Monday, February 26, 2018

New York City Luxury

In the January/February issue of
they featured the best designs in the city that never sleeps - New York City.

They spotlighted "moments of grace - those little pockets of everyday luxury".

Who doesn't love to spend time in pockets of luxury!


An oversize Massimo Listri photograph adds drama to this entry and beckons the visitor into a looking-glass palace.  The black and white checkered marble floors balance it all.  The family pup feels at home in such luxury.

Living Rooms

 These leafy green curtains bothered me when I first saw them, but I read that they were chosen to meld with the hundreds of acres of trees below this apartment's tall windows.  Also, notice the mirrored trimmed panels on the walls.  Such a great idea!  Custom furniture and jewel toned silk velvet fabrics set this room apart.

The focal point in this living room and most other properties of "luxury" in NYC is the view.  This spectacular Central Park apartment is decorated in custom fabric in muted shades in order to not distract from the view.

This small, beautifully decorated apartment was titled "A Perfect Gem."  I love the round end table here.  The fringe on the sofa was taken from an old sofa and added to this new custom designed one.


This paneled library is in contrast to the more contemporary design of the other rooms in this NYC apartment and offers a warm, comfortable gathering place.

This elegant library is designed to take advantage of the outside view.  Notice the ceiling repeats the paneled walls.  And, I love that green leather wing-back chair.


Who would not love soaking in this tub in a marble-walled bathroom, over-looking the city.

Back Porch

This terrace overlooks New York's Central Park - a breath-taking view could be the most amazing accessory of any room.


An evening view from this apartment's living room windows could be the height of living in luxury in New York City.

How can you bring a bit of NYC luxury into your home?  If not a central park or amazing skyline, then how about taking advantage of whatever view you might have from your favorite room?
Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. Great photos, Elizabeth. I love NYC!! Have a great week.

  2. I've never been to NYC. That's quite the apartment, I can't imagine how much something like that would cost.

  3. I really like your post good blog on site,Thanks for your sharing.



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