Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday Medley - Getting Ready for Christmas

I always look forward to seeing what questions Terri, our
comes up with.  She never fails to make us think while having fun.

Thanks, Terri.

1.  On November 28th, 1995, President Bill Clinton ended the 55 MPH nationwide speed limit that began in 1974 as an energy saving measure during the Mid-East oil embargo.  If you are old enough to remember this (I sure am) did it make you happy?  Do you have a heavy foot when driving or does 55 MPH sound good to you?

Yes, I am more than old enough to remember when this happened.  I was thrilled!  Yes, I do have a heavy foot so I set the cruise between 5-7+ mph over the speed limit when on the interstate or open highway.

2.  You are home alone on a rainy/snowy Sunday afternoon.  What Christmas movie will you watch?

Probably won't be watching one at all.  Under those circumstances, I would more than likely be sitting in the sun room or nestled under an electric blanket on the screened-in back porch enjoying the weather.

Another option would be to snuggle in front of the fireplace with a mug of hot chia and possibly a book or my iPad.  When it snows where I live, you don't want to miss it.

3.  What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

Many things I'm sure, but one that comes to mind is, I tried drinking champagne once and will never try it again.

4.  Today is National French Toast Day!!  Will you have some?  Do you like French Toast?

No, I won't have any today.  I do like it, but never fix it any more since I am the only breakfast eater in our house now.

5.  The Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center will be lighted today, as will the one at the White House in Washington, D.C.  Do you have your tree up and is it lighted?  Have you ever been in New York City or Washington, D.C. to see the trees all lit up during the holidays?

I have never been to either place to see the trees.  We did not put up a tree this year.  Since we leave mid December to spend Christmas with our son and his family in Northern Indiana, I do not do a lot of decorating.  I only put out a few things that we will enjoy and will be easy to clean up when we get back home after the New Year.

I decided to not get any big items out of the attic but use small touches of color here and there.  Using mostly what I already had, I went with a white/gold and red theme.

We need lights on timers that can be seen through the glass front door while we are gone, so I used these two old lighted items.  They will show up well from the street.

The lamp on this table will also be on a timer.  The poinsettia may not make it during our absence but we are enjoying now.

I love this little lantern with the battery candles on a timer.

The mantel is very simple with the white trees and the intertwined pearls, berries and lights.

On the table are my Christmas dishes and again pulling in the gold with the chargers and napkins.

There are plenty of lighted, scented candles around.

Like I said, very simple and minimal, but enough to enjoy.

The large wreath on the front door sets the stage for what's inside and is also welcoming to guests.

Don't you love the contrast of the winter wreath with the colorful fall leaves in the reflection?

6.  Tell us something random about this week of yours.

Monday was my middle sister's 72nd birthday.  She is two years younger than me and the most special sister anyone could ask for.  She is an amazing 3-time cancer survivor and now the caregiver of her husband who has Parkinson's and dementia.  I love her to the moon and back and more.  This is a picture of the three of us recently.  Gin is in the middle and our youngest sis, Sarah on the left.

Wednesday, I will be going to the village in South Louisiana, where I graduated from high school to attend the funeral of a former classmate.  Sadly, there aren't many of us left from the 27 who graduated in 1962.

Thursday night Dick and I have a date to go see "The King and I" at a local theater.

Friday night we will be having several friends over for gumbo and bread pudding.

A busy, but oh so enjoyable week.  I hope yours is as well.

I always look forward to seeing what questions Terri, our Friend From Florida comes up with.  She never fails to make us think while having fun. Thanks, Terri. 1.  On November 28th, 1995, President Bill Clinton ended the 55 MPH nationwide speed limit that began in 1974 as an energy saving measure during the Mid-East oil embargo.  If you are old enough to remember this (I sure am) did it make you happy?  Do you have a heavy foot when driving or does 55 MPH sound good to you?...

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hudson House Style - Fall #5 Con't

Hudson House Fashions

Today concludes my Fall series of outfits from Hudson House.

I hope you have enjoyed it and have gotten some ideas for mixing and matching items to expand your wardrobe.

I am going back and combining several items that I have shown in previous posts.

This gorgeous scarf is the perfect accessory for pulling together the gray and black.

Remember seeing this top worn as an open jacket in this post?

This beautiful top can be worn so many ways.

I hated to cover that lovely back, but it made such a nice blouse worn under the black jacket that has been the base for many of the shown outfits.

For another layer, add the scarf worn as a shawl.

To repeat my #1 wardrobe hint:

See how many different ways you can wear items in your closet and consider the functionality of a piece before buying it.

The Christmas Holidays are right around the corner.  I wonder what
Hudson House has to show us.

The Fashion Boutique of Hudson House is located at 3118 Gilbert Drive in Shreveport, La. The Boutique has dressed women in Shreveport for over 20 years and continues to offer unique clothing and accessories.




Hudson House Fashions Today concludes my Fall series of outfits from Hudson House. I hope you have enjoyed it and have gotten some ideas for mixing and matching items to expand your wardrobe. I am going back and combining several items that I have shown in previous posts. This gorgeous scarf is the perfect accessory for pulling together the gray and black. Remember seeing this top worn as an open jacket in this post? This beautiful top can be worn so many ways....

Monday, November 26, 2018

Hudson House Style - Fall #5

Hudson House Fashions

I am going to take a more formal approach with a new pair of pants to go with some of the wardrobe pieces I have shown the past few weeks in this series.

Look at these gorgeous stretch pants.

I must admit that these are my favorite pants in this series.

For a nice dressy look, I combined the gold satiny shirt and that great black jacket you have seen in the other posts.

