Monday, February 25, 2019

Sharing Four Somethings

As a way of wrapping up the month of February, I am participating with a couple other bloggers, Laurie at Meditations in Motion and Heather at Living the Full Life, for today's post.

Share Four Somethings

February 2019 Relived

Something Loved

The first week of February found us in Northern Indiana facing weather conditions we Louisiana natives had never dreamed of before.  The renowned Polar Vortex of 2019 hit us with its full force for that part of the country, breaking records for negative temperatures.  The actual high one day was a -23 with a wind chill of -51.

I loved seeing the lake affect snow swirl and pile up on every outdoor surface.  I also loved having our three grandchildren there with us because their colleges and high school were closed.  When that happens, you know the weather is bad.

And then it was gone and the skies celebrated, and I loved every minute of that too.

Something Said

I recently visited with several friends who have lost their spouse.  We talked about how much they still miss their mate so much, but feel that every day brings healing.  But, one said a very sad thing that I can't stop thinking about.

They said that the loss is hardest on their grown children because of feelings of guilt on their part.  The death of their parent has brought back unresolved feelings and issues they had not dealt with until now.

Although they know without a doubt of their parent's great love and forgiveness, they can't forgive themselves for grief they caused.

I've thought about how so very sad that is.  How unfortunate that these adult children now live with self condemnation and feelings of self-imposed guilt.  These feelings are keeping them from moving on with the healing and acceptance of their parent's death, and love and forgiveness freely given.

How important is it to resolve issues like these while our loved ones are still with us?  We never know when it could be too late.

But, self-imposed guilt is a load only that person can unload.  Jesus tells us that we are to cast all our cares, burdens, pain and guilt on Him and He will give us rest.

Don't wait until it is too late.

Something Learned

A dear friend sent me a video of a song her son wrote and it is beautiful.  I knew Harrie was very gifted and had co-written some songs years ago and is even a Dove winner.  But, this one is different.

I learned that after not writing anything for almost 20 years, he wrote this song for his beautiful wife as a Valentine gift.

Today I learned that Harrie McCollough is truly a very gifted song writer.

An Ordinary Man

Before you I was ordinary.
Before you I was simply just a man.
Before you I thought I would never find a way
To ever want to love again.

Since you, I have new direction.
Since you, I am more than just a man.
Since you, I know that I have truly
Found a road back to me.
Now I want to love again.

You are light to a place that had grown dreary.
You are water to a dry and thirsty land.
You are hope to a soul that had grown weary.
You're the extra to this ordinary man.

Even though we've loved and lost,
And know the price that losing cost,
I'm thankful that we took the chance
To give love's song another dance.

You are light to a place that had grown dreary.
You are water to a dry and thirsty land.
You are hope to a soul that had grown weary.
You're the extra to this ordinary man.
Harrie McCollough, 2019

Something Read

I didn't actually read this book but listened to it while on a road trip this week.

It is a captivating story of fiction based on one of America's most notorious real-life scandals.  The history of what Georgia Tann did to so many poor children back in the 1930's is heart breaking.  As the director of a Memphis-based adoption organization, she, a lesbian kidnapped, abused and sold poor children to wealthy families all over the country.

Lisa Wingate's riviting and heart breaking story of a family of children is also uplifting and inspiring.  She portrays through the lives of these delightful characters that although paths can lead to many places, the heart never forgets where we belong.  Home!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. I enjoyed reading your 4 somethings! Winter, snow and cold temperatures would definitely not end up in my "Loved" category, but you manages to make it seem very appealing. The pictures were beautiful and the snow day cancellations allowing you to spend time with grandchildren is always good!

  2. Just seeing those pics of the snow make me shiver. I know adult children dealing with guilt over issues with their deceased parents and it is soooo sad! A very enjoyable post!

  3. Thanks for linking up! I enjoyed reading your #sharefoursomethings

  4. Dear Elizabeth ... a sunset snapshot's worth a thousand words!

  5. Visiting from #sharefoursomethings. I enjoyed reading your monthly round-up. The photos of the snow are beautiful, although I think I'd struggle with it being that cold! I love the song lyrics too!

  6. I've had Lisa Wingate's book on my to-read list for a while. I think I'll bump it up on the list! Thanks for sharing...and stay warm!


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