Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday Medley

It is another Wednesday and time to join in for the Medley brought to us by

Thank you Terri for giving us such fun things to think about each week.



National Pie Day is celebrated annually on January 23rd. (Not to be confused with March 14 which is PI π Day.) 
National Pie Day was created simply to celebrate the pie.  It is a day for all to bake or cook their favorite pies.  Even more importantly, it is a day set aside for all to enjoy eating pies!
The first pies appeared around 9500 BC in the Egyptian Neolithic period or New Stone Age.

1.  Okay, fess up.  Tell us your top three favorite pies, please.  Will you have some pie today?

I am not a big pie eater but can rarely turn down a slice of Pecan Pie.
My daughter-in-law made this delicious pecan pie to take to the home of friends who are Notre Dame employees and major fans, to watch the Cotton Bowl.  She loves sharing traditional southern foods with her Mid-Western friends.
 2nd - Peach; 3rd - Chocolate
No, there will be no pie to celebrate the day.  Maybe a King Cake though.
2.  While we are talking about food... are you a picky eater or are you ready to try almost any new food?  What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?
I'm pretty much open to new things but steer away from those things I've tried and didn't like.  The worst thing is oatmeal!  I cannot tolerate the texture.
3.  Baking could be considered an art as could cooking.  How do you define art?

One definition is:
"the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles,
of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance."
To me "art" is anything pleasing to the eye and satisfying to the soul.  Not necessarily to the taste buds.
Art is subjective to one's own personal tastes - what is considered art to someone else may be an atrocity to me.  But, I think van Gogh may have learned the truth about what ART truly is:

4.  Tell us a really stupid joke that made you laugh, please.
I know this sounds like I am a real prune but I don't usually find jokes funny.  I'm not a big chuckler/laugher and can't remember the last time I actually heard a joke, stupid or otherwise.
Now, I can laugh at Dick telling a joke (whether funny or not and they usually aren't) because he can lose his breath laughing at his own joke.
5.  January 23rd is also National Handwriting Day. Do you have nice handwriting? Did cursive writing come naturally or did you practice in those double-lined practice books until your fingers hurt?

We had cursive writing classes with the practice books.  I also remember the long cursive chart running along the top of the "blackboards" in class rooms.  We were also taught how to hold a pencil properly.
I loved writing in cursive and tried really hard to do it perfectly.  I have been told I have a pretty handwriting, but Mr. Arthur and carpel tunnel have taken a toll on my being able to write well lately.
6.  Tell us something random about your week.
Yesterday, we met friends from out of town at a new Mexican restaurant here.  El Paso just opened its doors a few weeks ago and we were impressed with the food and friendliness of the staff.  But, we mostly enjoyed being with our long-time friends that we don't get to see nearly often enough.

We will be flying out of Dallas to spend about 10 days at our son's in Northern Indiana while he and his wife, along with two other couples escape the winter for a week in Maui.
It was -10 degrees there Sunday morning, so needless to say, I am packing lots of heavy sweaters and hoping my luggage doesn't exceed the weight limit.

It is another Wednesday and time to join in for the Medley brought to us by Our Friend From Florida Thank you Terri for giving us such fun things to think about each week. NATIONAL PIE DAY National Pie Day is celebrated annually on January 23rd. (Not to be confused with March 14 which is PI π Day.)  National Pie Day was created simply to celebrate the pie.  It is a day for all to bake or cook their favorite pies.  Even more importantly, it is a day set aside for all to enj...

Monday, January 21, 2019

Jackets, Shoes and Little Girls Repeat

I am going back and pulling up the blog post I did on January 21, 2012.

Hope you enjoy!


Jackets, Shoes and Little Girls

I need to start this post by letting you in on a personal situation regarding my relationship with my husband.  Several years ago I had to put hubby on jacket detention.  It was either this or something much more drastic such as a family intervention was going to be necessary.  The kids really were reluctant to get this involved so I took action into my own hands and just did it.  It was hard on all of us for a while, but hubby was strong and resisted.  I've been so proud of him, especially in January when he walks through Dillards and sees all the nice jackets on sale.

