Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Falling Into the Hodgepodge

Welcome to Wednesday Hodgepodge #478.  Fall on over to Joyce's blog HERE to join other bloggers in answering the following questions.

1.  Volume 478.  Sounds like a lot.  Where were you in 1978?  If you weren't born where were you in 2008?

I was living in a small town in Northeast Louisiana with a husband of 13 years, a son who had just turned 9, and a daughter who was 7.  We were as busy as most other growing families at that time with church activities, school and supporting the kids varied interests.  It was a good time.

2.  Raise your hand if you remember records playing at a speed of 78 rpm?  What's a topic that when it comes up you 'sound like a broken record'?

It probably has something to do with grandkids and great grand ones.  How long do you?

3.  What's the last thing you recorded in some way?

I haven't done a vocal recording or a video in a while, but I am responsible for record keeping for our Homeowners Association.  I spent a big part of last week getting all the dues payment records in order for this week's board meeting.

4.  Thursday is the first day of fall (in the northern hemisphere).  How do you feel about the changing seasons?  Something you're looking forward to this fall?

This is pretty much how I feel about fall.  I love everything about the season from the colors in nature to the color of my clothes.  It is about the only season I actually decorate my house for.  I love the cool weather, the early morning walks and water workouts before it gets too cold.  Sadly, we don't see a lot of color change in Texas.

Something I'm looking forward to this fall?  We are taking a road trip up to Northeast Arkansas to spend a few days in a friend's B&B in mid October.  It should be gorgeous and cool.  Can't wait.

5.  In what way (or ways) are you like the apple that didn't 'fall far from the tree'?

My mother appreciated all things lovely and to the best of her ability passed that on to me.  Our dad loved music and in that respect, I definitely don't fall from the tree.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.


Welcome to Wednesday Hodgepodge #478.  Fall on over to Joyce's blog HERE to join other bloggers in answering the following questions. 1.  Volume 478.  Sounds like a lot.  Where were you in 1978?  If you weren't born where were you in 2008?I was living in a small town in Northeast Louisiana with a husband of 13 years, a son who had just turned 9, and a daughter who was 7.  We were as busy as most other growing families at that time with church activities, school and supporting the kids varied...

Friday, September 16, 2022

Ideas for Refreshing Your Kitchen


When you think about the most important room in your house, most of us would say it is the kitchen. It’s just something about this room that offers the sense of “home”.

Your kitchen could set the tone in terms of decorating style for the entire house or it can just be that special room that has its own style. From different colors to textures, choosing the perfect kitchen for you could be a fun experience.  There are plenty of options you can choose from, starting with colors, textures, storage, and appliances.  The least expensive option is simply to change out what is seen on your countertops.

The first step is choosing the style you love the most and adapt it to your home.

In our Fall HOA Quarterly Newsletter I will be featuring three of the homes where homeowners did a renovation of their kitchen.  Each of these homes have the exact same floorplan which makes it interesting to see how they applied their own style and tastes to make this room unique to themselves.

I am going to show you only one of them along with interesting details from the other two.

When our friends Ric and Margaret bought their house in our Village mid 2021, this is much like the kitchen looked.  The original cabinets were stained and there were no cabinets on the long wall opposite the oven.  There was a high narrow bar separating the kitchen from the dining area.

Unfortunately, they weren't able to get the remodeling done prior to moving in, so they lived with the complete 3-month long project of completely gutting the kitchen and starting from scratch.  And yes, they lived to tell about it.

Margaret met with a designer who was able to give her exactly what she wanted.  They used a contractor they had used in a previous home, which helped, but there were still hick-ups and deadline issues.  These things are to be expected but not necessarily enjoyed.

The finished project made it all worth while.

As you can see it is a total transformation

They removed the high bar and made the sink counter area all the same level.  They retained the original footprint but had all new cabinets built for maximum storage and added a wall of upper and lower cabinets where there had been none.

Margaret chose a granite stone countertop in shades of gray and gold and added a deep stainless undermount sink.  The backsplash is a classic white subway tile.

This section of the kitchen is the jewel box of the entire house.  It is the first thing you see when you enter the home and a place where you want to stay.  Ric used LED string lights inside the cabinets to highlight the beautiful door design.  He also used them underneath to light the serving area.

As might be obvious Margaret's favorite color is blue and she has carried that color in various accents throughout.  To anchor the tall upper cabinets she  painted the lower ones a deep navy.

Carrying out a theme and adding accent colors, offers a serene atmosphere that  will make your kitchen feel clean, refreshing, simple and visually pleasing.

I love how Ric and Margaret and my other two homeowners took their original kitchens and updated them with timeless all white while making them unique to themselves by adding their own tastes and personality.

Cabinet door knobs can add a bit of whimsy and interest, and even a touch of elegance to an otherwise plain door.

Patsy added these clear acrylic knobs, with a touch of brass to help carry out a theme that runs throughout her house.

She also used a beautiful, elegant glass tile for her backsplash and a brown-toned quartz on the countertops.  These colors again compliment other colors and accessories in other rooms of her lovely home.

Personal accessories that add accents and meaning are very important to any room, but especially the kitchen. These are excellent conversation starters while guests are gathered around food.

Keeping the countertop décor to a minimum is necessary for an organized and uncluttered kitchen. Keep it simple with the accessories and textures and choose  neutral colors for the flooring.

Kathy chose to go with gray-on-gray quartz countertops and backsplash with wood flooring.  For her accent color, she used the beautiful glass artwork as her inspiration.

