After reading some spring decorating blogs and following Marty for her
and after making a quick swing through Home Goods the other day,
I decided to make a few minor changes to my decor.
I do not make a big to do about decorating specifically for Easter but I do like to freshen things up a bit for Spring.
I showed you last week a few things I did for a quick freshening in the living and dining rooms.
This was the tablescape I showed you. I got really tired of all that bunched cloth very fast so it didn't last very long.
I also regretted that I couldn't see the full beauty of the sweet vase.
While at Home Goods this past week, I found a sweet little colorful placemat that I thought would work well under the glass-bottom tray.
It fit well and this is the revised arrangement.
I added a few colorful, sparkly eggs from Dollar Tree to the fern plant and it will suffice for a couple more weeks.
I also switched out the art work on the wall and brought in one with more spring-like colors. Of course, I could always decide to paint something else if this doesn't work.
Now for my other little Home Good purchases.
While at Dollar Tree, I found a package of four little twine carrots that I thought might be cute in the dining table arrangement.
However, after finding this adorable little bunny at Home Goods, I knew the carrots belonged to him. isn't he the cutest?
It is this little fellow's official job to welcome all who enter the foyer.
Another HG find was this little arrangement. It's size and pretty colors caught my eye. I don't usually do faux flowers, but these will add a bright spot to the living room coffee table.
I read somewhere that a coffee table should be seen from above so this gives you a good bird's eye view.
I added some decorator books along with the pretty little bowl from the dining table. I love the way the flowers reflect through the open metal bowl and the mirror tray.
I have found so many uses for this delightful metal wire bowl.
And, the beauty and details of my sweet little antique bowl from Italy is on full display.
I love the way it repeats the colors of the flowers and adds such a lovely touch.
I am happy with the composition of the coffee table and enjoy spending time in front of it.
My next problem was how to tie in the deep reds and pinks in the flowers and bowl. I certainly didn't want to go buy more throw pillows to have to store away when not in use.
I remembered I had some pillows that were made for the sofa many, many years ago that had been residing in the attic.
I have always liked the fabric and the dotted one is the same fabric of the little Queen Anne chair beside the sofa.
We also brought our big art work piece back to the mantle. We love it and it offers a great finishing touch to the color scheme.
So that is how my re-re-freshening of my house for spring has ended up.
What have you or are you doing differently to your home this spring?
After reading some spring decorating blogs and following Marty for her
2019 Spring Home Tours,
and after making a quick swing through Home Goods the other day,
I decided to make a few minor changes to my decor.
I do not make a big to do about decorating specifically for Easter but I do like to freshen things up a bit for Spring.
I showed you last week a few things I did for a quick freshening in the living and dining rooms.
This was the tablescape I showed you. I got real...