Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

We are joining Joyce on her blog,
for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When is the last time you experienced nostalgia?

In planning the Charleston, SC part of our upcoming trip, I pulled out an album of a trip we took there back in 1992 with our Senior Adults from a previous church.  There were so many memories with these precious people who with the exception of one, are now deceased.

 2. September 29th is National Coffee Day. Do we need this? Ha! So are you a coffee drinker? If so how many cups per day, and tell us how you like it. Is there a recipe you enjoy that calls for coffee as one of the ingredients?

Quick answer:  I am not a coffee drinker! 

 3. Do you find praise or criticism to be more motivating? Explain.

Definitely praise.  Words of affirmation is my love language 

 4.  What's a television series you keep coming back to and re-watching?

Re-watching?  We really do not re-watch anything.  If we've seen it once, we don't usually care about seeing it again. 

 5. As the month of September draws to a close give us three words to describe your mood.


 6. Insert your own random thought here.

We will be on the road today heading toward Little Rock, AR for the 1st leg of our almost month-long trip.  We will spend the night with our nephew before driving all the way to Northern Indiana on Thursday.  That will be about a 13+ hour drive, and we are hoping to be able to stand and walk when we arrive.

I will try to join in on the hodgepodge as I am able.

In the meantime,

We are joining Joyce on her blog,From This Side of the Pondfor this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge 1. When is the last time you experienced nostalgia?In planning the Charleston, SC part of our upcoming trip, I pulled out an album of a trip we took there back in 1992 with our Senior Adults from a previous church.  There were so many memories with these precious people who with the exception of one, are now deceased. 2. September 29th is National Coffee Day. Do we need this? Ha! So are you a coffe...

Monday, September 28, 2020

Making an Outfit

There is probably no doubt how I feel about Fall and it's colors.  After all, I am an Autumn and my personality traits fit right into that category almost perfectly.

I read recently about a woman's struggle to adjust her wardrobe for this season change, so I thought I would show you some examples of my philosophy.

I believe that a clothing item should not be purchased unless you can make at least three outfits out of it.

This great Target find jacket allows me to pull together several outfits using my favorite fall colors.

This copper sweater was the basis for these three outfits.

1.  Brown leggings and boots with a gorgeous scarf and copper earrings
2.  Print leggings with a silver necklace and brown sandals
3.  Black print pants with a brown jewel necklace and boots

A simple scoop-neck black tee was the single factor in these outfits.

1.  Worn with black jeans and a long cardigan and statement necklace
2.  Dressed up with a purple velvet jacket and simple jewelry and black shoes
3.  Worn with khaki pants and a blue jean jacket and boots

Let me encourage you to shop in your closet and see how many different outfits you can put together with only a few different items.

I am using this mix & match wardrobe plan for our upcoming extended road trip.  It will save on packing space while also organizing my outfit options.

I am planning my travel wardrobe around three basic color of pants - black, khaki, and blue jeans.  I will carry a variety of tops and accessories to mix and match with these for various known and unknown occasions.

I think I foresee a blog post of this later.  In the meantime, blogging time will be at a premium, but be assured you will have picture overload of the wedding and travels to follow.

There is probably no doubt how I feel about Fall and it's colors.  After all, I am an Autumn and my personality traits fit right into that category almost perfectly.I read recently about a woman's struggle to adjust her wardrobe for this season change, so I thought I would show you some examples of my philosophy.I believe that a clothing item should not be purchased unless you can make at least three outfits out of it.This great Target find jacket allows me to pull together several outfits usin...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A Fall Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thank you for joining in for this Wednesday Hodgepodge all about FALL!

In the south, we love to be able to say, "It's Fall Ya'll!"

Thank you Joyce for keeping us going and all the answers can be found at her blog

1. It's fall y'all. What's something you love about this season and also something you don't? 

I love the crisp temperatures of Fall; the early morning breezes; frequent rain showers; the wardrobe change; the time change; etc.

There is absolutely nothing that I don't love about Fall.

2. When you think of the colors of fall, which one is your favorite?

I love the reds, oranges, browns and deep purples of the Fall colors.  I think its safe to say I love all the Autumn colors.

Is there somewhere you could easily day trip to see the leaves in all their glory? 