This gorgeous necklace was the perfect accessory for this outfit.

For a more casual look, this copper sweater tunic brings out the rich gold and brown tones in these sparkly pants.

The strand of deep copper beads brings out the richness of the two pieces.

This sweater has found its way into my closet.

 The deep slash on the long side of the angular hem line adds an interesting detail.  And I love the ruffle on the sleeves.

I added one of my own gorgeous water silk scarves.

There are so many things I can do to change the look of this sweater.  But, I love this color combination and the lusciousness of the silk against the knit.

 Tomorrow will be the final post of my Hudson House Style Fall Series.  I hope you have enjoyed it and have gotten some ideas of how you can shop in your closet and make outfits from a few choice wardrobe pieces.

The Fashion Boutique of Hudson House is located at 3118 Gilbert Drive in Shreveport, La. The Boutique has dressed women in Shreveport for over 20 years and continues to offer unique clothing and accessories.



Amaze Me Monday

Hudson House Fashions I am going to take a more formal approach with a new pair of pants to go with some of the wardrobe pieces I have shown the past few weeks in this series. Look at these gorgeous stretch pants. I must admit that these are my favorite pants in this series. For a nice dressy look, I combined the gold satiny shirt and that great black jacket you have seen in the other posts. This gorgeous necklace was the perfect accessory for this ou...

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday 9 - Black Magic Woman

We didn't have much Black Magic around here this week.  How about you?

I'm happy to be joining in today with Samantha for

Black Magic Woman

Welcome to Saturday: 9

Saturday 9: Black Magic Woman (1970)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune: Hear it here.

1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday, November 23, was "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?

I didn't do any Black Friday shopping except at the grocery store.

2) On busy shopping days,  carts often litter parking lots. After loading your items into your car, are you careful to return your shopping cart to the store or the designated cart receptacle?

I am pretty consistent about returning my cart to a designated place in the parking lot.  It's such a simple thing to do and keeps others from having to maneuver their cars around a buggy left in a parking slot. 

3) Who on your gift list is hardest to buy for?

My grandchildren have become the hardest to buy for.  With one exception, they are all adults and need and want for nothing.  The past few years I have given them money, but this year am thinking seriously of making a donation to a worthy cause in their name.  That's yet to be decided though.

4) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include enjoying leftovers or watching a game?

We will do both.  The Saints played on Thanksgiving night, so we traveled back from Dallas in time to watch.  Of course, there will be more leftovers eaten while watching the LSU Tigers on Saturday.  Friday night was leftovers to accompany a Hallmark movie.

5) Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is an annual event. It began in 1924 as a local event in New York. Today it's nationally televised. Did you watch it?

No, we didn't watch but I did get a text from a friend who lives in Manhattan and was watching the parade with her family from inside.  She said it was bitter cold there.  She also sent a picture of the parade from her perch above the street.
6) What did you give thanks for on Thanksgiving 2018?

For the abundance of God's grace in our lives and those of our family.  We gave Him thanks for His mercies and protection this year.  Since we had grandchildren traveling abroad and in other states, we gave Him thanks for their safety. 

My desire is to become more conscious of giving grace without ceasing, and giving God all the praise and glory for wonders He performs every day. 

7) At the first Thanksgiving, there were no forks. Pilgrims ate with spoons and knives, and forks didn't become popular until the 18th century. Think about your Thanksgiving place setting. Did you have both a salad and a dinner fork? 

No we didn't because we didn't have separate salad plates.

This is the beautiful dining room at our daughter's home where she and her family were our gracious hosts.

8) Pies are a popular Thanksgiving dessert. What kind of pie did you enjoy? Or did you have ice cream? Or did you skip dessert?

My daughter's mother-in-law made a pecan (pronounced pa-con) pie that was delicious.  I also had a sliver of pumpkin pie that was also very good.
9) This week's featured band, Santana, was named for its founder, Carlos Santana. He was born in Mexico. When at a Mexican restaurant, what do you usually order?

Enchiladas are my favorite and I usually get a mixture of chicken and beef with both cheese and queso sauce.

We didn't have much Black Magic around here this week.  How about you? I'm happy to be joining in today with Samantha for Saturday 9. Black Magic Woman Welcome to Saturday: 9. Saturday 9: Black Magic Woman (1970)Unfamiliar with this week's tune: Hear it here. 1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday, November 23, was "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains...

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving and its Remains

Today is Black Friday and I am removing all signs of Fall in my house.

Actually, this makes me a bit sad because Fall is about the only season I decorate for.  And that is limited as you will see.

But, it's time to put something Christmasy out that we can enjoy for a few days before leaving for Northern Indiana mid December.

Now for a few scenes from our Thanksgiving yesterday in Dallas with our daughter and her family.

The large dining table was beautifully decorated for the feast.

Twelve year old Ava Grace made place cards for every one.  She also had signs made for each of the food dishes.

Mother and daughter hostesses.

Our gracious hostess family, Chuck, Christy, Ava Grace and Sophie.

Our group was fewer this year by all the older kids who are traveling.
Brad and Chandler had Thanksgiving Buffet at the Biltmore in Ashville.
Cassidy is in London before going to Brussels, Vienna, and Barcelona next week.  Emily was in Fayettville, AR with her fiance.

We missed every one of them, but we knew this day would come.

This was the whole bunch last year.

I trust each of you had a wonderful and grate-full Thanksgiving day as well.

Welcome to Saturday: 9. Saturday 9: Black Magic Woman (1970)Unfamiliar with this week's tune: Hear it here. 1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday, November 23, was "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?...