Whether you're thinking about simply dressing up or completely renovating the most important room in your house, maybe these ideas will bring some inspiration.

UPDATING YOUR KITCHEN?When you think about the most important room in your house, most of us would say it is the kitchen. It’s just something about this room that offers the sense of “home”.Your kitchen could set the tone in terms of decorating style for the entire house or it can just be that special room that has its own style. From different colors to textures, choosing the perfect kitchen for you could be a fun experience.  There are plenty of options you can choose from, starting with colo...

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thank you Joyce From This Side of the Pond for this weeks Hodgepodge questions.

1.  What's something you've learned from a younger person?

This is easy because just about every person I know is younger than me.  LOL!

To not take life so seriously.  To be content with today and not try to live tomorrow before it arrives.

2.  Are you a perfectionist?  Elaborate?

Yes, by nature I would be considered a perfectionist.  I like order and sequence and things done right and well and everything in its place.  The chairs around my dining table must be placed in the exact right place, for example.  I am a stickler for towels and sheets folded a certain way, for symmetry and continuity.  However, there are areas and times, that I can easily just let it happen as they will.

3.  What makes you cringe?

I hope I'm not offending anyone reading this, but I cannot stand a woman's high-pitched, "screechy" voice.  I want to shake her and say, "Just. Speak. Normal!"

4.  September is National Honey you have bees and make your own?  Know someone who has bees and they share?  Your favorite thing made with honey?

For a while when we lived in Shreveport, Louisiana we had a friend who had his own bees and kept us supplied with the most delicious honey.  Dick makes protein balls that combines honey with Black Strap Molasses that are yummy good.

5.  Where is your happy place?

My sunroom.  This is where Dick and I spend each morning in Bible Study, reading and talking.  It is here I come to all during the day and night to sit in my glider sofa and just be.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Today, Tuesday our church honored veterans and patriots with the Inaugural Veteran's Luncheon.  The Prestonwood Veteran's Organization (PVO) was recently established in order to reach veterans in our community.

We proudly attended as patriots' along with at least 300.

I love this picture.  It symbolizes so much about a veteran and their family.  The new National Anthem protocol now allows veterans to salute and this man proudly did so; however, he required his wife's shoulder in order to hold his arm at attention.  She lovingly allowed him to move to her left side and stood there to support him.  I wondered how many years she had done that in order to keep her family together when her husband served his country.  Wives are still doing that every day.

The speaker was veteran and former U. S. Representative, Allen West.  I have never heard a better and more encouraging message based on a Biblical Worldview.  He is such a strong Christian and Conservative leader in our state. 

Did you know Texas is currently rated as having the most military recruits, Gold Star Families, and resident veterans of any state in the nation?

Thank you Joyce From This Side of the Pond for this weeks Hodgepodge questions.1.  What's something you've learned from a younger person?This is easy because just about every person I know is younger than me.  LOL!To not take life so seriously.  To be content with today and not try to live tomorrow before it arrives.2.  Are you a perfectionist?  Elaborate?Yes, by nature I would be considered a perfectionist.  I like order and sequence and things done right and well and everything in its pla...

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

Our Wednesday Hodgepodge Hostess:  Joyce

1.  Tell us a little bit about the best birthday you've ever had.

The next one!

2.  In what way(s) have you changed in the last five years?

Five years ago this week, we celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary with family in Hot Springs, AR.

This year we celebrated #57 at home with a different set of family.

How have I changed?  Besides the obvious age related differences, I'm thinking more about what we are passing on to the three generations now, and those to come.  Will they find that we were faithful to God's calling when that time comes?

I am also willing to spend a couple hours in the middle of the day watching a movie.  That may well be the greatest change.

3.  What's your favorite thing about the street on which you live?

This is an aerial view of our Village and my house if below the white arrow.  As you can see, my street does not distinguish itself from any other.  What does make it special for us are our neighbors and friends.  

The location of our community is one of the most desired in Plano right now, and that is good.  In fact, Shaquille O'Neal recently bought a home in an adjoining neighborhood down the street from us.

4.  The Hodgepodge lands on National Beer Day...are you a beer drinker?  What's a recipe you make that lists beer as one of the ingredients?  If not beer, how about yeast?

Don't drink or use beer and haven't used yeast in years.

5.  As I grow older I would like to be a woman (or man, if there are any men in the HP today) who is the face of Christ wherever I go, and especially at home.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

A few months ago I discovered the most amazing thing.

The Renpho Eye Massager stays on my nightstand.  It massages the eyes, sinus area, and temples with heat and hot air.  I use it to help relax and reduce eye strain.  It was wonderful while traveling.  It is also supposed to help relieve dark circles and eye bags, but I'm still waiting on that.

I wish I had had this when I was being plagued with migraines, but it does help relieve a nagging headache.

You can also connect it to Bluetooth music, but I'm still content with the repetitious music settings.  It runs for a 15 minute cycle, and a few times I have repeated the cycle.

I highly recommend this and have given it as gifts.  The only problem is it can't be used if you've had any kind of eye surgery.

Check it out HERE - Amazon

Our Wednesday Hodgepodge Hostess:  Joyce1.  Tell us a little bit about the best birthday you've ever had.The next one!2.  In what way(s) have you changed in the last five years?Five years ago this week, we celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary with family in Hot Springs, AR.This year we celebrated #57 at home with a different set of family.How have I changed?  Besides the obvious age related differences, I'm thinking more about what we are passing on to the three generations now, and those to...