Friday, May 31, 2019

Foto Friday: God's Beautiful World From My Porch

Thankfully, I have not needed to venture very far from my front and back porches to find evidence of God's amazing handiwork.

Much to our displeasure and later delight, our Morning Dove couple returned, built their nest over a corner column on our front porch, and layed their two eggs before we caught on to their plan.

Did you know that the male incubates during the day and the female at night?  How interesting is that!

This devoted Daddy bird was very patient with me and learned to pose without ruffling a feather.

Before we knew it, we had babies.  I'm not sure whether the mother takes over the feeding and baby-sitting duties after hatching, but I think they take turns.

The attending parent was soon relegated to the tiny narrow trim because these babies were growing fast.

There is a lesson here!  Instead of Mom and Day being left with an empty nest when the kids grow up, why don't we do the leaving and let them learn to take care of themselves.  Just a thought.

One morning Dick a I looked out to find the children running up and down the length of the porch ceiling trim, evidently spreading their wings to explore the home at least one of them will return to with their mate one day.

Before we knew it they had found the ground where they would continue to spread their wings and learn to be birds. 

This little family not only brought a gigantic mess to our front porch but also delight in being able to observe up close how God takes care of even the birds of the air and the flowers in the field.

We have enjoyed watching a number of birds play, bathe and explore from our back porch this spring.

I caught this fat Robin taking a most energetic bath.  No privacy here.  She had a lot of grooming to do after this.

This Mockingbird not only posed perfectly for me but entertained me with a very creative song rendition.

Even birds need to scratch where it itches.

This little loud warbler entertained us for the longest time one afternoon.

We thank God daily for His provisions and blessings for all His creatures, both great and small.

Thankfully, I have not needed to venture very far from my front and back porches to find evidence of God's amazing handiwork. Much to our displeasure and later delight, our Morning Dove couple returned, built their nest over a corner column on our front porch, and layed their two eggs before we caught on to their plan. Did you know that the male incubates during the day and the female at night?  How interesting is that! This devoted Daddy bird was very patient with me and lea...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday Medley: Holding It Together

I must admit that this is one of the strangest national days, but after reading the history and how the paper clip has been used in inspiring ways, I have a new appreciation for this little handy item.


National Paperclip Day May 29

I am including this bit of inspiring history about the paper clip, but for more information about how this day came about, go to Terri's blog post HERE.

Everything below this line is from the National Day Calendar website.
The Paper Clip Project

During World War II this small, universal office supply provided a visual method of protest at a time when any outward signs of objection could be dangerous, even in familiar company.
Early in the war, Norwegians were particularly persistent in their development of symbols. The paper clip represented “sticking together” for a time until the Nazis caught on and banned the wearing of paper clips.
According to a March 5, 1941, Provo, Utah newspaper article (The Daily Herald), the Norwegians switched to new symbols as quickly as the bans could be issued.
In 1998, a group of middle school students led by language arts teacher Sandra Roberts and associate principal David Smith began a project through a Holocaust education class. The voluntary after-school class, Whitwell Middle School principal Linda Hooper’s idea, would be the foundation for developing tolerance and diversity.

Inspired by the story of the protesting Norwegians and their paper clips, the students began to collect six million paper clips – one paper clip representing one Jew who perished during the Holocaust. Adults today still wrestle with how the Holocaust could occur. Imagine middle school students trying to understand the magnitude of such an event on humanity.
The Paper Clip Project gained international attention and by 2001 the students collected more than 30 million paper clips. The school dedicated a Children’s Holocaust Memorial which displays an authentic German railcar filled with a portion of the paper clips.
For more information on this inspiring story, the book and film that followed visit
Everything above this line is from the National Day Calendar website.

1.  Wow!  Had you ever heard of the Holocaust project involving paperclips?  It is a great teaching project, for sure!

No, I had never heard of this but found it so inspiring.

2.  Have you ever created a paperclip chain?  How long did it get?

Yes, in a moment of great boredom.  I can't remember how long it got, but I would have taken it apart as soon as I was satisfied with the project. I cannot stand connected paper clips and took great pains to make sure there were none in the paper clip tray of my office drawer.  In fact, all the paper clips had to be in the horizontal direction and no rebels going vertical.

I know, this is crazy and there is only one other person I know of who will understand this compulsion.  Her name is Lea and you will probably find her answers also on this Medley at CiCi's Corner.

3.  I use paperclips as hooks at Christmas time to put ornaments on the tree.  Works like a charm!! What is something you used a paperclip for, other than holding papers together?

