Monday, October 21, 2019

Fun Times in Bentonville - After the Wedding

Saturday morning brought a scattering of the family.  Christy and Ava Grace had to take the 5AM flight back to Dallas for AG's morning performance with the Prestonwood Fall Follies.

She had a solo and I have posted a link so you can see for yourself what an amazing job she did.  By the way, she turned 13 last Thursday!  Happy Birthday precious one!

John and Michelle got an early start on their 12 hour trip back to Northern Indiana, and Chandler and Brad also headed back to Dallas.

So, what are the old folks to do other than continue the party.  We had made arrangements to spend a few nights in nearby Bentonville - home of the Waltons.

We arrived in plenty time to walk around the Farmer's Market on the Square.

So many delicious looking fresh veggies and flowers, not to mention art work.

One of the artists I enjoyed visiting with and appreciating his art work was


These eyes captured my eye and stole my heart.

After walking around the square and taking in all the sights, smells, and sounds, we were ready to eat at one of the places that came highly recommended,

After I stumbled and almost fell into the lap of a fellow bruncher, we struck up a conversation.  This couple is native Bentonvillers and shared so many interesting tid bits about living there.  They also provided the inspiration for our meal.  Since they eat here almost every Saturday morning, we trusted their choices.

Blueberry pancakes with Ham Benedict was plenty for us to share, and oh so good!

To my left was another delightful couple that we struck up a conversation with.  He is a builder of high-end homes in the area and after talking with both couples about the thriving real estate business there, we plan to move next month.

This is Jan and in the course of the conversation, discovered that she was once a flight attendant.  Not just any flight attendant mind you.

When Southwest Airlines started in 1971 they were just a small regional carrier flying from Houston to Dallas. But to make themselves unique, they selected beautiful flight attendants with unique personalities and then put them in hot pants and go-go boots.  Jan was one of the original 30 hired.

This picture happens to actually be Jan and a large version is hanging in the Aviation section of the Smithsonian.  In the picture above, she is holding the picture on her phone that was sent to her by a niece after discovering and recognizing this picture of her aunt.

Jan is such a lovely lady and I would love to have more time to get to know her.  You just never know what you might learn about someone when given the chance to visit over good food.

These two delightful couples were only four of the many friendly folks in this interesting and beautiful place.

Next time, I will share some of the places we walked and more things we enjoyed.

Saturday morning brought a scattering of the family.  Christy and Ava Grace had to take the 5AM flight back to Dallas for AG's morning performance with the Prestonwood Fall Follies. She had a solo and I have posted a link so you can see for yourself what an amazing job she did.  By the way, she turned 13 last Thursday!  Happy Birthday precious one! Going to the Chapel John and Michelle got an early start on their 12 hour trip back to Northern Indiana, and Chandler and Brad also heade...

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Days October Travels - The Wedding

1st Things First!


Last week we had a big event in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Our granddaughter, Emily married her dreamboat David at a lovely venue in Springdale known as the Barn at the Springs.

 Emily's wish was to have an outdoor wedding and this venue offered the perfect setting.  However, with the prediction of below freezing temps at the time of the wedding, she was convinced to move the ceremony inside.

However, this bride was not to be deterred.  Thirty minutes before she was to walk down the aisle, she said "Move the chairs; we're going outside!"

So outside we went and it was perfect.  The guests were snug under provided blankets, the attendants shivered and the bride and groom glowed.  Yes, it was Emily's perfect wedding!

I don't have any of the professionally taken pictures so can't show you anything other than iphone pics, but they will tell the tale of what a great evening we all had.

These beautiful sisters attended their sister bride in amazing fashion.

Of course the highlight of the weekend for this mom was having her two children with her.  John and Michelle drove down from Northern Indiana for the ceremony.  It was a quick turn-around trip for them, but what a blessing it was to all be together.  And that's what families do!

