Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Happy Halloweenie Hodgepodge

Welcome to what appears to be the first real Autumn Wednesday Hodgepodge where I live.  It is truly a gorgeous day after having 24 hours of thunderstorms yesterday and a lovely cool front.  Glorious!

1.  In two or three sentences describe yourself to someone who has never met you.

If you have never met me, then I would be the 5'6" tall slim, soon-to-be 78 year old woman, who hopefully doesn't look her age. Also hopefully I would appear approachable, attractive and someone you would like to know.  I am a daughter of the King, wife of 57 years, mother of a son and daughter, grandmother of 7 and great grandmother of 2.

2.  Will you celebrate Halloween this year, and if so tell us how?

No, the only celebration at our house near Halloween is my birthday the next day, Nov 1.

Let's play this or that-chocolate candy or fruity candy?    Chocolate candy
Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie?    Pumpkin Pie (as a last resort)
Halloween party or scary movie?    Neither
Hay ride or corn maze?    If I were still a teenager it would definitely be a hay ride in the country.
Carve a pumpkin or paint a pumpkin?   Not interested in either at this point.

3.  What's something that scared you when you were young?  Are you still afraid?

I think my greatest fear was failure.  No, after having failed and survived repeatedly, it is no longer a fear.

4.  Your favorite soothing drink?

My soothing hot cup of Mystic Chia every morning

5.  Are you thinking about Christmas yet?  Does this make you feel happy or stressed?

Yes, I have been thinking about it, and in fact have already made some of our travel arrangements to Northern Indiana for Christmas.  Also, we have decided that from now on our gift giving will be concentrated on the two Great Grandsons.  Thankfully, the parents will be making gift option suggestions which will simplify the process.  Planning ahead always makes me happy.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of those adorable baby boys!

3 month old Jax made his first trip to the pumpkin patch last week.  And by the way, the cute monogramed 3-6 mth old outfit I gave him pre-birth does NOT fit.  He is going to be a tall big boy like his daddy.

Aunt Cassidy has declared that 6 month old Landon is the "avocado to her toast" for an early Halloween party last week.

Yes, I agree!  We are greatly blessed.

Welcome to what appears to be the first real Autumn Wednesday Hodgepodge where I live.  It is truly a gorgeous day after having 24 hours of thunderstorms yesterday and a lovely cool front.  Glorious! 1.  In two or three sentences describe yourself to someone who has never met you.If you have never met me, then I would be the 5'6" tall slim, soon-to-be 78 year old woman, who hopefully doesn't look her age. Also hopefully I would appear approachable, attractive and someone you would like to kn...

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

A Non-Brainy Autumn


It's all about Autumn on the blog today and I do love all things Fall.

1.  Thursday (Oct 13) is National Train Your Brain Day.  What do you do to keep your brain in tip top shape?  Is it helping?

I feel that the operative word here is "KEEP" as it implies my brain was at some point in tip top shape.  What would that even look like for me?

Oh well, keeping it all in perspective and assuming that at some point my brain did actually function in tip top shape, I doubt very seriously that it is there at this particular point in time.

In order to keep my brain function from further decline, I read, paint, exercise, play mentally stimulating games on the computer and iPad, maintain a blog and compose a quarterly newsletter for our HOA, and serve on said Board of Directors.  I also attend a very stimulating women's Bible Study with women who are mentally acute and stimulating themselves.  My husband and I also attend a weekly Bible Study that is on the par of a seminary course.  We listen to and read the writings of scholars in fields that we have interests.  I volunteer one day a week at our Pregnancy Center.

I think the people with whom we surround ourselves can be one of the greatest ways to keep our mind in tip top shape.

Is it helping?  I suppose it is because I still know my name and address.

2.  You can sit with anyone in the world and 'pick their brain'...whom do you choose?  Tell us why?

I'm assuming this person needs to be currently alive, so I will go with Joel Rosenberg, author, speaker who formerly served with the then Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.  He spoke in our church several months ago.

Why?  He is one of the most knowledgeable people of the ever shifting landscape of the Middle East and capable writers to explain it.  Having moved his family to Israel several years ago, he has met with some of the most complex and controversial world leaders.  His fiction books have been prophetic and one of his most recent non-fiction, "Enemies and Allies" tells about many of these meetings. 

3.  What's something happening in the world (or your corner of it) right now that you have trouble 'wrapping your brain around'?

WOKEISM!  A No-Brain Issue

For the life of me, I cannot 'wrap my brain around' why anyone, with or without common sense, or any sense at all, would think the concepts and teachings of this ideology is good for the human race. (Or the political party that supports/promotes it) It is the most destructive, divisive, demeaning, evil and selfish movement to ever come out of America.  The empires of Babylon, Persia, Greek, and Rome, not to mention Nazi Germany, fell because of a very similar belief system and so will America if God doesn't intervene.