That brings us to a situation that I am ashamed to even to bring up, but feel that I must as part of my healing process.  Hubby has put me on shoe detention.  Actually, he advised that I had to get rid of a pair for every new pair I bought.  Now ladies, I know I don't have to tell you how utterly unfair and unjust this mandate is.  I don't have any shoes that I don't want!

I tried to explain to him that my love for and need for many shoes goes back much further and is so much more inbred than his like of jackets.  I shared with him that my mother loved shoes long before I was born.  I explained that she painfully taught her daughters how to shop for shoes.  She proudly told us that if we could only afford one pair of shoes, they should be quality.  (The fact that we could only afford two pairs a year and so they had to last probably had something to do with this philosophy.)  I chose not to mention this fact.

My plea grew in intensity by sharing that my favorite aunt was the most stylish person I knew and that she also loved beautiful shoes and taught me to buy "good" and stylish shoes.  She had a huge walk-in closet and allowed if not encouraged my spending time there trying on and modeling her wonderful shoes.

By this time, I was shedding a few tears and attempting to control the whimper in my voice.  Too much can completely undo a persuasive presentation.

I continued.  I shared with hubby, whom I might add appeared to be losing interest by this time, that when I was a little girl and had to go with my mom to her lady's church meetings, that I entertained myself by studying the shoes of the ladies in attendance.  Afterward, I could identify every woman present by the shoes she was wearing.  I must also confide to you that I was very judgmental about many of those ladies solely based on the style and condition of her shoes.  I thought to have shared this with hubby, might not have been in my best interest at the time.

Well, at this point, hubby seemed to have forgotten the whole point of the conversation, so I decided to steer the conversation in a different direction by recalling how much I missed my mom and how much I appreciated all the time she had spent with me and what a great mom she was to us girls, and on and on.

Let's just say that now when hubby sees me wear a pair of shoes he thinks he hasn't seen before, I sweetly remind him that it's part of my heritage.  By the way, I am beginning to suggest that he might want to think about updating his coat selection.

All this thought about shoes has made me think about what our shoes say about us.  My elegant aunt's selection told me I wanted to be just like her.  My mother's were much more practical but lovely non the less and were a model of being tastefully conservative.  In her latter years she was relegated to less attractive shoes in order to accommodate a brace insert.  It broke her heart and ours as well.

My walking shoes show that I am an avid walker and have not taken the time to replace them.

These are my favorite personality shoes.  I don't wear them often but they do come out when I need that certain punch - either dressy or casual.

These break all my mother's rules.  They are the cheapest shoes I've ever bought but I love them.  They just make my feet happy and that can't help but be reflected on my face. 
Remember, my last blog about the Princess Blitz?  (Can be found HERE!)  Samantha's dad took pictures of the little girl's shoes.  I think they tell their own story.  I'll let you decide.

So, what do your shoes say about you?

Regardless of the shoes we wear, the Bible does tell us how we are to walk:
"Walk by faith, not by sight; walk by the spirit; walk in a manner worthy; walk with love; walk as children of light; WALK WITH HIM!

As we carefully select the shoes we wear to enhance an outfit, may we more carefully select with Whom we will walk!  Walk as the true Princess you are!!

I am going back and pulling up the blog post I did on January 21, 2012. Hope you enjoy! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 Jackets, Shoes and Little Girls I need to start this post by letting you in on a personal situation regarding my relationship with my husband.  Several years ago I had to put hubby on jacket detention.  It was either this or something much more drastic such as a family intervention was going to be necessary.  The kids really were reluctant to get this involved so I...

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday 9: 65 Love Affair

Our '65 Love Affair

We had our own "65 Love Affair" that started on February 6, 1965.

We made it a permanent love affair on September 4, 1965.

Fifty-three years later, our love affair is still going strong.

Click HERE to join Samantha and others to see how they answered this week's questions.

65 Love Affair

Saturday 9: '65 Love Affair (1977)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The first line of this song is, "I was a car hop." Car hops used to take orders and bring diners food to eat in their cars. Today, the drive through lane has pretty much replaced car hops. Think about the last time you went to a fast food restaurant. Did you order at the counter or at the drive through window?

We don't eat much fast foods, but on our most recent trip to Dallas we did go to the drive through window at Dillas Quesadillas.  We had never eaten at this place before, but the food was delicious.  Besides, it was pouring down rain, and the drive thru was super convenient.

