And just so you know, no home is completely accessorized for Fall without this mixture.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
And just so you know, no home is completely accessorized for Fall without this mixture.
YES! Fall has finally arrived in North Central Texas. And, so did our new patio, but more on that later.Along with cooler and windier weather, came a busted pipe connected to our hot-water heater. Of course, you know that means no hot water until a plumber can get here to find the leak, possibly dig a hole to China in the tile floor of the utility room, and charge us the price of a new car.More on that later too when I can think about it without twitching.Since it is Fall and that is my favo...
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Happy Fall Ya’ll
Thank you, Joyce for some interesting things to think about this morning. 1. Do you (or did you used to) watch talk shows? Which are or were your favorite?Because I worked outside the home for 35 years after I worked inside the home, I never watched much day-time television. After retiring, I rarely turned the TV on during the day, and even now, never watch day-time TV programs. I cannot imagine sitting and listening to a group such as "The View" for pleasure. Never!2. Would you descri...
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Thank you, Joyce for coming up such thought provoking and interesting questions each week.
I have a dear friend who lives in Morehouse Parish whose two sons are carrying on the legacy of their father and grandfather. She no doubt also has a grandchild or two who are likely to be 4th generation Stutts Farmers. They successfully grow cotton, corn, beans, beautiful children, and who knows what else.
2011: Having retired in May, Oct 12 found me sitting in my favorite spot, my back porch, enjoying a cappuccino and watching it rain. Isn't that was retirement looks like?
2010: Sitting at an outdoor table at Starbucks with my Hubby, savoring my first cup of hot Caramel Spice of the fall.
A fallen leaf is nothing more
than a summer's wave good bye.
Thank you, Joyce for coming up such thought provoking and interesting questions each week. 1. What obligation do you believe you have to your country?What an appropriate question as the following quotes, and others were in my husband's Wednesday morning reading from "Harvest of Gold."Jesus answered that question with this response: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God's."William Tyler Page wrote the following in 1917, that I believe every Ame...
Sunday, October 10, 2021
This is no paint-by-number watercolor! She explained the many intricate steps and time consuming process of this art work. Evidently the judges appreciated what they saw.
It has been at her feet that Linda has become a recognized watercolorist in her own right. She learned from Jane valuable lessons such as "It is always important to do it well," and to always "give yourself permission to have fun."
This is such a study of expressions. Linda explained that the one on the end above, was the talker and since I'm telling this part of the story, it is my guess that these other three friends had heard her stories a few too many times.
Berry Branch |
Spying Eyes |
This last one was taken at the Japanese Garden in Ft Worth, Tx. How many spying eyes can you find?
Our story of a particular watercolorist begins all the way back in Bavaria sometime prior to 1872, when two young men decided to avoid being conscripted in yet another of the Kaiser Ludwig’s many wars, and fled for America. They arrived in California only to learn the gold was depleted and opportunities to make a living were limited. However, they learned that land was available in Texas, but before they went to Texas, one of them sent for his bride-to-be, the sister of his friend. They were...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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You Are Not Your Thoughts4 weeks ago
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