I know this may sound strange, but I've used one as a toothpick when in a pinch.  Hubby has used them to clean his ears.  I've also used the larger clips to seal small bags of food.

4.  I am amazed at the shapes and colors of paperclips available.  I found my favorite... share your favorite with us here!

Coofficer Extra Large Binder Clips 2-Inch (24 Pack), Big Paper Clamps for Office Supplies, Black

I like the binder clip if the tension isn't too tight.  But I also use regular wire paper clips for grouping paper receipts for tax purposes.

I found these great clips and use them in the kitchen all the time to close bags.

5.  Say goodbye to May on this last Wednesday of May.  Be poetic if you will, or simply bid it adieu.

It has certainly been a turbulent month weather wise and brought 100+ degree heat index to our area before we were ready, but other than that, May is always a nice month.

This is a childhood poem about the month of May entitled appropriately,


Merry, rollicking, frolicking May
Into the woods came skipping one day;
She teased the brook till he laughed outright,
And gurgled and scolded with all his might;
she chirped to the birds and bade them sing
A chorus of welcome to lady Spring;
And the bees and the butterflies she set
To waking the flowers that were sleeping yet.
She shook the trees till the buds looked out
To see what the trouble was all about,
And nothing in Nature escaped that day
The touch of the life-giving bright young May
George Macdonald

6.  Tell us something about your week so far, please!

Our weekend was most enjoyable so let me share some of it with you.

Friday night, we went out for a delicious steak dinner before going to The Little Theater to see the play "Legally Blonde."  The play was a bit too blonde for my man, so we left at intermission.

Saturday morning, we went to a car show of super souped-up models.  Dick found several that he thought would satisfy any post-middle-age crisis he might decide to have.  We then enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at the best breakfast place in town, Strawn's.

Sunday night we attended a special concert by The Shreveport Symphony Orchestra featuring the world renowned pianist, Kenny Broberg.  It was an amazing performance.

The Symphony has used our church for all of their performances this season due to renovation of the downtown theater they normally use.

Afterward, I took this picture of our beautiful church building which was built in 1962 and modeled after the St Martin in the Fields church in London (below).

Image result for st martin in the fields london images
Monday, we were unapologeticly lazy and did nothing but sit around and read before getting 6 lbs. of the most delicious crawfish for lunch.

Tuesday morning a dear friend came by for a visit and I attended a book review in the afternoon.  More on that later.

The rest of the week will be spent getting things in order for the upcoming 2-week trip to Indiana.

Enjoy your week!

I must admit that this is one of the strangest national days, but after reading the history and how the paper clip has been used in inspiring ways, I have a new appreciation for this little handy item. NATIONAL PAPERCLIP DAY I am including this bit of inspiring history about the paper clip, but for more information about how this day came about, go to Terri's blog post HERE. Everything below this line is from the National Day Calendar website. _________________________________...

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Saturday 9: Happy Memorial Day

A very Happy Memorial Day weekend to you and yours!

I am happy to again join the Saturday 9'ers to answer questions given to us  at Samantha's Saturday 9 blog post.  Click the link and join us.

Saturday 9: God Bless America

Unfamiliar with Deanna Durbin's rendition of week's tune? Hear it here.

Memorial Day is the federal holiday designated to honor American service people who died in battle. 

1) Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. Originally called Decoration Day, this is when memorials, as well as the graves of veterans, are to be decorated with flags and flowers on this day to show our appreciation. Is there a war memorial in your neighborhood?

There are none in my actual neighborhood but there are three in our city.


  • Caddo Parish Confederate Memorial (Civil War); Dedicated 1904 and it's future is uncertain at this time.  All legal action to keep it has been denied.  Sad!  Who actually thinks removing beautiful old statues will change history.  

  • Veteran's Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 2001

  • World War Memorial (World War I); Plaque Dedicated November 11, 1923

2) Andrew Johnson, our 17th President, was in office the first time Memorial/Decoration Day  was celebrated. Have you ever met one of our 45 Presidents?


3) According to the AAA, more than 30 million Americans will hit the road this weekend and drive more than 50 miles. Will you be traveling far from home this weekend?

No plans at this time, but who knows.  We may decide a short road trip is in order at the last minute.

4) Memorial Day kicks off the summer season. What's your favorite picnic food?

In the south, a picnic is not a picnic without fried chicken, potato salad, watermelon and lots of sweet iced tea.

As a child though, we loved packing up pimento & cheese and peanut/butter sandwiches and picnicking together as a family.  Those were sweet times.

5) As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or fan on?