Actually, my neighbor across the street has two Bradford Pear trees in her front yard.  They always have the most amazing display of colorful leaves.  But, if we wanted to take a road trip to see an expanse, we would drive up into Arkansas.

Will you? 

No, we have other plans for seeing the fall leaves this year and I'll talk more about that later.

3. What's one thing you've let 'fall' by the wayside during this season of staying home and staying away? 

I know this may sound strange, but I can't think of a single thing that I've let fall by the wayside due to the quarantine.  We have tried to keep our lives as normal and positive as possible.  We have both tried to be productive and have not allowed this time to change our routines or habits in a negative way.

4. If you're wearing a sweater is it most likely a cardigan, crew neck, V-neck, or zip up hoodie? 

Oh I love sweaters.  You will find in my closet and sweater drawers, turtle necks, some V-necks, a few cardigans, but most will have a slight round neckline.  There is not one single zip up hoodie in my wardrobe.

5. What's your secret to dealing with change? 

If I had a secret I think it would be that change does not control me.  To be honest, I have to first rationalize a change.  It has to make sense to me and if it seems unnecessary or frivolous, I tend to resist it.  However, if that change brings what I deem as needed, necessary, or even pleasant alterations, then I embrace it.  Basically, my independent spirit demands that I control my own circumstances as much as possible and not allow any change to control me.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

This beautiful rainbow was captured over our church a couple weeks ago.  Is it not the most beautiful picture of God's promise?

Thank you for joining in for this Wednesday Hodgepodge all about FALL!In the south, we love to be able to say, "It's Fall Ya'll!"Thank you Joyce for keeping us going and all the answers can be found at her blogFrom This Side of the Pond 1. It's fall y'all. What's something you love about this season and also something you don't? I love the crisp temperatures of Fall; the early morning breezes; frequent rain showers; the wardrobe change; the time change; etc.There is absolutely nothing that I...

Sunday, September 20, 2020

I Wore A Dress

If you have been following me for very long, you know I rarely wear a dress.  In fact, I can't even remember the last time.

Since Fall is thankfully in the air down here, and because I do have a slight tan on my otherwise milky white legs, I decided to pull out a dress to wear to church.

Honestly, I cannot tell you how old this dress is, but I know I have had it at least 10 years.  I am pretty sure I weighed a good bit less back then, besides being ten years younger.

But, isn't this the beauty of buying quality, basic clothing items?  They never go out of style.

This Preston & York dress is a deep brown and I love the versatility it provides.

For example, a light shirt, sweater or jacket can be added.

This lightweight cut-out jacket was perfect for this early fall day, when we are still using air conditioning in our buildings.

I chose very simple gold jewelry to compliment the brown and the slight V-neckline.

When the occasion calls for something a bit dresser, or the weather is a bit chillier, this lovely mid-weight blazer is perfect.


My shoes are these really cute and comfortable Alex Marie's from Dillards.

There are so many options for changing the look of this basic dress.  Think creatively by changing jewelry, shoes and other accessories, depending on the occasion, weather and how you feel at the moment.

Speaking of dressing up, I'll share a couple little Fall touches I added to my house this weekend.  I am a minimalist for sure.

Happy Fall where ever you may be.

If you have been following me for very long, you know I rarely wear a dress.  In fact, I can't even remember the last time.Since Fall is thankfully in the air down here, and because I do have a slight tan on my otherwise milky white legs, I decided to pull out a dress to wear to church.Honestly, I cannot tell you how old this dress is, but I know I have had it at least 10 years.  I am pretty sure I weighed a good bit less back then, besides being ten years younger.But, isn't this the beauty of...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

An "Old" Hodgepodge

1. What's one thing you learned at the ripe old age of whatever age you are now?

My ripe old age is almost 76 and there have been plenty of lessons learned and ignored.  Recently, I have been reminded that age is only a number and regardless of that number, one is never too old to set and accomplish goals.  See #5

2. I read here a list of foods that can help you look younger-

extra virgin olive oil, green tea, fatty fish, dark chocolate, vegetables, flaxseeds, pomegranates, avocados, tomatoes, spices, bone broth

How many of the foods listed have you tried?

All of them!

How many do you eat regularly?

extra virgin olive oil, fatty fish, vegetables, flaxseeds, avocados, tomatoes, spices, bone broth

 Your favorite from the list?


