Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Cheesy, Summery Hodgepodge

What happened to a regular blogging routine?  I have no idea except that it no longer exists.  I will keep making an effort however, and what better time to do that than on this rainy Tuesday morning.  Thank you Joyce for keeping on keeping on with the Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese?  What's your favorite?  Last thing you ate or made with cheese?

A couple weeks ago we hosted a cousins get-together for a California cousin we had never met.  I served Monte Cristo sliders which included a variety of cheeses and Dick's famous New Orleans Muffulettas full of cheeses and an olive mixture.  Oh my, to die for.

My favorite cheese would depend on what I'm cooking.  For these sandwiches I used Havarti, Provolone, Gouda and Colby Jack.  For most other dishes I use a Mexican mixture.  We are cheese lovers for sure.

This is a picture of our Colvin line cousins - 4 generations.

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken?

The picture above was the last time I had my picture taken.  I don't mind saying "cheese" as long as I am prepared.  Otherwise, I get something like this:

3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only?

Of course it all depends on where, when and how.  When we drive to Indiana or a vacation trip, we take whatever we feel might be required for the season.  When we fly, we have to limit the amount because we always check package for both of us, plus carry-ons. 

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying?

Using an earbud and carrying on a conversation with an invisible person in public.  I find this so extremely irritating not to mention rude.

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan?

Stay inside and as cool as possible! 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

A lot has happened in the last month and especially in the past week or so, but I guess I need to just do a specific blog on all that.  For today, I'll show you what happened last week to our church during one of the huge storms to go through North Central Texas that caused several deaths, huge power outages and millions of dollars in clean-up.

We live less than a mile from our church and personally experienced what I call "the first unnamed hurricane of the season".  We had winds over 100 mph and rain and lightening like I've never seen in an actual hurricane.  And I'm from Louisiana!  Thankfully, we did not experience any damage at our house, but trees were damaged all over the area.

Yesterday, work started on the massive job of replacing the whole western exterior wall of our worship center.  It will take a couple weeks to complete plus doing all the interior work due to heavy rain damage.  In the meantime, we continue to get daily rains.

I would not want this job!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. So nice to see you here today! I wouldn't want that job either! We've had some big rain storms this week, but thankfully nothing that comes close to that. Your sandwiches look delicious! Have a wonderful day!

  2. We got three tornadoes on one day here about 3 weeks about and we NEVER get them in town. It was, as they say, unprecedented. The city is still cleaning up so they definitely can commiserate!

  3. Living in 'tornado alley' I can certainly relate to feeling unsettled when the skies turn green. I like what our weather guy advises, Prepare as best you can... and pray.
    Dick's Muffuletta looks ah-mazingly good. I don't normally eat bread, but would make an exception for this!

  4. oh goodness!! I am so sorry about your church. Are y'all able to worship during reconstruction? That sandwich looks like one my husband would LOVE!

  5. Wow! Libby that is really scary. My sister lives in Flower Mound and my brother lives in Dallas and they both faired a lot better than many. My brother had a tree falls on his home but only had rain gutter damage. That is a huge section of the church to have to replace. Yikes. Glad your were spared. It must have been scary just to listen to the storm. Here's the link to my mom's blintz recipe.

  6. I have never had a Monte Crisco sandwich before but they look and sound really good. I am sorry to hear about all the damage to your church. When damaging storms happen, I would imagine repairs and clean up take extra long due to how many structures need repair- clean up crews are likely strained.

  7. That sandwich looks really good! We like cheese too. Great family picture and you looked nice in your single picture too. Wow, sorry about your church. Good that it can be fixed.

  8. That sandwich sounds delicious. What a lovely cousin visit you had. Great photo! Packing is definitely one of my least favorite things. I'm no good at it at all. Yes, exactly, a woman was doing that on the plane yesterday on her phone before we had to take off. So sorry about the hurricane and the damage at the church. Looks like they got right on top of it which is good.

  9. A definite NO to that job! But, glad there are folks who apparently don't mind doing it. I hope it pays very well. Agree about cell phones. So good to catch up with you.

  10. I'm struggling with sticking to some kind of regular blogging schedule too, although I'm finding commenting to be more of a challenge! That looks like a huge job to repair the damage to the worship center - it's a big building! Glad there was no damage at your place, but how sad about the other damage and especially the loss of life. Hope you have a safe and happy week!

  11. I am way behind commenting and am on vacation so I didn't do this weeks. I figured I'd go back and comment on some from two weeks ago..WOW..that is a crazy sad for those who had serious damage and loss of lives. :( I agree with your #4


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