Saturday, August 3, 2024

Michigan Wedding Trip

And it was for this beautiful couple that we made the trip to the Southwestern tip of Michigan last week.  Reis and Savannah have been dating since she invited him to take her to their high school senior prom in 2017.  In these 7 years, they have both gotten degrees from different colleges, started and are excelling in their chosen careers, and planned the most perfect wedding.  I will get to that part in another blog post.

The first leg of our trip took us to Three Oaks, MI where we stayed in the most interesting Airbnb.  The exterior would normally have turned me off; however, I had seen pictures of the inside and knew we would love it.  And we did.  The only negative was outdoor stairs that presented a bit of a challenge unloading and loading multiple pieces of luggage for us seniors.  The overriding big positive is that it was only a block from the wedding venue and so conveniently located to shops and eateries.

The apartment is owned by Judy Ferrara and is above Judy's art gallery.  As you might imagine, I loved just walking around inside.  We also benefited from many of her ever changing pieces of art work in the apartment.

Three Oaks is a neat little village and one we enjoy visiting when in Indiana.  Should you ever make it here, you don't want to miss breakfast/brunch at the Oaks Eatery.

On Friday night, we went to the wedding rehearsal and dinner which was held at the Weko Beach in Bridgman, MI.

Following are a very few of the many friends and family who attended.  Reis's parents did a beautiful job of making the evening so very special and everyone welcomed.

Future posts will take you to points of interest northward before looping back to see some of the sights from the wedding.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.

1 comment:

  1. I kept scrolling up and down while looking at that Airbnb, trying to figure out what I was looking at. The gray and white walls, the exterior... but after reading about it, it all made sense. And the location couldn't have been better. I love the pictures of the dinner, everyone is so photogenic! And that sunset, just beautiful.


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