Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March Forward with Thoughts of Green, Music and Trips

1. March is known as the windy month. Which of the following phrases best fits your March so far...'throw caution to the wind', 'three sheets to the wind', 'run like the wind', or 'see which way the wind blows'?

See which way the wind blows.  This does not mean, however that I leave anything to chance.  I believe the Lord has my life planned and my day orchestrated.  It's just that He does not always inform me ahead of time exactly what those plans are.  So, I am learning to wait and see which way He leads the wind to blow.
2. Your favorite green food? Your favorite dish made with your favorite green food?

Spinach!  I like it smothered, cooked good and tender, in a casserole or in my daily breakfast smoothy.  Canned or fresh, it doesn't matter to me.  I like it all.

3. Ever been locked out of your home-car-office-anywhere? Do tell!

Oh I am sure I have been locked out of all of the above, but really can't remember the last time, thankfully.

4. Yoda, Kermit, Shrek, The Wicked Witch of the West, Oscar the Grouch, The Grinch, or Mike Wasowski (Monsters Inc.)...of the green characters listed, which one's your favorite and why?

Shrek!  I like his gentle spirit.  We took our youngest granddaughter to see "Shrek the Musical" performed by students at the Richardson High School, Richardson, Texas, a few months ago and it was delightful to watch, but especially to enjoy it with Ava Grace.

5. "The first task of a leader is to keep hope alive."~Joe Batten Do you agree? Why or why not?

I think this is true.  I think this philosophy is one thing that made Ronald Reagan such a successful leader and President.  He gave the nation hope and re-enforced that through both his terms in office.  The opposite of hope is despair and that seems to characterize this current administration, unfortunately.

6. Share a favorite song with an emotion in it's title.

"Love is a Many Splendored Thing!"
This is truly one of the most beautiful songs.  It was this song that launched the Four Aces into success back in the 50's.  We saw the revived group sing this on PBS this past weekend.  Oh my, what memories it evokes!

Enjoy it HERE! 

It happened to be the favorite song of one of my high school English teachers, and occasionally he would ask me to sing it in class.  He was also one of my favorite teachers, so I never hesitated.  Besides, it might mean an "A" in his class.
7. What's a road trip you'd like to take?

I would love to take a road trip all the way up the Eastern Coast Line.  After that, we would go east, crossing the upper Mid-West and visit our family in Indiana for a spell.  Then we would continue west to Washington State where I would then go south along the Pacific Coast on Hwy 1.  At some point, we would go east, enjoying points of interest while winding our way back to the northwest corner of Louisiana.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
If you are old like me and enjoy the music of the 40's and 50's you will enjoy this link:

Wednesday Hodgepodge Volumne 168 with Joyce 1. March is known as the windy month. Which of the following phrases best fits your March so far...'throw caution to the wind', 'three sheets to the wind', 'run like the wind', or 'see which way the wind blows'? See which way the wind blows.  This does not mean, however that I leave anything to chance.  I believe the Lord has my life planned and my day orchestrated.  It's just that He does not always inform me ahead of time exactly what thos...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Bowl - Because of His Love

"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer and in Him I take refuge - I love you oh Lord.  I call upon You Lord who is worthy to be praised."  Psalm. 18:1-3
You keep me safe and bring me to the "broad place," where my footing is secure because you delight in me. Psalm. 18:9
 You are the "light of my life" to illumine the darkness around me, so that I can run without being afraid of tripping and falling.  I could even leap over a wall.  Psalm 18:28-29
 You have given me the shield of your salvation - Your right hand holds me up; and your gentleness makes me great.  Psalm 18:35
 You even make the steps under me larger so my feet will not slip.  Psalm 18: 36
 You have given me Your strength to stand strong, safe and secure when the way before me is steep, difficult and dark.
 "Therefore I will give thanks to Thee...,oh Lord, and I will sing praises to Thy name."  Psalm 18:49
 "Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song."
Philippians 4:4
 "The mark of a true Christian is found in his(her) personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Christianity is Christ. Christ is Christianity."  Billy Graham
 Thank you Susan Bass for honoring me with such a beautiful gift, picture of love, and the example of what Christianity really is.

"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer and in Him I take refuge - I love you oh Lord.  I call upon You Lord who is worthy to be praised."  Psalm. 18:1-3 You keep me safe and bring me to the "broad place," where my footing is secure because you delight in me. Psalm. 18:9  You are the "light of my life" to illumine the darkness around me, so that I can run without being afraid of tripping and falling.  I could even leap over a wall.  Psalm 18:28-29  You have given me...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Does Your Jewelry Make a Statement?

