Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Our youngest Grand, Ava Grace had a lead role in the Prestonwood Baptist Church's Children's Musical, "Spend Awhile on the Nile" last week.  THIS is the Facebook LINK to one of her solos.  We weren't able to be there, but from all reports, she did SUPER.  I love her sweet voice and expressive face.

1. They say you learn something new every day. What did you learn yesterday?

I learned from a hand specialist that I have very bad arthritis in my thumb joints that are forcing the joint out of place and causing a great deal of pain and discomfort 24/7.  The good news is the carpal tunnel is not real bad.  The better news is that there are things we can do to help take care of the problem and save surgery as a very last resort.  Or never!

2. Have you ever had a now or never moment? Elaborate.

I'm sure there have been times when a split second decision - do or die - was called for, but I really can't think of anything right now.

3.  April 25th is National Telephone Day. Do you still have a land line or have you gone mobile only? When you receive a text message do you respond immediately? Last time you turned your phone off?  In two or three sentences share with us a story/memory/incident from your childhood (or something current if that's too hard) where the telephone is featured.

We only have mobile phones.

If I am able to respond immediately, I do so.

I turn it off periodically to re-boot.

This a picture of the first phone I remember us having.

I cannot remember any specific incident from my childhood, but we did have a "party line," where several homes shared the same line.  Often, we would have to ask permission to use the line.  I can also recall, picking up the receiver from the cradle very carefully and holding my hand over the speaker and listening in on other folk's conversations.  Don't tell my mother, please.

4. Close call, at someone's beck and call, call the shots, call a meeting, call it quits, call in sick, call on the carpet, wake up call...which call have you 'heard' recently? Explain.

"Wake up call".  That horribly sounding alarm goes off at 5:30 every weekday morning and always interrupts the best sleep I've had all night.  This is the wake up; get up; get dressed; get to the gym call.

5. What subject do you wish you'd paid more attention to in school?

Both my parents and my teachers wished at the time I was paying more attention to all my subjects.  There were boys, sports, friends, boys, the outdoors, boys, that just seemed far more interesting to me at the time.  However, having paid more attention especially in English class would have been a smart thing to have done.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Blogging will be put on hold for the next couple of weeks while we travel.  In the meantime, think on these things.

Our youngest Grand, Ava Grace had a lead role in the Prestonwood Baptist Church's Children's Musical, "Spend Awhile on the Nile" last week.  THIS is the Facebook LINK to one of her solos.  We weren't able to be there, but from all reports, she did SUPER.  I love her sweet voice and expressive face. 1. They say you learn something new every day. What did you learn yesterday? I learned from a hand specialist that I have very bad arthritis in my thumb joints that are forcing the joi...

Monday, April 23, 2018

What I Wore

Last Thursday night, our Sunday Class had a party.  It was a Western theme, but since I don't really do western, this was as close as I could get.

And yes, those are blue jeans.

I added a gold/yellow jeweled necklace and matching earrings.  The white tunic is from Chico's and is wrinkle free, which I so like.
A similar shirt can be found here on the Chico's site.

I love my yellow sandals.  I bought a black pair and because they are so comfortable, I had to have some more.  These yellow ones will be so much fun for spring and summer.

They are Alex Marie and I got them at Dillards.  Link HERE

Sunday was a bit chilly here so I opted for one of my favorite suits for church.

I was trying to remember how old this suit is, and can't remember when I bought it.  But, to give you an idea, it is a Casual Corner and you know how long those stores have been closed.

To add a spring touch and to put a more complimentary color near my face, I chose an aqua sweater for underneath.

My jewelry is a simple gold choker and gold ball earrings.

My shoes are by BeautiFeel.  I found them at Walking Company inside Cesear's Palace in Las Vegas three years ago.  They are without a doubt the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn.  They are expensive for me so I am taking really good care of this pair.

The link for these shoes on the BeautiFeel website is HERE

Several years ago, I did a blog on "How I Wear My Grey" and featured this suit.  You might find it of interest and it can be seen HERE.

I am joining up with
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Last Thursday night, our Sunday Class had a party.  It was a Western theme, but since I don't really do western, this was as close as I could get. And yes, those are blue jeans. I added a gold/yellow jeweled necklace and matching earrings.  The white tunic is from Chico's and is wrinkle free, which I so like. A similar shirt can be found here on the Chico's site. I love my yellow sandals.  I bought a black pair and because they are so comfortable, I had to have some more.  The...

Friday, April 20, 2018

Edible Centerpieces

Coming up with a centerpiece for our table is probably one of the hardest aspects of entertaining for me.  Although I think of myself as pretty creative, I just seem to lack that bent to do something pretty and pleasing.  Maybe because I wait until the last minute has something to do with it.

After a grocery store run this week, I put a good bit of our produce out on the counter because we find we use it more when it's in sight.