3. Something you miss from the 'good old days'? When were the good old days anyway?

I think the 'good old days' are those, in my estimation, that were better than the current time for whatever reason.  For me, the 'good old days' could be those of my childhood when life was only good and happy.  I miss the innocence and lack of concern for what the future held.

4. What are two or three of the most rewarding things to be found in growing older?

1.  The lack of need for any pretense
2.  The reality that this is not my forever home
3.  Seeing my children become remarkable, productive, Christian parents and spouses, with amazing children of their own

5. What's your favorite part of your life right now?

That I am healthy enough to enjoy doing things I enjoy.
I won my category in the 90 Day walking challenge our church sponsored, by walking 463.6 miles.  I actually "walked" across the state and back again and never left my neighborhood.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of Louisiana, I recently saw a list of silly sayings that will only make sense if you're from Louisiana.  Growing up in Cajun land, most of these are words and phrases I grew up hearing and using.  Would you ever use them?

1.  Make Groceries - Means you need to go to the grocery store

2.  Dressed - If you want lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and mayo on your po-boy or burger

3.  Save the dishes - Put them away or do the dishes.  "Save the clothes" means the same thing.

4.  Pass a good time - Having  a great time!

5.  Fixin' To - Actually, we use this a lot and it means about to or going to.... eat some of the gumbo, etc.

6.  Laissez les bon temps rouler - Let the good times roll!

7.  Lagniappe - (Lan-yap) Means "a little something extra"

8.  Cher - Pronounced "sha" and most Cajun women say "Oh my Cher bebe!" This is a common phrase for calling someone "dear" or "sweet one."

9.  Fais-do-do - This would be a good old fashioned Cajun dance party.  

WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGE 1. What's one thing you learned at the ripe old age of whatever age you are now?My ripe old age is almost 76 and there have been plenty of lessons learned and ignored.  Recently, I have been reminded that age is only a number and regardless of that number, one is never too old to set and accomplish goals.  See #52. I read here a list of foods that can help you look younger-extra virgin olive oil, green tea, fatty fish, dark chocolate, vegetables, flaxseeds, pomegranates,...

Monday, September 14, 2020

12 Oaks Mermaid Finale

One of the best things I have done for myself was to join a women's water aerobic class in our neighborhood.  This is my second year, and thankfully membership is not based on accomplishment.

Even in this COVID 19 season, we have met three mornings a week without the need of masks.  It has been the highlight of our otherwise cloistered lives.

This year's class is about to come to a close since we have hopes of cooler weather here in the deep south.

So, we decided to memorialize 2020 with some "Esther Williams" picture taking.  If you are younger than 70, then you may have no clue of what I'm talking about.

Esther Williams was a beautiful American competitive swimmer and actress.  In the 1940's and early 1950's, she made a series of films known as "aquamusicals," which featured elaborate performances with synchronized swimming and diving.

On a personal note, I was not a swimmer and neither did I have many of her other characteristics, but when I entered a beauty contest in 1963, nothing would do but that I wear an Esther Williams swimsuit.  It was metallic gold and much more showy than I felt.
But I digress.

These lovely ladies are called the Senior Mermaids of 12 Oaks.

The youngest in our group is probably in her early 60's and the oldest is 83, and she is the most agile of us all.

Our normal workout is much more strenuous and demanding than these posted shots indicate.  But aren't we cute! 

One of our favorite songs to workout to, other than Mama Mia is "YMCA," so we decided to show off our skills for the cameraman.

 Cathy, front right is our devoted leader and we couldn't do it without her.

We had a day off this past week and rather than miss each other, I hosted a morning gathering.

It gave me the perfect opportunity to bring out some of my silver and crystal trays and dishes.

We had a variety of sweets, fruits, nuts and warm delicious meat/cheese Italian sandwiches.

These are the lovely mermaids, minus me and one other, with clothes on.  Can you match them to the ones in the water?

Until next year!

One of the best things I have done for myself was to join a women's water aerobic class in our neighborhood.  This is my second year, and thankfully membership is not based on accomplishment.Even in this COVID 19 season, we have met three mornings a week without the need of masks.  It has been the highlight of our otherwise cloistered lives.This year's class is about to come to a close since we have hopes of cooler weather here in the deep south.So, we decided to memorialize 2020 with some "Est...