Friday, March 6, 2020

10-Day Writing Challenge - Day 4 - After

I have agreed to participate in the 10-Day 5-Min writing challenge.  This challenge is sponsored by Kate Motaung and all the info you need to join in can be found HERE! She gives a topic for each day and you spend 5 minutes writing about whatever comes to mind on that subject. 


What an interesting topic!  After what?

I can think of a lot of afters.  For example, I can tell you of the benefits I've received after various surgical procedures.   How about after completing a major project that you've worked hard on.  After leading a seminar, I always felt a mixture of satisfaction and let down that it was over.

I love to see the Before and After pictures of home renovations/decorations.  One reason I enjoy these is because I don't have to live with the process.  I can simply jump from the unpleasant "Before" straight to the amazing "After."

As I write this, we are having major thunderstorms and even though I love a good storm, I love how the earth responds afterward.  Could that be a song?  "When the Storm Passes By?"

(Lyrics Here)

At times I think we tend to get caught up in the "AFTERS."

After I get well.

After this crisis is passed.
After I get my education.
After I resolve this issue in my life.
After the kids grow up.
After the election.

Wouldn't be nice if we could jump from the "Before" straight to the "After" with an amazing result without having to go through the process?

I cannot think of one single "AFTER" that didn't involve a before and some kind of change.

I have come to the conclusion that how we deal with the process often determines the state of the after.

I know Who holds my tomorrows, my befores and my afters.  Do you?

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.

1 comment:

  1. After is a word that can have so many positives and negatives connected to it. I am blessed that I know my final after will be pleasant and free of worry and sorrow.


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