Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Roaming Through the Hodgepodge

After sitting out of the Hodgepodge last week, it is good to be back where my blog enjoys being on Wednesdays.

1.  It's March 15th and as the saying goes - "Beware the Ides of March".  Have you read or studied much Shakespeare?  Do you have a favorite Shakespeare play?  How do you feel about a Caesar salad?

No, I am not refined enough to enjoy studying much Shakespeare and I do not have a favorite play.  I do enjoy a Caesar salad although it isn't my favorite.

2.  Have you ever been to Rome?  If so what do you love about the city?  If not, any desire to go?

We were in Rome in 1972 and '75.  I loved everything about the city from the art, architecture, history, statues, to the atmosphere.  The only thing the least bit disappointing was the pizza we ordered at an outdoor cafe.

On our first trip, I bought a piece of beautiful lace for my sister's wedding dress that she was making.

  Below is a picture of my friend, Sarabeth and me in front of Trevi Fountain.  I would love to go back, but that probably won't happen.

3.  What's your favorite place to 'roam'?

I don't have a favorite place, but I do love to 'roam'.  We haven't done as much roaming around in Texas as I had anticipated, but we are determined to get out and roam around to see the Bluebonnets soon.

4.  Do you like pizza?  Thick or thin crust?  Red sauce-white sauce-other?  Your favorite toppings?  How do you feel about pineapple on a pizza?

I do like pizza but don't eat it often.  My favorite would be Johnny's Pizza House Sweep the Kitchen.  This is original to Monroe, LA and the best pizza in the world - minus the anchovies.  NO to the pineapple as well.

5.  'Rome wasn't built in a day'... tell us how this expression applies to something in your home-life-job currently (or recently)?

My HOA newsletter sure wasn't built in a day; in fact, it is taking all of three months to get it the way I want it.  Fortunately, it only goes out quarterly.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

How about an update on my future great grandboys?

My daughter hosted the most beautiful shower for both families and a few friends.
She used an Easter theme since Landon will be born in April.

Are these not stunning and happy ladies?

Baby Landon will be blessed with five (5) great grandmothers.  How special is that!

Now, about Baby Jax who is due in July.  From all accounts mother is doing great, and we are going to have a big boy.  In fact, both of our boys appear to be quite large and husky at this point.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. My mom went to Rome around that same time; LOL.

  2. The shower looks lovely. We will be going to two showers this weekend on the in-law side and then we'll have another here in May. I'm excited! It's such a blessing to have something happy and joyful to look forward to. Your granddaughter looks happy.

  3. The shower looks lovely. 5 awesome is that!

  4. How nice that you went to Rome and got that lace for your sister. Enjoy the bluebonnets when they arrive. Pizza looks yummy! Looks like a lovely shower. It is so exciting,

  5. I enjoyed your answer. That lace you bought is beautfiul. When we were in Europe we visited Burano which is known for it's lace. Beautiful photos at the shower.


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