Or, are you making a statement with your jewelry?

Yesterday, I paid a visit to one of my most favorite places not only for the delicious food, or to see one of my favorite people, but to look at some the prettiest costume jewelry in the city.

You guessed it!

Recently, Sharon has opened space for a new Women's Clothing Boutique - 

L.B.D. by design is owned and operated by a mother/daughter duo,
Kimberly and Alexandra Harris.

Sharon and Kimberly willingly combined their beautiful clothing and jewelry in order to demonstrate that the perfect outfit is the perfect combination of the two.
There are also lovely displays throughout the store.
 This gorgeous piece of "eye candy" is perfect with the Grace Kellyesk neckline of this basic black dress.
 The graduated deep emerald green jewels highlighted by the black, clear and amber stones create the perfect contrast for anyone's skin tone.

Is this lace top not delicious?
It takes on a Bohemian flair when worn over this flowing long skirt and draped with strands of necklaces.

Daughter Alexandra was also quite helpful in giving the more youthful interpretation.
And, I must thank my beautiful model, Elise Birmingham.  She was exquisite in everything she modeled.

Rompers are so in for the young set this spring and summer.
 Alexandra added this simple turquoise drop necklace to this fun little outfit.

Again, for the young set, Elise is showing off a pair of faux leather shorts with a lovely simple silk white blouse.
 To not overpower the delicate neckline, they added a double strand of small gold chains with interesting drops that add just the right interest to the V-opening of the top.
An idea when wearing simple necklaces is to bring bling to the wrists.  This combination is perfect for the outfit.

How fun and yet elegant is this collection of pearls and gold chains worn with a very simple white sundress.  This would be ideal for a summer tea party or wedding.

Do you have your summer Kimono yet?
The Kimono is the new must-have item for ladies of all ages this spring and summer.
Elise is dressing down this colorful, filmy piece by pairing it with a colorful silk camisole and jeans. 
 We added a long strand of green baubles to take the eye into the outfit along with a more chunky chain that drops perfectly into the decolletage.

2014 is the year for the jungle prints and this little knit leopard-print dress is adorable.
 When wearing large busy prints, it can be very distracting and over-bearing to add contrasting jewelry, so we went dramatic yet monochromatic.  This beautiful choker brings the attention to the face while the extended open chain adds a touch of glam below the bust line.

I wanted to show how one beautiful statement necklace is all one needs when wearing an open neck.  This aqua piece adds interest, whimsy and color to any basic color dress or blouse.  This piece also comes in coral which is gorgeous.

Sometimes a necklace is not necessary.  So to add color and interest around the face, a just-right earring is all that is called for.
This colorful dangle also adds emphases to a long elegant neck like Elise's.
Add a colorful shoe and you will be the bell of the ball.

Large statement necklaces don't always have to be worn for formal occasions.  They are so versatile and can be used to dress up and add bling to an otherwise very casual and simple outfit.
This absolutely gorgeous crystal necklace will be the show stopper with whatever it is matched.

 Here we have used this same casual skinny jean and tee outfit and added a glitzy belt and simple gold chunky choker.  We also added bling to the wrist with triple bangles.
   Don't forget about adding color to your otherwise monochromatic outfit with a bright purse or shoes.

By the way, after you have had lunch and tea in the Tea Room, and shopped at L.B.D. Boutique and all the lovely items Sharon has on display throughout the store, you may want to browse through the antiques section.  There is so much to see and do at
The Glenwood Village Tea Room and Gifts

 I thought I would add just a couple of my statement necklaces.

This copper bangle bedecked necklace is my color and added interest to the neckline of this leopard cardigan for my photo shoot with the ladies this week.

Now, I just have to show you my newest addition.  Sharon wore this one day when I was dining in the Tea Room with friends and I literally bought it off her neck.  I love the design and the orange stones in this piece.  Yes, it will go into my drawer of favorite statement pieces.
(Yes, since it's my blog I can photoshop myself all I want to.)
Is this not elegant and sassy at the same time?
You may recognize its sister necklace as the one shown above with the black dress.

Now, make a statement with your statement jewelry!
Please "LIKE"
L.B.D. by Design on Facebook 

Thank you ladies for such a great time playing dress-up with you this week.

Or, are you making a statement with your jewelry? Yesterday, I paid a visit to one of my most favorite places not only for the delicious food, or to see one of my favorite people, but to look at some the prettiest costume jewelry in the city. You guessed it! The Glenwood Village Tea Room and Gifts Recently, Sharon has opened space for a new Women's Clothing Boutique -  L.B.D. L.B.D. by design is owned and operated by a mother/daughter duo, Kimberly and Alexandra Harris. Shar...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hodgepodging From Spring to Slavery!

