Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday 9: Money For Nothing

Our theme song and artists for today are not one I would ever choose to listen to, but it is still a fun Saturday 9 set of questions from Samantha today.

Money for Nothing

Money for Nothing (1985) 

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Sweatbands are prominent in this very 1980s video. What's the last thing you wore on your head?

An LSU baseball cap while I was walking in the neighborhood early one morning.  No pictures thank you.

2) The lyrics are from the point of view of a man who delivers and installs appliances. What's the biggest purchase you've made lately? Was it big in size or expense?

A few months ago we put in a new kitchen sink, faucets and disposal.  It was both rather big in size and expense.  However, the frustration with the installers might have been even larger. 

3) The delivery man of the song imagines the worst thing that happens to a musician is a blister on his little finger or thumb. Do you have any minor aches or pains bedeviling you as you answer these questions?

Since you asked - I will be seeing a hand surgeon on Sept 3rd to find out what can be done for these painful thumbs and wrists.

4) The term "dire straits" describes a troubling situation that's difficult to extricate oneself from. When's the last time you found yourself in dire straits?

I try to avoid dire straits, both the situation and the music at all costs.

5) There's a dinosaur called masiakasaurus knopfleri. It's a prehistoric, predatory lizard, and the paleontologists who discovered it were big Dire Straits fans, so they named it after lead singer/guitarist Mark Knopfler. Do you find dinosaurs fascinating, terrifying, or both?

I really have no interest in dinosaurs at all and certainly do not find them terrifying whatsoever.

6) Prior to his music career, Knopfler was a junior reporter, covering the entertainment beat for the Yorkshire Evening Post. Do you believe you would make a better musician or journalist?

At one point in my life I would have considered myself somewhat of a musician as I sang and played handbells.  Since that is no longer an option, I will go with journalist.  I do enjoy writing and have a natural curiosity to get to the bottom of things.  Also, based on many of today's journalists, there doesn't seem to be many criteria for the job.

7) In 1985, when this song was popular, rib eye steak was $3.89/pound. Today it's more than twice that. Do you have any beef in your freezer right now?

I do have some beef patties and a roast.

8) In 1985, Michael Jordan won the NBA Rookie of the Year award after his first season with the Chicago Bulls. It was the beginning of a career that made him a hero and a household name. Who do you think today's young people look up to?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every young person would have parents of great character of whom they could say, "I want to be just like my mom/dad when I grow up."

I think young people will always look up to certain athletes.  But, I also see a trend where many of these are not the strong role models young people need.  There is also a trend of looking up to fictional/cartoon characters which is scary.  Back in the day, we enjoyed Dick Tracy and Archie and Superman, but I don't remember them ever being idols upon which to emulate our lives.

I would also hope that one day, political figures and religious leaders would be the persons our young people admire most and want to model their lives after.  That may be a while coming however.

9) Random question: Friends take you to dinner for your birthday. The menu you're handed doesn't have any prices on it. Do you try to estimate the costs and choose what you guess is the least expensive entree? Or do you figure that since your friends want you to have a good time, you should order whatever you want? 

That is tricky and we have had that to happen.  In that case, our hosts were considerate enough to discuss what their choices would be and about other dishes on the menu that we might like.

Should that not happen, I might ask what they recommend if they have been there before and also see what they have ordered and order accordingly.

We will be taking a mini road trip for a couple days over the weekend so I am wishing you a very Happy and Enjoyable Labor Day.

Image result for labor day 2019

Our theme song and artists for today are not one I would ever choose to listen to, but it is still a fun Saturday 9 set of questions from Samantha today. Money for Nothing Money for Nothing (1985) Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.1) Sweatbands are prominent in this very 1980s video. What's the last thing you wore on your head? An LSU baseball cap while I was walking in the neighborhood early one morning.  No pictures thank you. 2) The lyrics are from the point o...

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Four Somethings for August 2019

Are you ready to say "Goodbye" to August?

Because August is known to be the hottest month in the south, I can gleefully exclaim, "YEA, August is almost over!"

On the other hand, August has held some mighty fun days for us as well.  Included in the month was getting to spend two weekends in a row with our Dallas family, seeing Ava Grace perform, being part of a delightful bridal shower that Cassidy planned for her sister, and watching Emily so happy in anticipation of her upcoming wedding.

Yes, in many respects this hot month held some fun hot days but I must be honest when I say, good riddance to August and hello to September.

To wrap up this month, I will share Four Somethings that have had meaning this month. 

August 2019 Share Four Somethings

Sharing Four Somethings

Something Loved

As I've already said, I loved being with my kiddos so much, but we shared something with several couple friends on Tuesday that has had an impact on me.

Image Credit: Overcomer

This movie was such a moving story and so well done.  I have thought about what it meant to me and I'd like to share a couple things.

First of all, it shows redemption and forgiveness, not only in relationships between people but redemption and forgiveness that only a loving God can provide.  This is the Gospel that this movie so clearly presents.

Second was the beautiful picture of racial relationships that are only possible in Christ.  This movie showed strong black people interacting with strong white people in a loving and natural way.  This is what our community should truly look like and I know in so many instances it does.  But, it''s not what the world wants to see or project.  It is expedient that we, the children of God demonstrate this to others.

