Welcome to Thursday 13, the easy meme where you make a list of 13 things on Thursday.
Being that I am confined inside my house, I thought it might be fun to think about
Since walking into this empty for-sale house over 13 years ago, I have loved my home. I knew it was to be mine the minute I saw it.
These are some of the reasons why:
1. The floor plan suits our life style to a tee
2. It is in the Garden Home section of a larger gated community. We feel relatively safe here, and we love the small corner lot.
3. When we moved here, a bit of down-sizing was required, so I was determined to keep only what I loved. Therefore, everything in my house is either an heirloom, a gift, or a well thought out purchase.
4. I love that my dishwasher is built up and leaning over is not required. I don't know why builders don't do this in every house.
5. The side entry to our house, since it's on a corner lot, is so very nice and convenient and makes me happy.
6. We enclosed our patio several years ago and made it a sun room joining our bedroom and the side entry hall way. This little room has brought so many hours of contentment and has been my "Happy Place."
7. A couple years ago, we built a covered back porch off the sun room and then had it screened. This has become our early morning and afternoon "Happy Place" especially since we are home together these days. We love the early morning eastern sunshine, the singing and playing around of the many species of birds who also love our little back yard, fountain and birdbath.
8. One of the things that makes me happy in my home is the office space where we spend most of our time. We have our large mounted TV hanging over the desk which holds our oversized desktop computer screen. I have room for my laptop in front of my glider rocker and my leather recliner is nearby. We have two bookcases in here with all our commentaries and favorite books for easy access. It is our do-your-own-thing-together space and it makes us both happy.
9. Some of the furniture that makes me happy are my antique pieces that were given to me/us many years ago by people with whom we share wonderful memories.
10. Other items that bring us happiness is our bedroom furniture and secretary that has its special place in the living room. I bought this furniture when we moved into this house with money left me following my mother's death. I wanted to do something with the money that would be a constant reminder to me of her and the legacy she left behind. I am hoping that when I no longer need it, one of my family members will want to love it as much as we do and share in its meaning.
11. Many, many years ago, I started collecting white pottery pitchers and gravy boats. Some of these are quite different and beautiful. I love seeing them used in different places in my home. They bring a freshness to the decor and I enjoy remembering how I acquired each one. As friends learned of my collection, they began to give me one-of-a-kind items they thought I would love. And I do.
12. Another thing that makes me happy in my home is that music is usually filling the space. Whether its being played from Pandora through a Sony speaker, or Alexa, or through the TV, we enjoy having the background sounds of our favorite hymns, instrumentals and favorite artists surrounding us.
13. Lastly, but not lastly is the fact that I get to share the home we know God gave us, with the person I know God gave me 55 years ago to love and cherish. God has blessed all of our homes together and especially with this one. He has blessed our marriage and our time together. We are happy seeing pictures of our children and grandchildren and recalling memories of them that bring us so much joy.