2) Mr. Davis sings that his girlfriend was "bad with her pom-poms." Presumably she was a cheerleader. Share one of your school's cheers.

I was not a cheerleader or much of a cheer-er for that matter, so the only one I remember is:
"Two, four, six, eight!  Who do we appreciate?  The Panthers (our mascot), The Panthers!"

3) The lyrics tell us he believes that if he could go back in time, his girl would still be his. If you could travel back in time to your high school years, what would you enjoy doing again?

I would enjoy playing sports, spending time with friends, and taking voice lessons.

 What would you do differently?

Be more serious about the things I enjoyed doing.
I wouldn't foul out of every basketball game I played.
I would not leave my sister on the stage to finish our duet as a solo.
I would hope I would realize everything was not always about ME.  (That may be a stretch, because every teenager thinks the world revolves around them, pretty much.)
I would sit at the feet of my wise parents and soak up every word they said; I would be more obedient; I would be the ideal child and sister!
(Just so you know, my parents and sisters would have a big laugh at that last statement.)

4) During his performing days, Paul Davis sported a full beard and flowing hair. We're using that to check your powers of observation and recollection. Think of the last man you spoke to. Who was he? Describe his hair, and tell us whether he was clean shaven.

That would be my husband as he went out the door for the office.  He has very little hair on his head and was very clean shaven.

5) Paul Davis was born in Meridian, MS, and that's where he returned to when he went into semi-retirement in 1982. Meridian's biggest employer is the Naval Air Station in Meridian. Do you know anyone who is currently in, or employed by, the military? 

Yes, our former neighbor who has risen up through the ranks of the Air Force and is currently stationed in Virginia.

As Barksdale Air Force Base is located only a few miles from our house, we know some who are employed there.  You may recall that Air Force One landed here right after 9-11.

6) He was a pool player and a golfer. Which sport are you better at? 

Don't play either of these, nor do I play any sport these days, unless trying to remember why you walked into a room is a sport.

However, I was selected "Best Sport" my freshman year in HS.  Does that count?

7) Sadly, he died in 2008, on the day after his 60th birthday. His best friend remembers him as "a homebody," who enjoyed staying up long into the night with his friends, playing and listening to music. Describe your perfect way to spend an evening.

Our normal night is spent eating an early dinner together in our office/den while watching recorded TV shows or a movie.
That's about as perfect as either of us care to get these days.

8) The publishing rights to "'65 Love Affair," as well as Paul Davis' bigger hits ("Cool Night" and "I Go Crazy"), are owned by another Paul -- Paul McCartney. Sir Paul's MPL Publishing Company has made him a very rich man, and Paul says that's because he chose to invest in music, something he loves. What about you? If you were to invest in a business or industry you love, which would you choose?

AMZN was up 0.21% to $1,687.31 a share yesterday...

9) Random question --You're at a party and one of your host's best friends is a real egghead who tries to draw you into a conversation about paradigmatic counter existentialism. Would you: a) just listen politely while letting your mind wander; b) admit you don't know what the hell he's talking about; c) explain why you personally feel that the counter existential paradigm just adds unnecessary complexity to the individual's search for meaning?

I would listen politely for a few seconds minutes then find a reason to walk off.  Honestly, I don't even know anyone who could talk about that in the first place.

I need to start this post by letting you in on a personal situation regarding my relationship with my husband.  Several years ago I had to put hubby on jacket detention.  It was either this or something much more drastic such as a family intervention was going to be necessary.  The kids really were reluctant to get this involved so I took action into my own hands and just did it.  It was hard on all of us for a while, but hubby was strong and resisted.  I've been so proud of him, especially in...

Friday, January 18, 2019


Twenty five years ago today we lost our dad due to complications following surgery.

It was sudden, unexpected and an earth shattering event for our family.

Who was this man who's death would leave such a chasm for family and friends?

He was a strong man, a tall man with large hands; he loved the outdoors and seeing things grow;  he loved building things with his own hands; he had the most amazing deep-set blue eyes; he was a friend, counselor, encourager, and pastor to many.

He was forever a student who read ferociously and retained most of what he read. 

He was serious and somewhat of an introverted man who preferred being alone rather than in large groups although he never met a stranger.

He had a great sense of humor and loved to laugh.

