Monday, April 8, 2019

Inspiration Monday: How To See The World

In a world where it sometimes seems all is wrong, there is still so much "goodness" around us.
We often fail to see it.
We often fail to look for it.

On this Monday morning, take a few minutes to find joy in what is good in our world.

Let me first introduce you to Photographer, pod-caster, travel guide Michael Harding and let him tell you his story of how he delights in finding the beauty often in the neglected and forgotten places.

Michael explains on his website,

how all this traveling and picture taking got started.  Basically it got its beginning in New Orleans after Katrina and his goal since is to spend a month capturing the unusual, the people, food and beauty in each state.

He explains it this way: "My goal is to slow down, go at my own pace and in my own time. See the things I want to see, talk to people, enjoy a meal or a sunset cocktail and not feel rushed to get to the next place."

Check out his blog and see his amazing photography and whether he has visited your state yet.

This is another way to see the world.  How would you like being this little found kitty cat?

Speaking of joy!

Speaking of goodness!

Now let's look at the world through the beautiful musical rendition "Look at the World"  by John Rutter and sung by the Smith Ensemble.

And speaking of joy and goodness all wrapped up in one!

 Today 26 years ago, God gave us this precious granddaughter.  Our first grandchild.

Chandler came into the world with a smile and a heart full of love.  She hasn't changed.

She continues to see the world through a lens of goodness and offers that to her classroom of Kindergartners.

She is truly a blessing and has brought us so much joy these 26 years.

Thank you Chan for sharing your world with us and for showing us what true goodness, love and joy is all about.


May the beauty and goodness all around us be evident to you today.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. Happy birthday to your grandchild!! You are truly blessed!Annster's Domain

  2. I'm on my way over to Michael's website now. Happy birthday to that drop dead gorgeous granddaughter of yours. Enjoy your week, Elizabeth.

  3. Thank you for such a wonderful post about my journey and for sharing some of my photos with your readers. I really appreciate it!


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