the day. This year we're going to vote early...not taking any chances on possibly missing it for any reason on election day. I've never spent any time in Dallas (other than the airport) but have friends there I'd love to see again. Maybe one day. Have a great day!

  2. Right there with you on the Election, Libby! Like Joyce, we'll wait and vote on the day; fortunately, our little precinct never has much wait time.
    Gosh, I'd hardly recognize the DFW metro anymore. Doesn't seem that long ago I'd scoot this way and that without benefit of electronics.

  3. I agree, people need to vote! I'm really worried about this election. May God Bless us with the right choice. We try to eat fruits and vegetables all week too. Limiting screen time is a challenge for me too! Glad you like to drive. I don't mind but our roads are nothing but traffic here in California, no matter what time of day it is. Good for you on taking care of clutter. I am pushing myself to declutter. It's feeling pretty good and I need to keep going. I voted by mail and for the very first time ever I got an email that it was received and counted.

  4. We've voted and we hope that God chooses who we chose. :) I know I'll be a little tense on the 5th of November. That also happens to be the 2nd anniversary of my husband's stroke. Hope the rest of your week is good!

  5. I’m in California and we voted early for the first time last Monday. I usually vote on Election Day. I agree with you 💯 We voted at our county’s Registrar of Voters. It’s already been counted!


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