Thank you Joyce for again giving us food for thought and pondering.
Join others as we Hodgepodge together at
Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  Thursday marks the first day of celebrate would you rather plant a garden or go for a walk in the woods? Would either of those activities be possible on Thursday where you live?

I would love to take a walk in the woods.  Possible?  Not really as I live within the city limits and there aren't any real accessible woods suitable for walking near by.  But, it may be worth trying to find.

2. When did someone last spring something on you? (or when did you last spring something on someone?)

Daughter-in-Love, Michelle asked me a few weeks ago to help her with a presentation she had been asked to give on MIL/DIL relationships.  Her friends selected her because they find our relationship to be intriguing.  I guess you could say this was "sprung" on me, but it did give me an opportunity to reflect on and be ever so grateful for the special bond we share with each other.  She gave her talk on Tuesday, so I can't wait to hear all about it.

3.  We often think of spring as a time for new beginnings. What's something you'd like to start doing this spring?

Maybe sleeping better at night?  Or having my back feel better?  If I could accomplish either or both of those, it would be a good spring indeed.

4. Where do you like to sit in a movie theatre? When did you last sit there, and what were you watching?

Almost at the top on the end of the row.  Neither Hubby nor I can remember what we saw and it really wasn't that long ago.  Really made an impression!

5. When you meet someone for the very first time, what do you want them to think about you?

I used to do Image Seminars and one of the things I would make a point of was that we make a first impression within the first 5 secs of being seen.  Therefore, we need to make those first few secs count.  I would want someone meeting me for the first time to think that I am an attractive, interesting person that they would like to know better.
6. March is frozen food month (yes, really!). Besides ice cream (gotta make you think a little) what's your most often purchased frozen food item?

Frozen strawberries and blueberries.

7. What's something you avoid?

I try to heed the Biblical admonition to "Avoid the appearance of evil."

8. Insert your own random thought here

A couple weeks ago, we joined our long-time friends, Jim and Charlene Fleming to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.  They and Hubby were college friends and graciously included me into their existing friendship back in 1965.  We count our lasting friendship with them as one of God's richest blessings.
This past weekend was our Sister's Get-Together at middle Sis's house in South Louisiana.
 We had a great time together, by the way, but I want to share something else with you.

On the way home on Sunday, I took a trip off the interstate and through the rural villages of Bunkie and Cheneyville.   It was in this area that the story of Samuel Northrup unfolded.  You will recognize this name from the movie,
"12 Years a Slave."

Northup was kidnapped and brought to Louisiana where he was sold as a slave eventually ending up on the plantation in central Louisiana of Mary McCoy.  The plantation house is still situated between those two small villages and marked as part of the Northrup Trail.
 An old slave house owned by Mary McCoy still stands along Bayou Boeuf in Cheneyville.
It is said that Northrup was a talented fiddle player and entertained Mary McCoy and her slaves at his last Christmas party in Louisiana in 1852. Mary was known for her kindness to her slaves.

The Epps House is another important stop on the Northrup Trail.  Edwin Epps was Northrup's owner for 10 years.  It was at the Epps Plantation where Northrup finally made the connection that ultimately resulted in his freedom.

 Northrup wrote of his experiences which were published in 1853 after he returned to freedom in his native New York.  Decades later a copy was given to Sue Eakin, sparking a life-long desire to learn more about him and to research the people and locations described in his writing.
The Epps House has been restored and moved to the LSU campus in Alexandria from its original site on Bayou Boeuf.  It serves as a public museum.
After securing his freedom, Northrup was released at the Avoyelle's Parish Courthouse in Marksville.  (Where my youngest sis lives incidentally).
About 1845
 Sue Eakin came as an English professor at Louisiana State University at Alexandria my last year there, 1965.  In 1968 Eakin co-edited a new edition of the memoirs and it was this account that caught the attention and interest of film director, Steve McQueen.

You may enjoy reading a full account at
Oh if these old, old Louisiana Oaks could talk, what tales they could tell!

Thank you Joyce for again giving us food for thought and pondering. Join others as we Hodgepodge together at Wednesday Hodgepodge 1.  Thursday marks the first day of celebrate would you rather plant a garden or go for a walk in the woods? Would either of those activities be possible on Thursday where you live? I would love to take a walk in the woods.  Possible?  Not really as I live within the city limits and there aren't any real accessible woods suitable for walking ne...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Shopping for Spring? WAIT!