I love that the Kendrick Brothers are dedicated to consistently presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world in such an entertaining method.  Thank you.

I also love that God is blessing these films with success over and above what was expected.  The Hollywood film makers are seeing what God touches, He blesses.

Something Said

In the movie, the audience is forced to consider the question asked over and over,

"Who are you and whose are you?"

Our own personal identity relies on how we answer these two questions.

How do you answer them?

Something Learned

In the past week I have learned some pretty good news.

The words that come from a doctor's mouth following tests and exams can make or break one's day and even own's future.  At our age, we take nothing for granted health wise.

That's why it was great to learn after a colonoscopy that the results couldn't have been better.  It was a bit disconcerting though when he said, "I'll see you again in five years."  Doesn't sound so bad, does it?  Only I realized when I return, I will be almost 80 years old.  Geezzz!

Then this week, after an eye exam by a new Ophthalmologist, to hear that nothing has changed visually in the two years since my last exam.  I learned that there is no change with the very minor cataracts, no macular and no change in vision.

Don't you just love to learn good, new, reassuring things about your health?  Thank you God!

Something Read

This was an interesting and somewhat intriguing book about sisters.  More than that it was about family and trust and forgiveness.  It is a sad story in many ways and yet there is victory when the past is dealt with.

The story kept unfolding and pealing away the past all throughout the book and its not until the end that it all comes together.

If you like somewhat light stories with a bit of intrigue, you might also enjoy "When We Believed in Mermaids."

And that is a capsule of my August 2019!

I love joining
Heather Gerwing and Laurie and thank Heather for the idea of sharing compelling topics of our month past.

Are you ready to say "Goodbye" to August? Because August is known to be the hottest month in the south, I can gleefully exclaim, "YEA, August is almost over!" On the other hand, August has held some mighty fun days for us as well.  Included in the month was getting to spend two weekends in a row with our Dallas family, seeing Ava Grace perform, being part of a delightful bridal shower that Cassidy planned for her sister, and watching Emily so happy in anticipation of her upcoming wedding...

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wednesday Medley: Flying High

There is something special about this handsome Dad tomorrow!  Keep reading!

It is our day to join Terri for the
Wednesday Medley where she asks questions based on each Wednesday's national day.

Join us HERE for Terri's blog and links to all the other Medlers.

National Ride the Wind Day!

National Ride the Wind Day August 23

1.  Tell us about the first airplane ride you took and do you like to fly?

My first flight was in 1972 when we flew from Monroe, LA to St Louis then to NYC on the first leg of our trip to Israel.  Once up, I love to fly and look out the window, but the initial take-off makes me grab onto Dick's hand and hold tight every time.
2.  Have you ever gone hang gliding and was it on the beach with boat power, or from a mountain with only the wind and your body?

No, never.
3.  Have you ever gone kite flying and with whom?

Many years ago we tried to fly kites with the kids, but weren't extremely successful.
4.  Experimental aircraft is quite popular as a hobby where Terri lives.  Have you or anyone you know ever constructed a flying machine and did you ride in it?

5.  Another big hobby around Lakeland is Radio Controlled Airplanes.  Have you ever seen them flying or tried your hand at it?

I have not, but one of my nephews used to have several RCA's that he enjoyed.
6.  Please tell us something about your week.

The most important thing about my week is celebrating our son's 50th birthday TOMORROW!

We live too far apart to celebrate it together, but we will be grateful for him all day long.

John was our firstborn and such a blessing.  He was not only a beautiful baby, but healthy and strong and brought us so much joy.

He still does!

It's hard to believe that it's been 50 years, but we wouldn't change one single thing about these years with you, John.  Your mom and dad love you so very much.

There is something special about this handsome Dad tomorrow!  Keep reading! It is our day to join Terri for the Wednesday Medley where she asks questions based on each Wednesday's national day. Join us HERE for Terri's blog and links to all the other Medlers. National Ride the Wind Day! 1.  Tell us about the first airplane ride you took and do you like to fly? My first flight was in 1972 when we flew from Monroe, LA to St Louis then to NYC on the first le...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Granddaughter Stuff

This past weekend involved some milestones and big events for three of our granddaughters.

Granddaughter #3, Emily is scheduled to be married on October 11.  This past Friday morning Christy and Cassidy hosted a brunch shower for her Dallas family and friends.

Cassidy did a beautiful job of planning the menu and preparing most of the food.

Of course nothing could have happened without Mom's assistance.

The menu consisted of Starbuck's Lemon Cake, Chicken on Waffles, Quiche, parfaits with a variety of fruits, and fresh Louisiana watermelon.

We missed Chandler, but someone had to be in that Kindergarten classroom Friday morning.

Emily loves succulents, so the table arrangement consisted of a beautiful display highlighted by early morning sunshine.

The beautiful punch bowl has sentimental value for these two girls.  It was purchased in 1954 by their paternal grandmother for her mother.  It has now been passed down to the fourth generation.

One of Emily's close friends and classmates was able to attend.