Christy, the Step-mother of the bride was truly radiant and I can't wait for you to see the professional pictures of her dress without the coat.

The 3 Day gals!

My barefoot beauties!

 A happy Momma with her beautiful daughters.

The happy couple!

This is one of my favorites.  The adoring Daddy and sparkling bride.

Congratulations David and Emily!

Following are links to subsequent blog posts following the wedding:

1st Things First! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AVA GRACE, Granddaughter #6! Last week we had a big event in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Source Our granddaughter, Emily married her dreamboat David at a lovely venue in Springdale known as the Barn at the Springs. Source  Emily's wish was to have an outdoor wedding and this venue offered the perfect setting.  However, with the prediction of below freezing temps at the time of the wedding, she was convinced to move the ceremony inside....

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday Medley

We are joining together for the Wednesday Medley so pay a visit to our host's blog HERE.

1. Space. The final frontier. October 4th ⁠— 10th is World Space Week. Over the course of your lifetime, how many solar systems or science projects have you created for the school Science Fair? Were any of your projects memorable? Have you ever peered through a telescope or visited a planetarium? Been away from city lights and enjoyed the night sky?

I didn't do any solar system or science projects when I was in school; however, I have done a few with my children when they were young.  I really don't recall any being especially memorable and it for sure was not something I enjoyed.

Yes, we have visited a couple nice planetariums and looked through a telescope once.  We have never lived where the city lights obliterated the night sky, thankfully.

Bonus question: If you helped your child or a younger sibling with a science project, what grade did you receive?

Heavens, I have no idea, but feel pretty sure we passed.

2. It is also National Carry A Tune Week. Do you sing in the shower? In a choir? Carpool karaoke? Whistle while you work?

Not any longer to any of the above questions.  I used to sing in the shower, in several choirs, and did crazy singing with the kids in the car, but I've never been a whistler.

3. On this day in 1992, seventeen-year-old Michelle Knapp was watching television when she was startled by a crash in the driveway. Little did she know but she'd have to cancel her date with her boyfriend. Her Chevy Malibu had been struck by a meteorite!

What is the strangest excuse you've ever heard? Or come up with?

It is not necessarily a strange excuse and is one I heard more than once, but it never ceased to amaze me.  When I was a financial aid officer at our local technical college, one excuse I heard as to why a student had none of the several thousand dollars of Pell Grant money left for the second semester was, "But I needed a new TV!"  I will never understand that sort of reasoning.  Sorry!

4. Happy Birthday, John Winston Ono Lennon! John Lennon was resistant to The Beatles wearing identical suits which played a part of their early image leading to commercial success.

Have you ever worn a uniform or an outfit that you disliked?

I never wore any sort of uniform other than for high school sports and I never had an issue with those.

This was my uniform for three months following a cervical fusion a few years ago.  I suppose it also fits into the category of a disliked outfit.

5. We are in the midst of the Major League Baseball playoffs.

At the time of writing, the New York Yankees swept the Minnesota Twins to advance to the American League championship.

Is there a team you are cheering for? Is your team out of contention? Do you prefer a different sport? Or are sports not your thing?

The only time I was a baseball fan was when our son played.  So no, I am not cheering for any team.

As for sports, I was a soccer fan when our granddaughters played; a Rugby fan when our grandson played; but year round, I am a football fan.  To clarify that, I am pretty much a college football fan and to narrow it even further, an LSU and SEC team fan. 

Professionally, we are die-hard Saints fans.  Our son's former teammate, roommate and good friend plays on the offensive line for the Carolina Panthers.  Although we aren't Panther fans, we are Taylor Moton fans.

6. Tell us something interesting about your week.

The most interesting thing so far is the gorgeous fall weather we are having.  I am sitting out on our screened-in back porch as I type this and loving every minute of these cool temperatures along with happy, singing birds.

Wednesday I go for my pre-op for my hand surgery a week from Friday.

