Friday, May 31, 2019
Thankfully, I have not needed to venture very far from my front and back porches to find evidence of God's amazing handiwork. Much to our displeasure and later delight, our Morning Dove couple returned, built their nest over a corner column on our front porch, and layed their two eggs before we caught on to their plan. Did you know that the male incubates during the day and the female at night? How interesting is that! This devoted Daddy bird was very patient with me and lea...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
I am including this bit of inspiring history about the paper clip, but for more information about how this day came about, go to Terri's blog post HERE.
During World War II this small, universal office supply provided a visual method of protest at a time when any outward signs of objection could be dangerous, even in familiar company.
In 1998, a group of middle school students led by language arts teacher Sandra Roberts and associate principal David Smith began a project through a Holocaust education class. The voluntary after-school class, Whitwell Middle School principal Linda Hooper’s idea, would be the foundation for developing tolerance and diversity.
Inspired by the story of the protesting Norwegians and their paper clips, the students began to collect six million paper clips – one paper clip representing one Jew who perished during the Holocaust. Adults today still wrestle with how the Holocaust could occur. Imagine middle school students trying to understand the magnitude of such an event on humanity.
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I must admit that this is one of the strangest national days, but after reading the history and how the paper clip has been used in inspiring ways, I have a new appreciation for this little handy item. NATIONAL PAPERCLIP DAY I am including this bit of inspiring history about the paper clip, but for more information about how this day came about, go to Terri's blog post HERE. Everything below this line is from the National Day Calendar website. _________________________________...
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Unfamiliar with Deanna Durbin's rendition of week's tune? Hear it here.

- Caddo Parish Confederate Memorial (Civil War); Dedicated 1904 and it's future is uncertain at this time. All legal action to keep it has been denied. Sad! Who actually thinks removing beautiful old statues will change history.
- Veteran's Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 2001
- World War Memorial (World War I); Plaque Dedicated November 11, 1923
A very Happy Memorial Day weekend to you and yours! I am happy to again join the Saturday 9'ers to answer questions given to us at Samantha's Saturday 9 blog post. Click the link and join us. Saturday 9: God Bless America Unfamiliar with Deanna Durbin's rendition of week's tune? Hear it here. Memorial Day is the federal holiday designated to honor American service people who died in battle. 1) Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. Originally...
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
It is Wednesday so time to join other "Medleyers" to answer Terri's questions revolving around a National Day. Today's topic happens to be one of favorites.
NATIONAL ROAD TRIP DAY – Friday Before Memorial Day
It is Wednesday so time to join other "Medleyers" to answer Terri's questions revolving around a National Day. Today's topic happens to be one of favorites. Click HERE to join the discussion about road tripping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ROAD TRIP DAY – Friday Before Memorial Day 1. Have you ever done a spur-of-the-moment road trip? Where did it take you? Interesting you should ask because my Monday blo...
Monday, May 20, 2019
"1879 Howe Truss Lighted Bridge". Of course we didn't get to see it lighted but I'm sure it is a sight at night when lite.
The original County Courthouse is definitely a historical landmark. The bikers were out on this gorgeous day.
A few Sundays ago Dick suggested we take a road trip after church and lunch with friends. He didn't have to ask twice. We decided on the small town of Jefferson in East Texas, which is only an hour away. It had been years since we had been there and really didn't remember anything about it. Along the way we found this interesting sight. We weren't sure of the significance of all the old bikes but assume there is an intriguing story there somewhere. We also saw this relic o...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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