It Is Sister Weekend!
Therefore, I am going to do a "Replay" with my Friday post.

Have you started putting together your Spring Wardrobe?

  Before you get too far into your shopping, let me share with you one thing you may want to take into consideration, if you haven't already.

What is your Clothing Personality?
I posted the following back in 2011 but the information is timeless.
I hope you find it helpful, if not a bit lengthy.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

IMAGE - PART 3 - Your Clothing Personality

So what is "clothing personality?"

This is your natural, inborn tendency toward particular types of clothes. It is based on your genetics and generally determined by your body shape which we have already talked about. It is interesting that most of us innately know the type clothes that make us feel great about ourselves and those that make us feel "not quite right."

If this is true, then why do we continue making mistakes and never feeling sure about our clothing selections? One reason may be that we have been influenced over time to accept certain colors and clothing styles that just aren't right for us.

Example: Your mother or adult female role model may have been a Romantic and thought everyone should wear ruffles and lace and lots of flowers. Although you may have hated this as a child, you have grown to accept that this is what you are supposed to wear.

Back in the golden years of Hollywood we learned that one's beauty came from individuality. Each of the famous ones from that era was known for her specific beauty, based on the combination of how her unique physical features were brought out and enhanced her unique personality.

Let me give you some examples of different celebrities who knew and dressed for their own particular clothing personality.
Elizabeth Taylor in the formal from the 1951 To Catch a Thief that was the most sought after prom dress of the decade. Now imagine the Sporty Natural Diane Keaton in this billowing bosom-fitting style. Can we say ridiculous?
Can you honestly see the Romantic Elizabeth Taylor in this tailored, rough textured outfit or the sloppy pants and tie that was so fitting for Diane Keaton as Annie Hall? Never! She was much too feminine and curvacious to hide behind this much clothing.
Now, imagine Audrey Hepburn as seen here in the dramatic dress from Breakfast At Tiffany's in Marilyn Monroe's white dress as seen below. What would JFK have thought of that? You certainly wouldn't see the curves and personality that Marilyn gave it. In fact, it would have emphasized her boyish shape instead of enhancing it.
What about dressing Marilyn in  a' la Breakfast at Tiffany's instead of this stunner from The Seven Year Itch? Laughable? I think so. I can't see the audiences drooling over the matronly and heavy set appearance she would have had in that dress.
Now try to picture the Classic Grace Kelly in any of the above outfits. It just doesn't paint the same picture does it?
Hollywood knew what they were doing when they dressed these classic beauties according to their "specificness" or clothing personality. It certainly launched careers and clothing trends, didn't it.

Are you beginning to get the idea of why dressing according to your own clothing personality is as important for your appearance as it was for these Hollywood beauties?

If there is anything I want to accomplish with my blog is to help you realize, if you haven't already, that God created you perfectly. It's true! There's not one thing about your natural physical appearance that isn't absolutely perfect for the totally unique individual you are. You are God's unique, special design and it just doesn't get any better than that!

Since you can't tamper with perfection, it is so important that you gain the confidence to express that special brand of perfection which is unique only to you. You may not be a Hollywood star, but never forget that you are a star of the highest quality because you were created in the image and likeness of the Almighty God.

So, what are the different clothing personalities?

There are many different systems that are legitimate and I encourage you to search out some of these. But because I need to keep things simple, I prefer to just use four types because they seem to cover all the bases and are easy to remember. Most of us can easily relate to these and they also relate to the body shapes that we have already talked about.
  • Classic - the simple but elegant like Grace Kelly
  • Sporty Natural - the earthy clothing personality like Diane Keaton
  • Dramatic - the entrance making style like Audrey Hepburn
  • Romantic - the sexy clothing personality like Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe
Next time we will break each of these down and look at them more closely. In the meantime, do you dress according to your clothing personality or someone elses? Good question!!!

If you are interested in going back to see my previous posts as mentioned, they are as follows:
Image: Color
Image: Winter
Image: Summer
Image: Spring
Image: Autumn
Image: What Is Your Shape?
Image: My Shape Continued
Image: Clothing Personality - Classic

It Is Sister Weekend! Therefore, I am going to do a "Replay" with my Friday post. Have you started putting together your Spring Wardrobe?   Before you get too far into your shopping, let me share with you one thing you may want to take into consideration, if you haven't already. What is your Clothing Personality? I posted the following back in 2011 but the information is timeless. I hope you find it helpful, if not a bit lengthy. Your Clothing Personality Thursday, October 2...