Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Times

It is a Wednesday so we're spending time answering questions given to us by our Hodgepodge leader, Joyce.

1.  Somehow it's March?  Is it coming in like a lion where you live?

No, March came in as mild as a lamb with a low of 38 and a high of 72, plenty of sunshine and no Texas wind.  I would say a pretty perfect day.

Tell us one fun thing on your March calendar.

This Saturday I will attend a baby shower for my oldest granddaughter, Chandler, who, in April will give us our first great-grandson.  The picture below is with her best friend who hosted a shower this past weekend.

2.  In what way(s) do you 'march to the beat of your own drum'?

I'm not afraid to say 'No!"

3.  The Hodgepodge lands on Dr. Suess Day (March 2ne).  Do you like eggs?  How about ham?  Share a favorite quote from one of his books.

Oh yes, I love eggs and in fact have at least one every day.  Ham is perfect with eggs or a myriad of other ways.

My favorite quote and one I repeated to my children (that I'm sure they don't remember) is:

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

4.  Have you read Little Women?  How about Alice in Wonderland?  Did you love them, like them, feel just eh about them?  Why is this question in the Hodgepodge today?

I read both these books many years ago.  In fact, in 1971 I bought a set of seven small abridged classics to read to my then babies and it included Alice in Wonderland.  I have sense read it to at least one grandchild.

Did I love them?  Not really.  Perhaps it was the time in my life that I read Little Women and didn't fully appreciate it.  Although I tried to make the reading of Alice exciting for my babies, it was beyond their comprehension at the time, and I failed to appreciate the symbolism myself.

I do not know why both were included in the Hodgepodge as they were published three years apart and written by different authors.  Perhaps because Joyce does love both of them as well as Dr. Suess?  Can't wait to find out.

5.  How do you meal plan?  How often do you shop for groceries?  One homemade meal that was on your menu last week or is on your menu this week?

When I get up in the morning I give it some thought and base it on whatever is in the freezer and on hand.  We do not shop on a routine basis, just when we happen to be near the grocery store, or need something particular. Or, whenever Dick decides its time to go.  We try to keep the freezer and pantry well stocked.

All our meals for the most part are homemade.  We are eating a lot of eggs, cheese, avocados, meats and a prescribed list of veggies and berries; therefore the two meals a day that we eat will contain a combination of these foods.

Perhaps my favorite meal was an Olive Mixture Stuffed Chicken Breast with sliced boiled egg and avocado on the side.  Dessert was a small bowl of mixed berries and nuts.  Oh my goodness, sooooo good.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

The thoughts on the minds of most of us concerns the Ukrainian people.  The images and stories coming from there are both inspirational and heart-breaking.  For something so preventable to affect our world is overwhelming and beyond my understanding.

If you are into Bible prophesy, keep your eye on what all of this means for Israel.  Israel is the epicenter.  The Russian invasion of Ukraine may impact the world order and lay the groundwork for Ezekiel 38, but Putin is not Gog and the end is not yet, but it is near.  Are you ready?

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.”

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. Chandler is a beautiful mother to be! I gave that question about marching to beat of a different drum wayyyy toooo much thought. Should have just answered it without thinking. Have a great Wed!

  2. I love that Dr. Suess' saying. I had forgotten about it. Thanks for sharing it.

    And yes, I am a believer and ready.

  3. I LOVE your granddaughter's dress! So pretty and perfect for a baby boy shower. We have our first shower later this month and then will have another here in May. So much fun...enjoy!

  4. I'm trying to keep the kitchen well-stocked too, in case things go south and we can't get stuff!

  5. Are y'all following a specific meal plan? If so, which one? Your granddaughter is beautiful!

  6. Awesome, baby showers are so much fun! That is a good point on saying "no!" I was on the PTA years ago and they always called me when someone couldn't do something and I would always say yes. I learned how to say no! Your favorite meal sounds delicious. We too always have things on hand and decide each day. I agree, overwhelming and beyond understanding.

  7. Your granddaughter resembles you! Beautiful. That was my favorite Seuss quote, though there are so many I like.

  8. Just this morning I was reading in Mark 13 when the disciples ask Jesus, "When will these things happen? What is the sign they will be fulfilled?" I thought of Ukraine and wondered what roll it plays in the end times scenario.

    A new baby on the way, that's so exciting!


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