I thought it was all so pretty I took this picture.

Well, one thing led to another and I thought how pretty the bowls would be on the table as centerpieces.  That of course led me to finding dishes and trying to think outside the box.

These are the results.

Fruit Bowl Centerpiece

You will notice that none of these settings are intended for formal dinners.

I think these table settings are more suited for breakfast, brunch, and lunch occasions.

I added orange plastic plates that I usually use for outdoor eating on yellow placemats.

We really like these copper glasses and they seemed to go with this informal setting quite well.  As they don't sweat, no coaster was required.

I also used colorful paper napkins to complete the casual, colorful theme.


 For a completely different atmosphere suitable for a brunch or luncheon with friends, I brought in the red. 

The red place mats and chargers tie in with the large red fruit bowl and add a bit of elegance as well.  A few more visible red apples would have been a good idea.

The white napkins are eyelet that also adds to the feel of freshness and femininity.

I love the touch of crystal stemware, and antique flatware that was my mothers.

The mixed pattern salad plates add a bit of whimsy to keep it from being too formal.

I like this pretty table and how the bit of red brings out the colors in my painting.


By simply changing the centerpiece, I achieved a completely different feel.

The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality in the south and it is one of my favorite fruits.

The red geraniums are awaiting planting, but I like the look of the flowers added to the pineapple.

For some reason, I didn't find the crude - from the store pots - offensive, but they could have been put in pretty pots for a less "down home" feel.

Veggie Bowl Centerpiece

Using a bowl of potatoes, onions, acorn squash and avocados is something I would not normally consider using as a centerpiece.

To the bowl, I added a small green plant, and layered the bowl on a Gail Pittman tray and an off-white placemat.

I love this bowl made for me by Susan Bass after I featured her on my blog several years ago.  You can read about her HERE.

I use the bowl for many things throughout my house because it is so beautiful, but I really like the earthiness of it with the more coarse veggies.

The pattern and color combination of these Gail Pittman hand-painted plates complimented the vegetables.  I also liked the brown color repeat with the placemat and the salad plate.

The green linen napkins and stemware keep the composition from being too dark.

For some reason, this table setting makes me happy and I think a meal served here would be so much fun.


This is the one exception to a day time table setting.

By adding some fresh vegetable plants, rearranging the veggies, and adding a candle plus bling, this setting could be used for a more formal dinner meal.

I used a textile table runner with the red and tan placemats.  Replaced the red chargers with gold and added a red linen napkin and bling napkin rings.  These china plates are my husband's favorite.  They are Ming Tan by Gorham.

With the tall candle being offset, it does not block the visual of any of the guests.

Again, I love this personal, hand-made pottery bowl with a fleur-de-lis just for me.

I also added a sprig of mint for fragrance.

Another option was to use these dark amber glasses with a gold rim.  They add a nice touch.

I trust you have gotten some ideas for thinking out of the box for your table settings.


Linking to:  Amaze Me Monday

Coming up with a centerpiece for our table is probably one of the hardest aspects of entertaining for me.  Although I think of myself as pretty creative, I just seem to lack that bent to do something pretty and pleasing.  Maybe because I wait until the last minute has something to do with it. After a grocery store run this week, I put a good bit of our produce out on the counter because we find we use it more when it's in sight. I thought it was all so pretty I took this picture....

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Signs of a Busy Spring

Welcome to a glorious spring at my house.

This was before the now renowned hail storm of 2018

Now, join us for the

From this Side of the Pond

1. Three things on your spring bucket list? If you don't have an actual list that's fine, pretend you do.

I do not have a bucket list but so far the month of May has taken care of itself.  And it includes a whole bunch more than just three things.

  • The final weekend in April our two oldest granddaughters are coming for the weekend.  YIPPEE!
  • Early on Monday April 30, Dick and I leave for northern Georgia where we will visit friends who have just moved there from Texas.
  • Wednesday, May 2 we will begin the drive toward northern Indiana with sightseeing and a night over in the Smokey Mountains along the way.
  • Thursday, arrive in Granger, IN
  • Saturday we will go to Chicago to watch Jackson play Rugby (and yes, it will be cold and windy)
  • Sunday we will go in the opposite direction back to Trine University to see Savannah play an indoor (Yea!) soccer game.
  • The next weekend will find us back in Chicago for Rugby.
  • We leave Indiana on May 14 and will stay overnight in Little Rock, AR for a dental appt. the next morning, then home.
  • On May 17 we will drive to Austin, Tx for our #2 Granddaughter's graduation from UT, (Hook um horn's Cassidy) returning home on Saturday the 19th.
  • Sunday, I will drive to south Louisiana for a visit with friends and sisters and for a doctor appt in Baton Rouge, returning home on the 23rd.
  • This event is not nailed down for obvious reasons, but I have a high school reunion scheduled for Saturday the 26th in Central Louisiana.  And that's just May.

