Monday, August 31, 2020
80 years of living should be celebrated!And we did!Our daughter, Christy,her husband Chuck and three of their daughters hosted the big event at their lovely home in Dallas this past Saturday.I asked granddaughters Chandler and Cassidy to be responsible for some of the food and they went over and above.They combined their talents and created these amazing charcuterie boards full of delicious meats, cheeses, crackers, fruits and sauces.We also had warm roll sandwiches that were absolutely delicio...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
I have always been more of a cat person, but we also had a dog when the children were home and I love my granddogs.
2. Last time you felt 'dog tired'?
I do everything I can to keep from feeling 'dog tired." The most tired I get these days is walking my usual five miles every morning, but that is an exhilarated tiredness.
3. It's said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. When did you last prove this idiom true or prove it wrong?
I prove it true three days a week in the pool. This old dog will never be able to swim, nor will she want to.
4. A favorite book, television show, or movie featuring a dog. Why did you love it?
I think the most recent movie was "Old Yeller." We really enjoyed seeing it with our son and his family in Indiana because the book was one of his favorites. I remember reading it to him as a child, before he went to sleep at night.
5. Last time you had reason to (literally or figuratively) exclaim 'hot diggity dog'?
That would be following my eye exam this week. My vision is unchanged and still 20/20 with my current lens. No vision changes at all, and no need to go back for a another year. HOT DIGGITY DOG!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Thank you for joining us for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge where we answer questions given to us by Joyce. Check out her blog at From This Side of the Pond 1. The Hodgepodge lands on National Dog Day this year (August 26th). Do you own a dog? NoDid you have a dog when you were growing up, or maybe some other kind of pet? Oh yes, we had dogs, cats and even a baby skunk for a short time.Would you say you're more of a dog person or a cat person? Neither is okay too: )I have always been mo...
Sunday, August 23, 2020
The first step is to determine your skins undertone. You will have either "Warm" or "Cool" undertones and this never changes. It is what you are born with and have to live with. Warm will mean that you have yellow undertones, and cool means that you have blue undertones.
Because of this, colors either blend and compliment, or fight and detract.
IMAGE - Spring
Your natural gift is IDEAS! You may have trouble carrying them all out, but you are absolutely full of them.
You are vibrant, expressive, cheerful, spontaneous, and the life of the party. You help the rest of the world have fun and hope!

IMAGE - Summer
This person is somewhat introverted and moves slowly but deliberate. She is steady, easy-going, relaxed, connected, nurturing, warm and detail-oriented.
The Summer's skin will be rosy or very pink which just fits perfectly with the overall sweetness of this person.
Wear silver and rose gold jewelry and remember, Pearls are always perfect for the Summer. Hair should be worn in a soft style around face. If you have natural curls, showcase them.
IMAGE - Autumn
Warm undertones
The absolute Autumn's skin may have more yellow, orange or gold undertone. Because the hemoglobin count is high in the Autumn (I know, go figure), the color of their skin is more coral-orange. This Season usually suntan beautifully, and has been called the Bronze Goddesses of the Seasons.
There is nothing soft and frilly about this Season. Think texture and angles.
Autumn's characteristics are those of strength and strong will, just like the rough and fiery colors of nature.
You are a determined woman (some even dare to call us - yes I'm one - stubborn) and you need to honor your desire to accomplish your tasks swiftly and practically.
From your make-up which should be in the warm tones with golden and bronze highlights to your hair which should be a no-fuss style, you demonstrate the practical nature of this beautiful Season.
Autumn's characteristics are those of strength and strong will, just like the rough and fiery colors of nature.
IMAGE - Winter
I was curious to see what I blogged about when I first started back in August 2011. I wasn't surprised to see that the early posts were on image and wardrobe planning, because that was supposed to be the reason for and direction I had hoped my blogging would take me.These are still topics of interest I think, based on the number of fashion blogs and Instagram accounts I see every day.So for this Monday post, I am going to take bits and pieces from several of those early posts and combine into...
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
2. What was the last 9-5 job you worked? Tell us about it.
3. Plead the fifth, high five, take five, it's five o'clock somewhere, or the big 5-0...which number five phrase relates to your life in some way currently? Tell us how.
4. During this season of spending so much time at home, what distractions get in the way of being your most productive? Or have you been extra productive since this whole thing started?
5. Give us a list here of your top five anything.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Wednesday HodgepodgeThe beauty of diversity!1. Five years ago this month hubs and I relocated from New Jersey to the Palmetto State. What were you doing five years ago this month?Looking back over pictures, we were probably pretty busy in August 2015. The most memorable event was a great visit with my 1st cousin and her husband in Austin, Tx. We were also getting ready for a trip to Northern Indiana in early September.2. What was the last 9-5 job you worked? Tell us about it.My last job w...
Sunday, August 16, 2020
A picture from our '62 yearbook of the yearbook staff. Terry and I are on each end of the front row.
Last week I attended two funerals. One was of a high school classmate. Terry was only 75 but what a rich life he had lived.When my family moved to Pine Prairie, LA in the summer of 1960, I was between my sophomore and junior years of high school. I was not happy about this move any more than I had been of the previous move. It meant I had to leave friends again with whom I felt a real bond. Being somewhat of an introvert, it meant I again would have to put forth an effort to make my place...
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
For the most part, we are diligent and want to excel at everything we do. As the leader of our sibling pack, firstborns often tend to be:
- Reliable
- Conscientious
- Structured
- Cautious
- Controlling
- Achievers
- Judgmental
3. What's something you're smack in the middle of currently?
4. What's a food you love to eat that has something delicious in the middle?
5. Share a memory from your middle school days, or junior high if that's what your school dubbed kids somewhere between grades 6-8.
6. Insert your own random thought here.

Welcome to this week's edition of Wednesday Hodgepodge 1. August 12th is National Middle Child Day...are you a middle child? If not, where in your family do you fall in terms of birth order? Do you hold true to the typical characteristics of oldest-middle-youngest-only child? (a quick list can be found here) Elaborate.I am the oldest of three girls and yes, my birth order characteristics are pretty much spot on.For the most part, we are diligent and want to excel at everything we do. As the le...
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Welcome, I’m Libby

Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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Home Sweet Hodgepodge4 hours ago
Today’s News for Women over 508 hours ago
Dressin' Up1 day ago
Style Showcase 2851 day ago
Monday Musings No. 1632 days ago
Photograph6 days ago
You Are Not Your Thoughts4 weeks ago
January and February Prime Purchases1 month ago
This feed has moved and will be deleted soon. Please update your subscription now.2 months ago
Little Stories – Little Dabbles Part II3 months ago
BIG NEWS!4 months ago
Review of Clara Sunwoo Designs4 months ago
Spring Tea Party11 months ago
My Famous Banana Bread1 year ago

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