Temperature is supposed to reach the 90's and feel like 100 today so in our home every room has a ceiling fan (even the master bath) and the A/C never cuts off.

6) Though she's belting out one of America's best loved patriotic songs, Deanna Durbin was born in Canada. Is there anyone in your family or circle of friends who wasn't born in the USA?

No, we are all native born Americans and proud of it!

7) No longer a household name, Ms. Durbin was once one of the biggest stars in the country. One of her most popular films was 1937's One Hundred Men and a Girl, which was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. Recommend a movie that you really like, but don't think many Saturday 9ers have seen.

War Room is one of several really strong movies written and produced by Kindrick Brothers Productions.

8) Back in 1938, Deanna Durbin had her handprints cemented in front of the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. Have you ever visited that Los Angeles tourist attraction?

I have not

9) Random question: What food did you hate as a child, but enjoy now?


A very Happy Memorial Day weekend to you and yours! I am happy to again join the Saturday 9'ers to answer questions given to us  at Samantha's Saturday 9 blog post.  Click the link and join us. Saturday 9: God Bless America Unfamiliar with Deanna Durbin's rendition of week's tune? Hear it here. Memorial Day is the federal holiday designated to honor American service people who died in battle.  1) Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. Originally...

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday Medley: Road Tripping

It is Wednesday so time to join other "Medleyers" to answer Terri's questions revolving around a National Day.  Today's topic happens to be one of favorites.

Click HERE to join the discussion about road tripping.


NATIONAL ROAD TRIP DAY – Friday Before Memorial Day

National Road Trip Day - Friday Before Memorial Day

1.  Have you ever done a spur-of-the-moment road trip?  Where did it take you?
Interesting you should ask because my Monday blog post was about a spontaneous road trip to the historic town of Jefferson, Texas.
Read all about it HERE!
2.  If time and money wasn't an issue, what roads would you choose to travel and how long would you be gone?
Our first choice right now would be up the Blue Ridge Parkway into the northeastern states. 
Another trip on our bucket list is out west into Arizona and surrounding states. 
We would also love to go back to California and travel Hwy 1 along the coast and go up north from there.  Several weeks should take care of each of my dream road trips.
3.  When you go on a long road trip, what snacks and beverages do you take?
Our favorite snack for road trips is cheese and grapes.  We also take lots of nuts.  The only beverage we take is water, but Dick loves to stop for coffee along the way.
  Do you pack a picnic?
If we plan to travel straight thru to a destination then yes, we do pack a picnic to eat in the car.
 Does the back seat turn into a nest? 
You have evidently seen our back seat.
If it is just a short road trip, then no, the back seat stays neat and tidy other than the necessities.
However, if it is an extended trip like when we go to our son's home in Indiana for a couple weeks, we will have an overflowing back seat.  Neat but overflowing.  We have an Avalon so the trunk, though large is always full of luggage and stuff; the back seat holds our hanging clothes, chill bag and/or ice chest, camera, laptop, etc.  We truly look like the Clampetts!
4.  Please tell us about something interesting or strange you have seen on the side of the road.
Other than the occasional piece of furniture or someone's garbage I can't think of anything specific.
5.  Who does the driving when you head out in the car?  Do you stop in the rest areas along our Interstate highways when you have to use the facilities, or do you choose a fast-food restaurant or gas station instead?  Not TMI... inquiring minds want to know!
When we first strike out, Dick always drives.  When we do stop either at a truck stop or Interstate Rest Stop, I usually take over.  I do the majority of the driving on long trips.  We kid and say only one of us has to drive at a time that way.
6.  Please share something with us about your week so far.
My weekend in Dallas was so much fun.  I was able to see Granddaughter Ava Grace do an amazing job on an acting audition Saturday morning, and then ride out the terrible afternoon storms at home before going to the dance competition that afternoon and evening.  She and friend Chandler did so well.

Sunday, we celebrated Granddaughter Cassidy's upcoming 23rd birthday with lunch together before I started my 3-hour road trip home.

This week will consist of morning trips to the gym and then days spent on whatever projects I can find.
Friday night we plan to go to the Little Theater to see "Legally Blonde."
I am also reading a book I bought Sunday entitled "2 Chairs" by Bob Beaudine.  Bob spoke in church at Prestonwood Baptist Church about the book and I bought a copy for all three of the men in my family.  I decided to read it before Dick could get to it.
Bob stresses the importance of making one-on-one time with God every day.  Not study or meditation time, but a real sit-down, let's visit kind of meeting time.  I look forward to implementing this.
May you have a great rest of your week.

