Monday, June 29, 2015
One week ago we were experiencing the elegance of the Crescent Hotel in Dallas, Texas for our niece's wedding. Grand from its very inception, with ten different types of marble that were imported from Italy and Spain for flooring and counters. The hotel even eclipsed the Empire State Building and broke a world record in the amount of limestone used in its construction. The hotel and the adjoining building holding the famed Crescent Club was built by Dallas Oil Heiress Margaret Hunt s...
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
1. June 23rd is National Pink Day. What's your favorite something pink?
I am not a pink person. As my coloring is yellow based, I stay away from pink clothes all together. I have very little of anything pink in my house unless you consider varying shades of red. So, I will go with Pink Grapefruit as my favorite something pink.
2. What did you enjoy most about gym class when you were in school? How about the least?
In high school I ran track, played basketball and softball. In college the few required gym classes that I took were archery, sword fighting, tennis and aerobic dance. I hated aerobic dance!!!
3. What memory is brought to mind by the smell of roses?
I don't have a specific association with that fragrance although I do love the smell.
4. Do you prefer to read or write?
I enjoy both. I enjoy writing when I have time to spend and a topic that especially interests me. I probably spend more time reading though.
5. Sam Keen is quoted as saying, 'Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.' Would you agree? Is laziness ever respectable? How will you be lazy this summer?
Yes, in the south the lazy days of summer are a way of life. Excessive laziness however is not acceptable and a true southern lady knows the difference. Honestly, my summer days are really no different than my days the rest of the year since retiring. There is a routine and I find that comforting.
6. The Florida Keys, Disney World, or a resort somewhere on the Gulf Coast...which Florida destination would you choose (and why) if the trip were today?
I would enjoy a trip to the Florida Keys. I have no desire to visit Disney World, and I'm too old to spend much time in the sun baking my skin. Plus, I've never been to the Keys. Today would also be a good time since there is no hurricane lurking in the Gulf.
7. What question do you hate to answer?
The one I have no answer for.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Be sure to join all the bloggers who participate in Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge by clicking on the above link. 1. June 23rd is National Pink Day. What's your favorite something pink? I am not a pink person. As my coloring is yellow based, I stay away from pink clothes all together. I have very little of anything pink in my house unless you consider varying shades of red. So, I will go with Pink Grapefruit as my favorite something pink. 2. What did you enjoy most about gym class...
Monday, June 22, 2015
David, Becca and Matt, Mary and Glen |
The arched window is the location of the reception. |
The Bride's Cake |
We also enjoyed our time with the Bride's uncle, our nephew, Lee who is a Dentist in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Another blessing about visiting new places is meeting new people. Hubby will always find a new friend. While I was "window" shopping in the clothes section of Stanley Korshak which is attached to the hotel,
he met and spent time getting to know a very special young lady.
Sonya Woods is a stylist and personal shopper for Stanley Korshak. But she is so much more than that. She has an amazing and beautiful story of how the Lord has created a new being within her.
She shared with us how she was terribly intimidated and made fun of as a child until her Christian mother taught her to love herself because God does.
Sonya serves as an ordained Elder of the Potter’s House of Dallas and volunteers as a teacher, mentor, speaker and conference host for several outreach ministries across the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area and abroad. She is also an instructor for the Potter’s House School of Ministry.
Sonya spoke to us so loving of her late mother that I was delighted to read on her website that in honor of her, Sonya recently launched “Ruth’s Daughters”, in-home bible study. It is her desire to see Jew and Gentile laboring together; bringing in the harvest.
You can visit her website HERE, but her real story is what she blogs about HERE.
I would love to introduce you to my new friend and for you to get to know how God is using this beautiful, Christian lady to inspire women to be beautiful without and within.
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Via Blog |
After the wedding reception on Friday night, Hubby and I got on an elevator with one of the elder servers for the event. I asked him how long he had worked for the Crescent Club and he said, "30 years!" This began a conversation that lasted 30 minuets.
This young man is known as the "Millionaire Waiter."
That's right, he is worth over a million dollars because he has specialized in being a trustworthy friend and server to the billionaires who frequent The Club.
He told us he has shaken the hand and served every president in these 30 years. He said he first met George W. Bush when we would come in blue jeans and boots as a young man. Because of that early friendship, he was always asked for when as President, he would come. Ali is a remarkable man of 72 with no plans to retire, and one we so enjoyed getting to spend time with.
What if I hadn't spoken to this man? What if Hubby hadn't engaged Sonya in conversation?
Our lives would not be as full and blessed as they are today.