So, who needs a bucket list when life takes over.

2. Where do you find rest? What restores your soul? When was the last time you did whatever it was you answered here?

I am an outdoor person and have always found my "rest" enjoying a natural setting.  As a child that was always by myself in the woods somewhere; as a young adult I would often get in the car and just ride.  Today, I find my times of rest in my home.  There really is no place I would rather be to restore my soul.  With our new screened in porch, that is where you will find me when it's time to chill or just spend time with my Hubby while we both "rest."  And that would be daily.

3. April is National Celery Month. Who knew? Do you like celery? What's your favorite dish made with celery? On a veggie and dip platter which would you reach for first-carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes? 

I am not a huge fan of celery, but it is about the only thing I will take from a veggie tray.  I prefer eating my celery with hummus, pimento and cheese, chicken salad or cut fine in a green salad.

4. I read here eight things to do before 8 am to make your day less hectic-Start one load of laundry, drink water, empty the dishwasher, read your Bible, know what you're having for dinner, get dressed, brain dump (two lists-one what you're thankful for and one what's weighing on your mind), and after the brain dump make your to-list for the day

How many of these are you currently doing? Which one do you think would help the most if you added it to your early morning routine?

The only thing I'm doing before 8 am is working out.  So, I guess I can include getting dressed and drinking water as the only productive things I do.  I'm not a list maker but I do spend time while exercising thinking about the day ahead and things for which I am grateful.  I also pray as concerns come to mind.

5. Describe the view from your window.

I am currently in our office and the window to my back looks out on the front yard and house across the street.  It is another gorgeous day in the neighborhood.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Dick and I made a grocery store run this morning after the gym.  This is just a sampling of the fresh veggies and fruits we brought home.

On Friday, I will show you some ways of using these bowls full of goodness in a way other than eating.  You may find it interesting.

Welcome to a glorious spring at my house. This was before the now renowned hail storm of 2018 Now, join us for the Wednesday Hodgepodge 1. Three things on your spring bucket list? If you don't have an actual list that's fine, pretend you do.I do not have a bucket list but so far the month of May has taken care of itself.  And it includes a whole bunch more than just three things. The final weekend in April our two oldest granddaughters are coming for the weekend....

Monday, April 16, 2018

All About the Gadgets

I thought I would share with you a few items that have become almost indispensable in our kitchen.

Because we eat a lot of fruit and salads and are cooking more with fresh veggies, we have had to create some new habits.

And, who doesn't love a new gadget to help you achieve your goals.

Several years ago I bought a Mandoline Slicer but seldom used it.

Now, with all the prior slicing and veggie prep that we are doing, this little forgotten jewel has become a treasure.  I made the most perfect Julienne Squash and Zucchini the other night in only minutes.  And, the clean up is minimal.

This particular model is a little different from mine, but it can be found on Amazon HERE for about $16.00

I found these veggie keeper bags at Kroger and they are the best things I have found for keeping all the sliced and chopped veggies fresh.  They are reusable and the veggies will last for at least two weeks.

I first found them in the clearance baskets for less than $4 but you can order them from Amazon HERE.

We have found that we are eating more salads since having all the makings ready before hand.

This Apple Corer Slicer Wedger 

has become something we use multiple times every day.

It is a 5 in 1 Vegetable and Fruit Cutter with 5 Stainless Steel Blades that include a Mango Slicer, Tomato Slicer, Potato French Fry Slicer, Apple Corer.  We even use the tomato corer to cut onions.  Works perfect.  You could even use the potato slicer to cut up a boiled egg.  The blades are very sharp and doesn't take a minute to rinse off.

All you have to do is change the blade which a snap and you are ready to go.  You can find it on Amazon  at Kruger Home.

Another new favorite of mine is the Prepara Herb Keeper

 We got ours at SAM's and can be purchased on line at the above link if you don't have a store near by.

Here, I have mint, rosemary, thyme and parsley ready to be used at a minutes notice.  I love the way they look on my counter and the fragrance the fresh herbs provide.  There is a water reservoir in the bottom to keep the herbs fresh for days.

 To close, let me show you my beautiful amaryllis and clematis blooms.

It is impossible to capture the true rich color of this beautiful flower.

I hope your week is full of beautiful and good things.

"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee,
The Lord make His face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee.
Numbers 6:24-25 KJV

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I thought I would share with you a few items that have become almost indispensable in our kitchen. Because we eat a lot of fruit and salads and are cooking more with fresh veggies, we have had to create some new habits. And, who doesn't love a new gadget to help you achieve your goals. Several years ago I bought a Mandoline Slicer but seldom used it. Now, with all the prior slicing and veggie prep that we are doing, this little forgotten jewel has become a treasure.  I mad...