It is Wednesday so time to join other "Medleyers" to answer Terri's questions revolving around a National Day.  Today's topic happens to be one of favorites. Click HERE to join the discussion about road tripping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ROAD TRIP DAY – Friday Before Memorial Day 1.  Have you ever done a spur-of-the-moment road trip?  Where did it take you? Interesting you should ask because my Monday blo...

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sunday Trip to Jefferson

A few Sundays ago Dick suggested we take a road trip after church and lunch with friends.  He didn't have to ask twice.

We decided on the small town of Jefferson in East Texas, which is only an hour away.  It had been years since we had been there and really didn't remember anything about it.

Along the way we found this interesting sight.

We weren't sure of the significance of all the old bikes but assume there is an intriguing story there somewhere.

We also saw this relic of a school house.  We found the stonework of interest and later saw several homes in Jefferson made of the same material, so it must be a local stone.

A sign of desertion.  I hope that last piece of mail got picked up.

Little did we know that the re-enactment of The Andrews Raid was wrapping up that day.  Our late arrival had meant we missed the final battle.  We hoped the right side won.

I did learn something about this battle though.  Evidently, it was the Civil War's most gripping railroad story and took place aboard a live steam train and is called "The Train Battle of Port Jefferson."

We did get to see the dismantling of the two camps and enjoyed seeing some still in costume walking around the village.

The first attraction upon entering Jefferson from the south is the 

"1879 Howe Truss Lighted Bridge".  Of course we didn't get to see it lighted but I'm sure it is a sight at night when lite.

We parked near this bridge and started our walking tour through the old downtown and so enjoyed seeing the business district with its historic buildings.

The original County Courthouse is definitely a historical landmark.  The bikers were out on this gorgeous day.

The Main Street is lined with old buildings and because this is a tourist town, most still contain some sort of business although few were open on Sunday.

This store has served East Texas as a hardware Store and a General Store since the 1870's and the inside is still authentic.

This building with the flower garden balcony reminded us of New Orleans.  Wrought iron balconies are a common sight here in Jefferson also.

If we had not already eaten, this might have been temping.  It is an 1880's building and the history behind the Cornbread Sandwich can be found HERE.

The building which now contains the Jefferson Historical Society Museum was constructed in 1888 - 1890 as a Federal Courthouse and Post Office.

Jefferson is home to more state registered historic structures than anywhere else in Texas, many of which are also listed on The National Registry of Historic Places.

One of these is the The Excelsior House.  It has been in continuous operation longer than any other hotel in the whole state of Texas.  That says a lot.  If you like antiques and southern charm, this is the place for you. 

Right across the street is the Historic Jefferson Hotel.  It was built in 1851 but is currently closed for renovations.

Another historic building boasts the town's Golden Era Mural.

Evidently the Garden Club of Jefferson provided personal tours for the weekend, or just maybe a fancy mode of conveyance.

There is only a block that separates the business section from the residential.  This stature serves as the line of demarcation.

The Stearns Fountain was given to the City of Jefferson by the children of Jacob and Ernestine Sterne in 1912.  Cast of pure bronze, it is the statue of Hebe, the Greek goddess of youth.  It is still used as a water source for horses, cows, dogs, cats, and people.

On the right side corner of the fountain is the Carnegie Library.

Built in 1907, it is one of four libraries in Texas, from the original 34, to currently operate as a library.  Some early fascinating facts can be found HERE

The following pictures are of the many historic homes we were able to see from our self-guided tour.  I have learned since that there is so much more to see of Jefferson, and that calls for another road trip.

One must take care walking on the sidewalks because of the tree roots tearing up what appears to be very ancient concrete.  But, it was such a lovely walk.

The Schluter House is a lovely Colonial-style home and was built in 1856 by F. A. Schluter, who was one of the first six settlers in Jefferson.  This private residence sits atop a small hill at the end of a main street and overlooks one of the towns small parks.  There is also a Schluter Building on Main Street.

There are over 26 Bed & Breakfasts in Jefferson and each is unique.

We found the old walls and steps to some of the homes very interesting and doubt they see much use.  But oh the tales they could probably tell.

I hope you enjoyed seeing Jefferson, Texas as much as we did and I will let you know when we make a return trip.

A few Sundays ago Dick suggested we take a road trip after church and lunch with friends.  He didn't have to ask twice. We decided on the small town of Jefferson in East Texas, which is only an hour away.  It had been years since we had been there and really didn't remember anything about it. Along the way we found this interesting sight. We weren't sure of the significance of all the old bikes but assume there is an intriguing story there somewhere. We also saw this relic o...