Wednesday, January 23, 2019
It is another Wednesday and time to join in for the Medley brought to us by Our Friend From Florida Thank you Terri for giving us such fun things to think about each week. NATIONAL PIE DAY National Pie Day is celebrated annually on January 23rd. (Not to be confused with March 14 which is PI π Day.) National Pie Day was created simply to celebrate the pie. It is a day for all to bake or cook their favorite pies. Even more importantly, it is a day set aside for all to enj...
Monday, January 21, 2019
Jackets, Shoes and Little Girls
That brings us to a situation that I am ashamed to even to bring up, but feel that I must as part of my healing process. Hubby has put me on shoe detention. Actually, he advised that I had to get rid of a pair for every new pair I bought. Now ladies, I know I don't have to tell you how utterly unfair and unjust this mandate is. I don't have any shoes that I don't want!
I tried to explain to him that my love for and need for many shoes goes back much further and is so much more inbred than his like of jackets. I shared with him that my mother loved shoes long before I was born. I explained that she painfully taught her daughters how to shop for shoes. She proudly told us that if we could only afford one pair of shoes, they should be quality. (The fact that we could only afford two pairs a year and so they had to last probably had something to do with this philosophy.) I chose not to mention this fact.
My plea grew in intensity by sharing that my favorite aunt was the most stylish person I knew and that she also loved beautiful shoes and taught me to buy "good" and stylish shoes. She had a huge walk-in closet and allowed if not encouraged my spending time there trying on and modeling her wonderful shoes.
By this time, I was shedding a few tears and attempting to control the whimper in my voice. Too much can completely undo a persuasive presentation.
I continued. I shared with hubby, whom I might add appeared to be losing interest by this time, that when I was a little girl and had to go with my mom to her lady's church meetings, that I entertained myself by studying the shoes of the ladies in attendance. Afterward, I could identify every woman present by the shoes she was wearing. I must also confide to you that I was very judgmental about many of those ladies solely based on the style and condition of her shoes. I thought to have shared this with hubby, might not have been in my best interest at the time.
Well, at this point, hubby seemed to have forgotten the whole point of the conversation, so I decided to steer the conversation in a different direction by recalling how much I missed my mom and how much I appreciated all the time she had spent with me and what a great mom she was to us girls, and on and on.
Let's just say that now when hubby sees me wear a pair of shoes he thinks he hasn't seen before, I sweetly remind him that it's part of my heritage. By the way, I am beginning to suggest that he might want to think about updating his coat selection.
All this thought about shoes has made me think about what our shoes say about us. My elegant aunt's selection told me I wanted to be just like her. My mother's were much more practical but lovely non the less and were a model of being tastefully conservative. In her latter years she was relegated to less attractive shoes in order to accommodate a brace insert. It broke her heart and ours as well.
"Walk by faith, not by sight; walk by the spirit; walk in a manner worthy; walk with love; walk as children of light; WALK WITH HIM!
As we carefully select the shoes we wear to enhance an outfit, may we more carefully select with Whom we will walk! Walk as the true Princess you are!!
I am going back and pulling up the blog post I did on January 21, 2012. Hope you enjoy! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 Jackets, Shoes and Little Girls I need to start this post by letting you in on a personal situation regarding my relationship with my husband. Several years ago I had to put hubby on jacket detention. It was either this or something much more drastic such as a family intervention was going to be necessary. The kids really were reluctant to get this involved so I...
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Our '65 Love Affair
Fifty-three years later, our love affair is still going strong.
65 Love Affair
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The first line of this song is, "I was a car hop." Car hops used to take orders and bring diners food to eat in their cars. Today, the drive through lane has pretty much replaced car hops. Think about the last time you went to a fast food restaurant. Did you order at the counter or at the drive through window?
2) Mr. Davis sings that his girlfriend was "bad with her pom-poms." Presumably she was a cheerleader. Share one of your school's cheers.
I was not a cheerleader or much of a cheer-er for that matter, so the only one I remember is:
3) The lyrics tell us he believes that if he could go back in time, his girl would still be his. If you could travel back in time to your high school years, what would you enjoy doing again?
I would enjoy playing sports, spending time with friends, and taking voice lessons.
What would you do differently?
I wouldn't foul out of every basketball game I played.
I would not leave my sister on the stage to finish our duet as a solo.
I would hope I would realize everything was not always about ME. (That may be a stretch, because every teenager thinks the world revolves around them, pretty much.)
4) During his performing days, Paul Davis sported a full beard and flowing hair. We're using that to check your powers of observation and recollection. Think of the last man you spoke to. Who was he? Describe his hair, and tell us whether he was clean shaven.
I need to start this post by letting you in on a personal situation regarding my relationship with my husband. Several years ago I had to put hubby on jacket detention. It was either this or something much more drastic such as a family intervention was going to be necessary. The kids really were reluctant to get this involved so I took action into my own hands and just did it. It was hard on all of us for a while, but hubby was strong and resisted. I've been so proud of him, especially in...
Friday, January 18, 2019
"William Porter Lazenby, my Poppa, was the greatest, smartest, and most generous man I have ever known. He was everything good rolled up into one great man. I have many fond memories of him." (Doug)
My walking shoes show that I am an avid walker and have not taken the time to replace them....
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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