Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Brotherly Love Hodgepodge

It is so good to be back among the Hodgepodgers this week.  My life took on a life of its own the past few weeks and Tuesdays came and went without even a nod to the Hodgepodge.  That isn't good.  I'll try to do better.

Thank you, Joyce for being faithful even when one of us isn't.

1.  May 24th is National Brother's Day.  Do you have a brother?  Older or younger?  Did you raise brothers?  Tell us something about your brother or tell us something about your own children who are brothers.

I do not have a brother but not because I didn't pray and beg my parents for one.  I was the oldest child and so desperately wanted an older brother.  For some reason my parents didn't comply and neither did God.  However, God did give me two younger sisters whom I love deeply and will get to spend a few days with next week.

God did answer my prayer and gave my daughter an older brother though, so yes, I did raise a brother.

Our son, John is not only a brother but a husband, father, and a grandfather.  He is 53 years old and CEO of a Surgical Hospital in Mishawaka, Indiana.  He is absolutely the best son a parent could ask for; thoughtful, godly, devoted to his wife and children, selfless, a man of integrity, and wisdom, and a most respected leader and administrator.  Plus, he calls his parents every week or when he has something special to share with us.  You can't beat that.

2.  A great book you've read or movie you enjoy that features brothers?

I recently read an article on the Disciple Andrew, and what a giving, thoughtful, and devoted brother he was.  He carried those traits over in his relationship as a follower of Jesus.  I had really never thought about him in that way, so it was enlightening.

3.  Something you think is overrated?  Something you think is underrated?

Overrated?  Anything Shabby Chic
Underrated?  Common Sense

4.  How much does your past shape you?  What parts have shaped you the most?

I think I am safe in saying my past has made me who I am today, whether good or not so good.

Growing up in a Christian home, accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age, having the example of loving, devoted parents, living in rural south Louisiana in the 50's and 60's had the most impact on my life.  Being married to a minister for almost 58 years and serving together has definitely impacted my life greatly.  Having jobs that demanded assertiveness, decisiveness, and learning new skills helped strengthen those dormant traits I was born with. 

5.  What's your favorite simple pleasure?

Our mornings together in the sunroom after our workouts.  We enjoy the sunshine pouring in the windows and this time of reading, meditating, discussing the day ahead, praying for our family, and sharing together while enjoying our morning coffee/tea.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

The above pictures were taken while on vacation in Florida a few weeks ago with our son and his family.  I will be doing a post on that trip in a few days.

It is so good to be back among the Hodgepodgers this week.  My life took on a life of its own the past few weeks and Tuesdays came and went without even a nod to the Hodgepodge.  That isn't good.  I'll try to do better.Thank you, Joyce for being faithful even when one of us isn't. 1.  May 24th is National Brother's Day.  Do you have a brother?  Older or younger?  Did you raise brothers?  Tell us something about your brother or tell us something about your own children who are brothers.I do n...