Monday, July 23, 2018

What's Coming on Wednesdays

I have been trying to decide what I want to do to replace the Wednesday Hodgepodge posts that I have participated in for several years.

Yes, our faithful leader of that meme has decided she needs some time to do something else, and I find no fault in that decision at all.  In fact, I applaud her for taking that step.

So, what to do!

Several themes seemed interesting to me such as "Wordless Wednesday" where you only post pictures and no words.  That really seemed appealing and has been a theme around for several years.  The only problem is I like to use words sometimes.

Then there was the idea of  "Wednesday Weighin" where I would weigh in on the topic of the day.  That was a possibility until I realized that so many of the topics I don't care about.

Then, I thought about a "Wellness Wednesday" blog post where I would share some of my favorite tips on keeping the mind and body healthy.  That seems to fit my overall blog title, "Beauty Without Within" well and something maybe you would be interested in reading.  I will also be asking my readers, all 2 of you, to share your wellness tips as well.

I will be featuring pictures and ideas gleaned from various blog posts to include in this series along with links to the blogs.

So, here's a preview of what I have in mind.  I will rotate through the following topics each week and not try to bombard you with all of them at once.

Ways to Keep Fit

I may show you some of my own routine at times as well as suggestions, but mostly offer encouragement to do what is best for you.

Healthy Eating & Recipes

This will consist of ideas and things we have tried as well as things I learn from others.

Feeding the Mind

We will explore many ways to feed the mind and soul in this segment.

Dressing the Body

We will talk fashion, what's in style, and what outfits I and others have put together, but will also talk about good skin care and what it takes to completely dress well from head to toe. It will be fun.

Loving your Home

Home is truly where our heart is and I love to see how other women express themselves in their home.  We will be looking at ways we can show our own personality where we live.

Special Guests

There are so many wonderful bloggers that we never get to visit, so I hope to tap into some of them to share with you from time to time or on a regular basis.  We won't know until it happens.

this is where I'm headed on Wednesdays for the time being.  I hope you will join me and participate in this weekly blog of

Wellness Wednesday
Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. Great idea. I know I need to focus more on wellness (exercise, nutrition...) and on filling my mind with whatever is pure, lovely, and praiseworthy. I'll be reading your posts on Wednesdays.
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Will these be for all to participate in or just for you? I wasn't sure. Good subject matter I would think for most everyone.


I do love reading your comments, so please share your thoughts with me.