My favorite cleaning product is Thieves by Young Living. I keep a spray bottle under my sink and use it often. I also like the Meyers cleaning products.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
My favorite cleaning product is Thieves by Young Living. I keep a spray bottle under my sink and use it often. I also like the Meyers cleaning products.
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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Hi Libby:
ReplyDeleteDusting is the one thing I don't like. We stock up on canned goods
during the winter in case the weather is too bad to get out. The cans
have a date of use by on them so we always make sure the date year is
far into the future.
We also had to change doctors and you are so right about the paper work.
We didn't have any online pre-registration, only paperwork at the doctor's office.
I also bet that when we have an appointment we will have to go all over this again.
I think the gender identification is crazy.
I enjoyed your answers and especially your ending on a positive note.
Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteSo, you're one of the privileged few who actually know what sex she is? Oh I hear you on everything you're ranting about in your random segment. It's so crazy. What's the point of all of the registration paper work if you have to orally spout the info to the nurse/doctor again or do part of it again when you arrive? I usually leave stupid questions blank or what about when you're doing it for a GYN when it comes to 'Sex'. They give you a male and female options. This is a GYN right? So, I usually answer YES. I figured that's sure to make someone laugh. How many men do you know who sees a GYN? Okay, maybe in today's world there are more than I'd care to know about but you get where I'm coming from. It's tough being a normal person in this insanely abnormal world we live in! Thanks for sharing. When you have a minute, I hope you'll stop by to visit me!
Curious as a Cathy
Thieves is legit the best! I have been using YL for maybe 8 years now and that one is by far my favorite for cleaning bathrooms, etc.
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on the gender identification. I keep waiting for the bubble to burst, but every day you hear something crazier. It is so sad. Good luck with the doctor hunt. That is one of the biggest aggravations about moving. And my hair salon too. That's always a tough transition : )
ReplyDeleteGood morning! I do not like to dust. I have allergies and dust is one of my biggies. Good luck with the new doctors - I hate to have to find a new doctor and also hate to find a new hair stylist!
ReplyDeleteOh Libby, I can understand your frustration with those forms and the ridiculous notions about gender. Sorry too that you had to experience that Texas freeze. So sad for the busted pipes and damage it caused. Glad you are choosing joy and to look on the brighter side. Hope the rest of February goes well!
ReplyDeleteOh, you seemed to have "hit a nerve" with many of us on the form filling. Good grief, why does the nurse ask the same identical questions. I just had that happen two weeks ago. I have all my annual checkups in Jan. and Feb. and I'm pretty much "over it" by the time I've been to all of them, and I'm healthy as a horse but I see my Internist, my Gyn, Dermatologist and eye Dr. Goodness, it never ends. :o)) Have a great rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen Thieves in the stores around here.
ReplyDeleteGender identification...Heaven Help Us! Filling out mounds of paperwork ugh!
I think I might write on gender info--"please refer to birth certificate".
ReplyDeleteI have been pleasantly surprised at how little info I am having to fill out at our new dr.
Here's to a better month of March!
I am going to check out that cleaner. You're right about the sodium. I also buy low sodium black beans. I felt so bad for everyone in the country being affected by all of the snow. My poor MIL was is bed for two days with blankets. She's 93! Her son who lived in Houston couldn't even drive to get her. I'm sorry about that paperwork. I agree with you. We are in a medical group, you would think that each doctor could access our records. Nope, doesn't work that way.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Bible verse.
I haven't ever used Young Living products, but the Thieves cleaner is intriguing!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you about not letting this pandemic run my life. I'm so over everybody being so panicked! :)