To me and my sisters he was Daddy.

To our mother he was Porter.

He was Poppa to his seven grandchildren.

To his brother he was Dick and to his children, Uncle Dick.

To many he was Preacher.

He was Bro. Lazenby to those who either didn't know him very well or used it out of respect.

But who was this beloved man really?

"He was a complex man and highly intelligent who thought deeply about life.  The world he left behind is a much better place for his having been there."

After his death, my youngest sister, Sarah complied a book of collected memories about what Daddy meant to people who had known him, from all walks of life.

These are bits and pieces from that book.

Three of his grandsons wrote the following:
"William Porter Lazenby, my Poppa, was the greatest, smartest, and most generous man I have ever known.  He was everything good rolled up into one great man.  I have many fond memories of him."  (Doug)
 "Poppa was one of my best friends.  When we spent time together, the world stopped for a moment to see the joy this wonderful man brought into my life.  I love him with all my heart.  He was 100% love."  (Chris)

"Poppa was a great man.  He was always kind to animals and nature.  He never disliked anybody.  He loved to build things.  Poppa was a perfect role model for anybody.  I miss him and love him very much."  (Ben)

My son called him "the wise gentle giant!" 

One of his best friends titled his "memory" this way:
"A Gingerly Generous Giant"

He went on to explain it like this:

"Gingerly?  Yes, he was gentle, cautious, careful and delicate in his dealings with others.  Generous?  Yes, in spiritual things, in material blessings and in spirit.  A Giant?  Certainly he was that in his undying devotion to God, to his family, to his friends and to all mankind.  He was a kind, loving and compassionate person and we're glad that we were counted among his circle of friends."

The following are just simply words that people used to describe him.

"My Pastor"
"My Counselor"
"My Friend"

"The wisest and kindest man I know!"

"He always had words of comfort and encouragement when I needed it."

"Quiet dignity"

"Porter was an encourager.  He saw life in beauty and felt other people should to, so he encouraged us to so live."

"He would always tell me how I had a pretty smile, but to me it was his smile that was pretty.  His eyes would light up when he smiled.  I can still hear him say, "Come sit girl and let's visit."

My own memories of Daddy were summarized in a "Thank You Daddy" letter that I had given him for Father's Day back in 1986.

The final line went like this:

"...for giving to us all the greatest gift one person can give another - an example of God's love."

To us girls he was the best Daddy anyone could have had.  He was the model of Daddy to our friends.  He was the model for the man we hoped to marry one day.  He passed on his great love for people to us.  His love of nature and for animals.  He exhibited unconditional love and acceptance not only to us but to everyone with whom he came in contact.  He showed us Jesus every day of our lives.

Perhaps the most comprehensive and most sincere and inciteful look at who Daddy truly was, was from our Mother.  They had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary a month before his death.

Theirs is the most beautiful love story that lasted until Mother's death in 2005.  Yet, it lives on in each of us who knew and loved them and were touched by them.

"Porter, a man!  Gentle, loving, kind patient, unselfish and yet so strong, uncompromising in his convictions, always hopeful. Committed first to God, then to us.  How else could it have been the supreme life?"

"Porter, a teacher!  Not only was he my pastor for 50 years and a teacher in spiritual matters but he taught me many things:  to see beauty and appreciate it in everything around us....very few days passed in those 50 years that he did not bring me a flower or maybe a pretty leaf and would say, 'this says I love you!''

"Porter, ever hopeful!  Hope was a vital quality in Porter's life.  There was always that assurance that God was in control and would supply all we needed.

"Porter, the romantic!  Yes, the lover, the poet, the dreamer.  What a three month courtship that was!  I have kept and will pass on the love letters from that time and it is only as you read them that you will know that part of this man.

"Porter the father and grandfather!  Oh how proud he was of his three girls.  He was interested in every phase of their lives.  He was never too busy to listen or counsel or to encourage.  He saw each son-in-law as the special 'chosen ones'.

"The crowning glory for him were his grandchildren.  Oh how he loved and cherished his 'grands' and sought to develop the character traits he saw in each one.


Yes, what a man, what a Daddy, Grandfather, and friend he was.  I want to believe that he continues to live on through those he left behind.

My walking shoes show that I am an avid walker and have not taken the time to replace them....