7. Have you ever taken a cooking course? If so, what did you learn? If not, would you like to do one? What would you like to learn?
Sunday, March 28, 2021
7. Have you ever taken a cooking course? If so, what did you learn? If not, would you like to do one? What would you like to learn?
I am joining Bev for this week's Sunday Q & A.Today it is all about food. Lets face it, cooking is not my forte' so we're just going to have some fun today. Okay?1. How often do you make food and eat it?Almost every day. We choose to eat at home most of the time because of costs, dietary requirements, and mostly because we just like to do our own thing in the evenings. We are very high class folks, in case you weren't aware.2. Do you consider toasting bread, preparing instant noodles, or...
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
2. Last time you needed to 'spring into action' or 'spring to someone's defense'...explain.
Actually as I was writing this. Dick had taken his car to the Toyota place thinking the work would only take a couple hours. When he texted, "Come pick me up!" I sprang into action.
3. Tulips or daffodils?
Can it be both? I've told you I have a mystery garden because we never know what is going to spring up.
I know you didn't ask, but just let me show another surprise that popped up this past week - Native Iris. I love them.
baby birds or baby bunnies? I see more baby birds than bunnies, besides bunnies grow up to be rabbits.
The cherry tree or the dogwood tree? Dogwood
Jelly beans or peeps? Neither
March madness or spring training? Spring training
Peas or carrots? Carrots
4. I read an article here on the South's best cities on the rise. They are-Baton Rouge Louisiana, Fayetteville Arkansas, Greenville South Carolina, Huntsville Alabama, Lexington Kentucky, Norfolk Virginia, Tulsa Oklahoma, Waco Texas, Wilmington North Carolina, and Winston-Salem North Carolina. Of the cities listed how many have you seen in person? Which one on the list would you most like to see? Have you spent much time in the southern states (USA)? Any spring road trips on your calendar?
I have been to the following and am in fact going to be in Baton Rouge, Louisiana next week. The others are:
Fayetteville Arkansas, Greenville South Carolina, Lexington Kentucky, Tulsa Oklahoma, Waco Texas
I would most like to see Winston-Salem, NC
I was born and raised in the south and have never lived anywhere else.
I will be leaving on Sunday to spend a few days with my sisters in Cajun land in Louisiana. That will probably be my farthest road trip this spring.
5. Tell us how your outdoor space needs sprucing up this spring?
I have already written about our landscaping the front flower bed and all that is going to entail; however, we learned this week that there is solid limestone beneath the 10-12 inches of top soil. That is going to make planting a whole new challenge.
Post winter storm and before plant removal
Today, after dead plants removed. Fortunately, the HOA took care of the removal and will do the replanting eventually. They only have thousands of plants to replace. So, there will be lots of sprucing up going on here this spring.
This was only one of the many, many piles of dead plants waiting to be shredded into mulch. Yes, it will be a huge and expensive undertaking.
Which do you enjoy more (or hate the least-ha!) yard work or house work?
I actually enjoy both
6. Insert your own random thought here.
While we're talking about the outdoors and sprucing things up,
I found this on half-price at Hobby Lobby this week and thought it would brighten up the otherwise dull front door.
This beautiful planter was an estate sale find last weekend.
Yes, we are springing forward on the Hodgepodge today. Again happy to be joining Joyce for the questions and discussions this week. 1. "Hope springs eternal"...discuss. The first thing that came to mind when I read this were the words to an old hymn."My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand"Thi...
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Perhaps one of the first people we met was Dick because he is an HOA Board member in charge of all the landscaping. He came over to look at our yard and to give us some idea of the rules regarding any changes we wanted to make.
Our unit shares a garage wall with Bill and Laura. The day after we moved in, Laura met me on the driveway with a crystal carafe filled with the most delicious chicken soup. The next day, she caught us outside unpacking boxes and took our picture to post in the HOA Newsletter that she edits. That was embarrassing to say the least. Why couldn't it have been on a day when I had at least combed my hair. Thusly, we were introduced to the community. The good thing is, it could only get better from there.
My Interesting NeighborsYesterday I introduced you to several of our new neighbors and today I want you to meet three more.One of our front door neighbors is Val. She is 80 years old and still very active as a realtor. Val at one time, owned her own real estate business, where she was one of the most successful multi-million dollar realtors in the area. When she sold her business, she transferred to probably the largest real estate company in the Dallas area. She is still a very busy lady a...
Sunday, March 21, 2021
My Interesting
My Interesting Neighbors The very first neighbors that we met were Charlie and Glenda. They live across the street from us. They are very devout Catholics from Cajun land in Louisiana. We became instant friends because they said it was about time there were more Louisianans in this neighborhood.Charlie's background suited him well to be The Village's HOA president going on 12 years. He is definitely a respected leader and runs the HOA like a well oiled machine.Charlie got his start in th...
14. What’s inside my closet?
This beautiful granddaughter will be graduating from Trine University with both her BA and MBA in May! Smart, gorgeous, and sweet is one winning combination!
I am joining Bev again this week for Sunday Stealing 1. An unforgettable day in my life.Only one? 2. My favorite snacksThe Lady Loves Prana3. My biggest fashion accessoryI never leave home without my best friends!4. My biggest celebrity crushI'm pretty sure I'm his non-celebrity crush as well.5. One Hobby I would like to learnTo paint a beautiful landscape6. My OCD habitsI much prefer calling it something else such as "the way that makes me happy!"Throw pillows being straight,Making the bed, p...
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on St. Patrick's Day. Will you wear green? Eat corned beef and cabbage? Drink green beer? Have you ever been to Ireland? Is it on your travel 'bucket list'?
No to all of the above
2. Something you think is 'worth its weight in gold'?
My secretary is one of my favorite pieces of furniture because not only is it pretty, it is extremely functional. It displays some of my treasures, it is currently my desk, and it provides tons of storage.
3. Something that makes you 'green around the gills'?
There isn't much that makes me nauseous. However, the current national affairs do make me pretty sick to my stomach.
4. What puts a 'spring in your step' these days?
The anticipation of being able to create a lovely outdoor oasis in our yard.
5. Write a limerick using one of the following as your theme....March, St. Patrick's Day, Covid, 2020 and/or 2021, the color green, or life lately. Yes, you can do it.
Marching through March has been in a line
of Bible study, meals with family & friends which was mighty fine.
Doctors visits and road trips
and eating at home saved us tons of dollars on tips.
The end of the month will bring lots of reasons to not whine.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
We have been doing a lot of walking in our neighborhood and as a result have met some of the most interesting people. I'm thinking it may deserve it's own blog post.

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you! Joining Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for this week's questions.1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on St. Patrick's Day. Will you wear green? Eat corned beef and cabbage? Drink green beer? Have you ever been to Ireland? Is it on your travel 'bucket list'? No to all of the above2. Something you think is 'worth its weight in gold'? My secretary is one of my favorite pieces of furniture because not only is it pretty, it is extremely functional. It displays some...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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Home Sweet Hodgepodge6 hours ago
Today’s News for Women over 5010 hours ago
Dressin' Up1 day ago
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You Are Not Your Thoughts4 weeks ago
January and February Prime Purchases1 month ago
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Little Stories – Little Dabbles Part II3 months ago
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