4.  On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall in the pumpkin fan club?  (1=blech, 10=make it all pumpkin all the time)  Tell us something delicious you've tasted recently that had some pumpkin in it somewhere.

I much prefer my pumpkins as decorative items and not on my fork or scenting my home, so that would put me at a 1=blech.

5.  Share a favorite song, book, or movie with an autumn title, setting, or vibe.

The song "Autumn Leaves" was one of my favorite solos to sing back in the '60's.  Movies would be "Autumn in New York,"  "Hunt for Red October," and my favorite "You've Got Mail."

My most favorite recent picture with an autumn setting is Granddaughter Ava Grace all dressed up for her sophomore homecoming prom picture.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

While contemplating the current state of my brain, I came across an article on home decor and whether the things I have in my house screams "Granny Chic."  I do wonder though how bad a "Great Granny Chic" might be.

If you are the least bit concerned about the vibes your decor is putting off, you may want to check out this link.

The cherry wood furniture was a big shocker for me.  How did you fare?

WELCOME BACKTOTHE WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGEIt's all about Autumn on the blog today and I do love all things Fall. 1.  Thursday (Oct 13) is National Train Your Brain Day.  What do you do to keep your brain in tip top shape?  Is it helping?I feel that the operative word here is "KEEP" as it implies my brain was at some point in tip top shape.  What would that even look like for me?Oh well, keeping it all in perspective and assuming that at some point my brain did actually function in tip top shape,...

Sunday, October 2, 2022

A Day With Friends Among the Pumpkins

Every year, the Dallas Arboretum ushers in fall with a most spectacular Pumpkin Patch.  In fact, the Pioneer Woman declared it one of "20 Best Pumpkin Patches in the U.S. to Visit With the Family This Fall."  This is the 17th year for Autumn at the Arboretum.
This past Friday, a group of ladies from our church Life Group met for a day among the pumpkins.  It was absolutely the most perfect fall weather for such a fun outing.  In fact, it doesn't get any better in Dallas.
We agreed that every family there thought it worth coming out for too.

The grounds of the Arboretum are spectacular with or without pumpkins.  There is something to see at every turn of the walking paths.
Around one such turn, we found this entertaining lovely Spanish lady being filmed pantomiming a song.  Every garden should have a bit of drama, right?
In early November the pumpkins will be removed and these small domed glass cages will be dressed for Christmas.  Opening November 10th is the Holiday at the Arboretum, featuring the return of The 12 Days of Christmas exhibit.  We went last year and it was totally amazing!
Jane, Sharon, Mary and Carolyn were deep in conversation when I asked them to pose.  Behind them, you can see one of the hundreds of trees already lighted for the Christmas display.

Carol and Margaret decided to get acquainted with Shakespeare;
however, he got a little too acquainted with Margaret.
The following are some of the most interesting stems that I couldn't ignore.

We enjoyed a delicious lunch in the lovely DeGolyer Restaurant with an overview of the Dallas skyline in the distance.

Each of these ladies are God's special gift of friendship to me.
After lunch, we visited the acclaimed Pumpkin Village featuring large-scale pumpkin houses and creative displays utilizing more than 100,000 pumpkins, gourds and squash.  The theme is "A Fall Fairy Tale."

This is the Jack and the Beanstalk House with even the cherished cow.
Peggy and Jone are standing in front of the Texas Star House.

The Three Little Pigs would love this solid orange pumpkin house.
Solid white pumpkins are the building material for Cinderella's castle.
Her magic carriage is being pulled by a team of large cornhusk horses.  The children loved having their pictures made inside the carriage.  We didn't attempt it.
The Sword in the Stone corn maze was very popular as well.

The colorful Gourd House was a lovely backdrop for Libby and Margaret.

And then, there are some more imaginative than others.
It is not all pumpkins and gourds at the Arboretum.  There are also quiet streams and places to sit or walk and contempt the beauty of God's creation before daring to drive the Dallas freeways again.

Every year, the Dallas Arboretum ushers in fall with a most spectacular Pumpkin Patch.  In fact, the Pioneer Woman declared it one of "20 Best Pumpkin Patches in the U.S. to Visit With the Family This Fall."  This is the 17th year for Autumn at the Arboretum.This past Friday, a group of ladies from our church Life Group met for a day among the pumpkins.  It was absolutely the most perfect fall weather for such a fun outing.  In fact, it doesn't get any better in Dallas.We agreed that every fami...