Thursday, we will go to Little Rock for a stop-over before heading further north to Fayetteville, AR for the wedding of our Granddaughter #3, Emily.

  More to come on that.

Saturday morning after a breakfast with our family before they travel back to Indiana, Dick and I will drive to the town of Bentonville, AR where we will spend a few nights enjoying the scenery and some of the places of interest there.

It will be a wonderful week of spending time with family, celebrating together and enjoying God's beautiful world.

We are joining together for the Wednesday Medley so pay a visit to our host's blog HERE. 1. Space. The final frontier. October 4th ⁠— 10th is World Space Week. Over the course of your lifetime, how many solar systems or science projects have you created for the school Science Fair? Were any of your projects memorable? Have you ever peered through a telescope or visited a planetarium? Been away from city lights and enjoyed the night sky? I didn't do any solar system or science project...

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Congratulations to Our Ava Grace

With her mom's permission, I am able to make a big announcement about our Granddaughter #6, Ava Grace.

She has been booked and has done the final filming for a Cinemark commercial that will run in all Cinemark theaters this next year.

We are so proud of this amazing young lady.

Actually, Ava Grace started her career quite early by modeling dresses her mother made.

Then she was asked to model on the Neiman Marcus red carpet.

She modeled for both the summer and fall children's clothing line when she was three years old.

It was about this time that she started taking dance lessons.

This past year may have been her final year of dance as Middle School and other activities have taken precedent.

Ava Grace has always wanted to be involved in every activity that was presented to her.

From soccer to volleyball to basketball.

To playing golf with her dad.

Then a few years ago, the door into acting was presented to her and this is where she found her niche'.

Her first role was as Hazel, the youngest sibling of the Herdmans, in the play "The Greatest Christmas Present Ever."  She stole the show!

She was then given a principle role in the Prestonwood Children's Christmas Play as the cutest lamb you've ever seen.

She became an active participant in the North Dallas Performing Arts Theater and landed this adorable role as one of the orphans in the play "Annie."

The next year, she was given an even bigger role in the church's children's Christmas Musical.

Last year she was cast as one of the Von Trapp children in the NDPAT's production of "The Sound of Music."

Then in the fall she played the role of the older sister, Susan in the play "The Witch and the Wardrobe."

This past spring she played Amanda, one of the students in the play "Matilda."

In a few weeks she will participate in the Prestonwood Fall Follies and in November she will have a role in the children's production of "Willy Wonka."

But acting, dance and sports are not all she does.

Last year she was awarded the #1 place in the Regional Speech Meet in Dallas.

She sings in the Prestonwood Christian Academy Honor Choir.

She plays percussion in the Middle School Band.

She received an outstanding award presented by the Directors of the North Dallas Performing Arts Theater.

She loves volunteering with her Dad for various events.

And she is a good student to boot!

Ava Grace has always embraced life to the fullest and enjoys spending time with her amazing group of friends.

She fully intends to carry on the family tradition of being a UT Grad one of these days.

But, the most noteworthy thing about Ava Grace is that she is a Child of the King.  She asked Jesus Christ to be her Lord and Savior and her greatest delight is to be His shining light to all around her.

Yes, she is becoming a beautiful young lady on the outside but she is even more beautiful on the inside.

She loves without reservation.

We don't know what the future holds for this gifted and loving granddaughter, but we do know in Whose hands she is and that doors for her will continue to open according to His plan for her.

I will be sure and let you know when the commercials start running so you can see our star for yourself.

In the meantime, this is my favorite thing that Ava Grace does.

With her mom's permission, I am able to make a big announcement about our Granddaughter #6, Ava Grace. She has been booked and has done the final filming for a Cinemark commercial that will run in all Cinemark theaters this next year. We are so proud of this amazing young lady. Actually, Ava Grace started her career quite early by modeling dresses her mother made. Then she was asked to model on the Neiman Marcus red carpet. She modeled for both the summer and fall chil...