Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sharing Four Somethings for March

I am again joining Heather for a recap of the month by
Sharing Four Somethings

Something Loved

On February 22, 2019 we had a miracle baby born into our family.

Ben and Ashley, my nephew and his wife, brought Charlotte Claire into the world.

She was born a little early and had to be flown to a New Orleans hospital.

They learned that she had several issues with her heart.

Prayers went out from believers all over the country and little Charlotte fought.

One of the heart problems was miraculously healed while in the NICU, and the two holes in her heart will be surgically repaired when she has gained a few more pounds.

Unless God chooses to repair them before that time.

I haven't seen her in person yet, but already feel so much love for this little miracle angel.

God has great things yet in store for sweet Charlotte Claire!

Something Said

On March 6th I attended World Impact Day at my youngest granddaughter's school, Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Tx.  The speaker was Kirk Nowrey who represents Hope Partner's International.  He spoke specifically on the work this organization is doing in India to reach and save orphans and especially young girls and children caught up in sex trafficking.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling
Picture Source

Their mission is to rescue children and transform their lives.

One of the things he said is,  "Girls in India are of no worth and are as chattel.  They are disposable.  These children, women, have no hope.  They have no dreams.  They have no life outside of knowing the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ."

Another quote:  "If you make a promise, keep it!  Everything rises and falls on character."

Something Learned

I was recently reminded about what a wonderful place the town of Natchitoches, Louisiana is.

Michael Harding
Not only is it historic but the home of the movie "Steel Magnolia."

Natchitoches (Nack-a-tish) is the original French colony in Louisiana, and is the oldest settlement in the Louisiana Purchase.  Established in 1714, it retains its European flavor through its architecture, heritage and lifestyle.

I learned that it will also be celebrating world renowned primitive artist Clementine Hunter at the Melrose Plantation.

News Article & Video

Natchitoches was also recently hailed as the prettiest town in the south by renowned photographer Michael Harding.

Natchitoches Historic District Louisiana LA Cane River
Michael Harding
You can read his article and see for yourself his amazing photographs HERE

Something Read

"I have promised many blessings to those who wait on Me:  renewed strength, living above one's circumstances, resurgence of hope, awareness of My continual Presence.  Waiting on Me enables you to glorify Me by living in deep dependence on Me, ready to do My will.  It also helps you to enjoy Me; in My Presence is fullness of joy."

Jesus Calling
Sarah Young

Link up with
Heather Gerwing

I am again joining Heather for a recap of the month by Sharing Four Somethings Something Loved On February 22, 2019 we had a miracle baby born into our family. Ben and Ashley, my nephew and his wife, brought Charlotte Claire into the world. She was born a little early and had to be flown to a New Orleans hospital. They learned that she had several issues with her heart. Prayers went out from believers all over the country and little Charlotte fought. One o...

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday Medley: What's In A Name?

There is a wonderful retirement center, The Oaks of Louisiana, across the road from my subdivision and one day last week, the guard allowed me in to take some pictures.

Unfortunately, I missed the peak of the tulips and they haven't redone their beds for summer yet, but I still got some nice pictures of other sights.  Let me share this early spring in Northwest Louisiana with you.

The azaleas will be gorgeous in a few weeks.

Now, join me and the other bloggers for Terri's Wednesday Medley questions and answers.

You can also check out her site for more information on 

National Joe Day - March 27


1.  Who is your favorite "Joe/Jo" and what can you tell us about him or her?
I had an uncle named "Joe" who I dearly loved and it was from him that I inherited my two Martha Washington chairs currently in my living room.
One of our dearest sweet friends was named "Miss Jo."  She was such a precious lady with a very generous heart.  I treasure her memory and all of the things she shared with us through the years.