Sweet Sisters

Emily's paternal grandmother, Sandra and Aunt Robin

Although I am a step-grandmother, she is still very much my granddaughter.

She received several really nice gifts and was thrilled with everything.  Now to look forward to October.

Also on Friday, Granddaughter #5, Mary-Elizabeth became a college freshman.

Mary-Beth begins her new adventure as a Nursing Student at Xavier University in Cincinnati today.

She is so excited and ready to begin this new adventure.  We can't wait to see how God will use this new experience.

On Sunday, her big sister, Granddaughter #4, Savannah moved into a campus apartment from a dorm to begin her Junior year at Trine University in Angola, Indiana.

She has some really exciting challenges ahead this year as she is a Student Government officer and has sorority responsibilities while continuing to be on the Dean's List.

Mom and Dad will also be facing their own challenges when for the first time in many years, Michelle will not be fixing someone's bag lunch and seeing that they get to school on time.

We think it will take all of 2 minutes to adjust.  LOL!

Being a grandmother could not be more fun!

This past weekend involved some milestones and big events for three of our granddaughters. Granddaughter #3, Emily is scheduled to be married on October 11.  This past Friday morning Christy and Cassidy hosted a brunch shower for her Dallas family and friends. Cassidy did a beautiful job of planning the menu and preparing most of the food. Of course nothing could have happened without Mom's assistance. The menu consisted of Starbuck's Lemon Cake, Chicken on Waffles, Qu...

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Downtown Building Art

No one enters or leaves the city of Shreveport, Louisiana on Interstate 20 without noticing this amazing over-sized piece of art work.

Titled "Once in a Millennium Moon," this visually busy mural covers 30,000 square feet and took two years to paint.  The mural is on two sides of a 14 story building and the largest in the US.

In 2000, Meg Saligman, internationally renowned for her large murals, invented the “community paint day” as a way to include thousands of community members in the making of "Once in a Millennium Moon."  The technique is now widespread across the mural industry.

The artist perfected the picture on a paint by number grid, then paint parties were held all over town.  It took almost two years and over 2,000 folks worked on the painting which was applied to sheets of plastic cloth much like wallpaper.  More than 40% of the mural was done by the Shreveport community.

The mural contains 19 people from the ages of 3 months to 80 years old. They represent diversity in race, age, gender, religion and neighborhood.  The people and over 40 objects capture the people of Shreveport, their treasures, triumphs, and tragedies.

 Each of the forty heirloom objects that might have had meaning to a person, or family can also be found in the mural.  Examples of them are a clown doll, ceramic cup, fork and a cast iron skillet.

Cycles of life can also be found in the painting:  birth is represented by a christening cap, puberty by the Torah, a veil and garter for marriage, and a veteran's dog tag for death. 

The water symbolizes the flow of the Red River after the break of the Great Log Jam by Captain Henry Miller Shreve for whom the city was named.

Near the bottom of the painting is a cornucopia of northwestern Louisiana produce including strawberries, peaches, tomatoes and dewberries.  They are being held in a Cast Iron Skillet. This skillet is symbolic because it had been passed down through three generations, and each new recipient received an accompanying card, which read: "This skillet is for making cornbread, and for keeping your man in line."

It is certainly a mega mural with a magnificent message of joy and hope!  

The young woman on the South wall is holding a glowing flame in an orb, which "symbolizes Shreveport's hopes and dreams for the future." Her billowing skirts represent "wind."

No minute detail was overlooked in these massive pieces of art.

The Magnolia, the official state flower and the Shreveport Rose, the city flower are beautifully mingled.

The following are paintings on various buildings throughout 9-blocks around the city referred to as Shreveport Common.  They are part of the "12 Uncommon Murals" project designed by area Artists.

The large painting on the side of this printing company is a scene from the local Caddo Lake.

"A Call to Action" by Al Bahler is on the side of the Shreveport/Bossier Convention & Tourism Building and spectacularly lite at night.

The old hotel in the foreground is being partially demolished to make room for a new locally owned brewery company.

These tumbling jokers are a fun accent to the side of this multi-storied apartment building.

This artist was determined to turn the dead, gray and rusty browns of the city into colorful, interesting scenes.

"Frog Prince" is a larger than life painting of a young girl laying in the grass.  It was done by J. Ben Moss on the side of a 6-story building and is my favorite.

"Putting on the Arts" replicates the door scroll work on the now deteriorating B'Nai Zion Temple.

This 80' x 15" mural was designed by local renowned author, filmmaker and illustrator of children's literature, William Joyce.  "Rolie Polie Olie" is an illustration from one of his books and films.
Check him out HERE

There are many more, but I will save them for another day.

What's something fascinating about where you live? 

No one enters or leaves the city of Shreveport, Louisiana on Interstate 20 without noticing this amazing over-sized piece of art work. Titled "Once in a Millennium Moon," this visually busy mural covers 30,000 square feet and took two years to paint.  The mural is on two sides of a 14 story building and the largest in the US. In 2000, Meg Saligman, internationally renowned for her large murals, invented the “community paint day” as a way to include thousands of community members in...