And yes, while in Dallas, we did get to see our daughter and some of the family for a few minutes. Another of God's richest blessings!
Yes, God orchestrates the feet of His children and this weekend was a blessing that we can only give Him thanks for bringing about.
This past Thursday we went to Dallas for the wedding of a great niece or is it niece once removed. I'm never sure which it is so I'll just say that Becca is the youngest daughter of our nephew, Glen and his wife Mary. We spent a week with them and other members of their family last August in Breckenridge. David, Becca and Matt, Mary and Glen The lovely wedding took place at the majestic Rosewood Crescent Hotel in downtown Dallas and the reception was held next door The arched wind...
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Joy to our hearts,
You'd made a daughter.
Yes, a Christy.
I recently found this Father's Day note to Hubby from June 1979. Reflections on Father's Day It was in February that we met the season winter, the weather almost spring. My heart shouted, "Yes, Yes!" as my lips spoke, "How do you do!" There was music - Babe Stoval, Preservation Hall There was spaghetti, French Quarter romance, monkeys, water puddles, and violins Love was born, its conception ages old, as we talked, walked, shared a life time with our eyes. Your (heaven...
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
1. June is National Great Outdoors Month. Have you spent any time appreciating the great outdoors this month? If so where, and if not do you have any plans to enjoy the great outdoors before the calendar turns?
Yes, I have and my last blog post covered one such outing and can be seen HERE and my random thought will show the other. Since it is either raining or too hot to get outside, I have not spent as much time in my yard lately as I did earlier in the spring. I don't like HOT!!!
2. What's a current hot button issue for you?
Just one? It would be political and probably best not discussed on an open forum; however, I feel very strongly about these issues and since it's my blog, I'm going to mention them.
1. I am very concerned about the same-sex marriage issue before the Supreme Court right now. The decision should be made public the end of the month. With the way our country and political leanings are right now, I feel pretty sure which side the court will come down on and I find this frightening.
2. That our administration and legislature is turning their back on Israel is a great concern not only for what it means for the security of that country but also because of the affect it will have on our own country. God's Word clearly explains the consequences of not standing for and supporting the Jewish nation.
3. What's a food or treat that 'disappears like hotcakes' in your house?
Watermelon. We both love this fruit so it doesn't last long around here.
4. How hot is too hot?
When I perspire.
5. Do you have an artistic outlook on life? What does that mean to you?
Yes, I think I do. I find beauty in composition around me. I find beauty in shapes and color combinations. I appreciate the unusual or ugly if there is form and interest and I enjoy capturing these things with my camera. I love and appreciate beautiful architecture. My parents taught me to appreciate the finer things of life such as etiquette, music, nature, reading and art and I will forever be grateful.
6. What's one question you'd like to ask your father, or one you wish you could ask your father?
My dad was one of the wisest people I will ever know. There have been so many times since his death in 1994 that I have needed his wisdom. I can't think of any particular question right now that I would ask, but my greatest desire would just be to sit at his feet and listen. Just listen.
7. Something you learned from your father?
Dad loved greatly. He wasn't an outgoing person but he loved people. He loved the Lord and devoted his life in His service. Although I don't have the heart for people that he did, I learned to love Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and to trust Him with all my heart. Dad was a scholar and I think I inherited my love for Bible study and research from him. He would not be pleased with my neglect of that lately though.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Recently friends invited us to visit a nearby winery and vineyard, we thought it would be an interesting and fun trip. And it was!
It is good to be back with our Wednesday Hodgepodge routine after Joyce took a much needed one week break. Hopefully, that is all she broke as she packed up and moved. So click on the link above to see what other bloggers think about the questions this week. 1. June is National Great Outdoors Month. Have you spent any time appreciating the great outdoors this month? If so where, and if not do you have any plans to enjoy the great outdoors before the calendar turns? Yes, I have and my...
Monday, June 15, 2015
Elaine and sister, Dora |
Along the lane the rustic remains of an old gnarled uprooted tree trunk. Can you see the bird in flight?
As if one day an old farmer turned off the key and never returned, this old tractor is a visual reminder that life was not easy. This piece of rusty art in an open field captured my eye and imagination.
Last week we attended the funeral of a dear friend of fifty plus years. Derry and Dora were high school sweet hearts down in Mount Herman, Louisiana back in the 1950's. When Derry was accepted into Medical School at LSU, he married Dora because he declared he wouldn't go without her. Derry was a very industrious and hard-working young man, having his own dairy while in high school. This work ethic served him well as he went on to graduate top in his class of Veterinary Medicine a...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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18 Spring & Easter Tablescapes21 hours ago
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