Then, there is Joe Joe.  Joe Joe was the constant companion and look-alike of Dick's brother, Tom.  This picture was taken shortly before Tom's death, but Joe Joe is still taking loving care of Martha, Tom's wife.
2.  Who were you named for and do you or did you know that person?
Elizabeth comes from a long line of ancestors on both my parent's side, but I am directly named after my mother, Laura Elizabeth.  I think my middle name, Claire was a name my parents simply liked.
Elizabeth has continued to be passed down in our family with my daughter, Christina Elizabeth, and granddaughters Chandler Elizabeth and Mary-Elizabeth.
3.  Do you have a middle name and do you like it/use it?
See #2 and yes I love my middle name but rarely use it.
4.  Have you ever named your car?  Tell us about it, please!
No I haven't
5.  Tell us the name of a fictional character you have never forgotten and why you remember it so well.
Do you remember the book series and later a TV series called "Christy?"
Dick and I had read the books and one day after I knew I was going to have our first child, he called me from work and asked, "May I speak to Christy?"
Of course, we didn't know whether we were having a girl or boy at that time, but we knew if it was a girl she would be called Christy and if a boy, then he would be John.
He was a boy!
While I was pregnant with our second child and praying for a Christy, I thought she might need a more formal name and use Christy as a nickname.
I wish I could remember the name of the book where this character came from, but I have no clue.  I read it while pregnant with our daughter and the character's name was "Christina."  She was the most beautiful, godly person - a true lady after God's own heart.  She was elegant and refined and wore her hair in a french twist and I wanted to be her.  So, I named my daughter after her.
I still aspire to be "Christina!"
6.  Share something random with us about your week.
This is another fun-full week.

Monday I worked at the church and helped our Children's Minister with a project she is doing to help meet the needs of homeless people in our community.

I assembled 70 of these bags containing water, socks, tissue, crackers and mints.  There is also a packet of info regarding all available services in our area.
Yesterday we got pedi's.
Today, we will be taking the first leg of a road trip ending up in Baton Rouge for a couple nights with long-time friends.
I will tell you all about that at another time.
purple flowers with green leaves

May you also have a great rest of your week!

There is a wonderful retirement center, The Oaks of Louisiana, across the road from my subdivision and one day last week, the guard allowed me in to take some pictures. Unfortunately, I missed the peak of the tulips and they haven't redone their beds for summer yet, but I still got some nice pictures of other sights.  Let me share this early spring in Northwest Louisiana with you. The azaleas will be gorgeous in a few weeks. ------------------------------------...

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Re-Refreshing for Spring

After reading some spring decorating blogs and following Marty for her

and after making a quick swing through Home Goods the other day,
I decided to make a few minor changes to my decor.

I do not make a big to do about decorating specifically for Easter but I do like to freshen things up a bit for Spring.

I showed you last week a few things I did for a quick freshening in the living and dining rooms.

This was the tablescape I showed you.  I got really tired of all that bunched cloth very fast so it didn't last very long.

I also regretted that I couldn't see the full beauty of the sweet vase.

While at Home Goods this past week, I found a sweet little colorful placemat that I thought would work well under the glass-bottom tray.

It fit well and this is the revised arrangement.

I added a few colorful, sparkly eggs from Dollar Tree to the fern plant and it will suffice for a couple more weeks.

I also switched out the art work on the wall and brought in one with more spring-like colors.  Of course, I could always decide to paint something else if this doesn't work.

Now for my other little Home Good purchases.

While at Dollar Tree, I found a package of four little twine carrots that I thought might be cute in the dining table arrangement.

However, after finding this adorable little bunny at Home Goods, I knew the carrots belonged to him.  isn't he the cutest?

It is this little fellow's official job to welcome all who enter the foyer.

Another HG find was this little arrangement.  It's size and pretty colors caught my eye.  I don't usually do faux flowers, but these will add a bright spot to the living room coffee table.

I read somewhere that a coffee table should be seen from above so this gives you a good bird's eye view.

I added some decorator books along with the pretty little bowl from the dining table.  I love the way the flowers reflect through the open metal bowl and the mirror tray.

I have found so many uses for this delightful metal wire bowl.

And, the beauty and details of my sweet little antique bowl from Italy is on full display.

I love the way it repeats the colors of the flowers and adds such a lovely touch.

I am happy with the composition of the coffee table and enjoy spending time in front of it.

My next problem was how to tie in the deep reds and pinks in the flowers and bowl.  I certainly didn't want to go buy more throw pillows to have to store away when not in use.

I remembered I had some pillows that were made for the sofa many, many years ago that had been residing in the attic.

I have always liked the fabric and the dotted one is the same fabric of the little Queen Anne chair beside the sofa.

We also brought our big art work piece back to the mantle.  We love it and it offers a great finishing touch to the color scheme.

So that is how my re-re-freshening of my house for spring has ended up.

What have you or are you doing differently to your home this spring?

After reading some spring decorating blogs and following Marty for her 2019 Spring Home Tours, and after making a quick swing through Home Goods the other day, I decided to make a few minor changes to my decor. I do not make a big to do about decorating specifically for Easter but I do like to freshen things up a bit for Spring. I showed you last week a few things I did for a quick freshening in the living and dining rooms. This was the tablescape I showed you.  I got real...

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday Medley: Spring Is Here!

Please hop over and join our host, Terri to see how she and others have answered today's questions.


SPRING BEGINS – Changes Annually March 19 – March 21

Human beings have been following the sun and creating a calendar based on seasons since the beginning of time.  
Spring brings longer days and increased sunshine.
Today we will also be treated to a double header with a Full Worm Supermoon.

The Full Worm Supermoon will mark the first time a full moon and the spring equinox have coincided within four hours of each other in 19 years, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.
March’s supermoon was first called the Full Worm Moon by Native Americans because the ground begins to soften and earthworms begin to appear, which brings robins and other birds to feed, marking the start of spring.
1.  The first spring flowers are usually daffodils, dandelions, lilies, tulips, iris. and lilacs. Which one of those choices is your favorite?

  Without a doubt the Iris is my favorite flower.

Have you seen any yet?

Mine aren't blooming yet, but I found this one in my neighbor's yard.
2.  What is your least favorite thing about spring?
This is an easy one to answer.  We are already being covered with yellow pollen dust.  Every outdoor surface is covered and for us with allergies, it's not a fun time.

3.  Okay, what puts a spring in your step?

Although I love winter and hang on to it as long as possible, I do love the sound of the birds singing early in the spring-time mornings.  I think getting up early and going to the gym starts my day with a springy step.

Spark® Canister

And of course a bottle of "Spark" water first thing in the morning doesn't hurt either.
4.  What is your favorite springtime song?

"Morning Has Broken"

This video was done by The Gaithers back in 2012.  You will see the beautiful faces of some of gospel music's most memorable people.

5.  What really says spring to you?

When the doves who have been making their nest over our front column for several years come back to begin their process of building their house for spring and hatching their new generation.

Sadly, we blocked their space this year because it makes such a mess on our front porch.  But, I will miss being able to watch the process this year and I hate to disappoint this familiar dove couple.
6.  Tell us something random about your week.

Thankfully this is a rather un-busy week so I spent some time Monday freshening up the house and decor.

Because our table is not large, I need to keep the centerpiece rather small.

I used a filmy scarf as a base and placed a black metal tray in the center.

I don't have any immediate plans to entertain, so I can use a taller figure.  I brought this sweet statue in from the back porch as my main focus.

 I found this divine little moss fern at a store in Lafayette a few weeks ago and love it.  I placed it in an antique Italian dish for color and added a candle on a small iron urn.

I repeated the white urn idea on this table with a larger one holding a small plant.

The sconces on my mirror wall are now the resting place for my beautiful Andrea Doves.

Everything is cleaner and lighter.  I love the way this simple curly lipped vase catches the light from all sides.

This little angel girl is sending you a sweet kiss to welcome Spring at your house as well.

Please hop over and join our host, Terri to see how she and others have answered today's questions. SPRING BEGINS TODAY! HISTORY Human beings have been following the sun and creating a calendar based on seasons since the beginning of time.   Spring brings longer days and increased sunshine. Today we will also be treated to a double header with a Full Worm Supermoon. The Full Worm Supermoon will mark the first time a full moon and the spring equinox have coincided within...