Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Ending July

Welcome to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge, compliments of

1. Four words that tell us something about your July?

Family, Food, Fun & a Future to look forward to.
(Sorry went over a bit)

2. Four of your favorite summer foods?

Watermelon, salads, salmon, fudge ice cream bars, and most anything I don't have to cook (I know, excessive again)

Welcome to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge, compliments ofJoyce at "From This Side of the Pond" 1. Four words that tell us something about your July?Family, Food, Fun & a Future to look forward to.(Sorry went over a bit)2. Four of your favorite summer foods?Watermelon, salads, salmon, fudge ice cream bars, and most anything I don't have to cook (I know, excessive again)...

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Changes That Bring Changes

What was your last big change?

Those of you who bother to read my blog, know our last big change was moving across a state line.  Yes, that indeed brought changes that brought changes.

This morning at church, a dear sweet lady complimented me on always looking so "put together."  I thanked her and went on my way because I know the truth.  I may appear to pull it all together on Sunday but what about Monday or Thursday or especially Saturday?

That led me to think about what my appearance says about me.  What image am I portraying? Is it a true one?

 My personal style has definitely changed with the changes in my life.  There was a time 20 years ago when I did easily put it all together every day.  I had suits and mix and match outfits with accessories to tie it all together and an attitude to pull it off with confidence.

Like I said, that was 20 years ago!  Then 10 years ago a big change happened called RETIREMENT!

Now, that will throw a wrench into how one implements their personal style.  All of a sudden, I went from suits to workout clothes. Thankfully, my sense of style and personal pride overrode that phase eventually.

Then, Covid hit and we all lived in our pj's without any guilt whatsoever.

Moving to a large metroplex and a small neighborhood where looking nice is a way of life, changes have again brought changes.  For one, our social life has taken a drastic upswing, but my closet size took a drastic downsizing.

So, how does one adjust their personal style in the midst of change?

First, ask if you even know your personal style?

My personal style is classy, simple, traditional, using a few basic wardrobe items that can be mixed and matched for any occasion.  I have learned that fewer items in the closet make being creative a challenge, but not impossible.

Second, does your personal style of the past relate to your present?  In other words, has your personal style changed in your changes?

Yes, for sure!  I am wearing much more casual clothes now than before and I have learned that it is okay to wear them more than once in a week's time.  Besides, no one here knows how long the items I wear have been hanging in my closet.

This is just one look from a capsule I put together several years ago for a trip.  You can never go wrong with black and white stripes.  Change to a pair of white jeans or crops but since the top doesn't cover the derriere, forget the leggings.  Slip on a pair of flip-flops or colored sandals and you've got a cute and different outfit.

This is just a classic look with white jeans (could easily be crops) and a simple tee.  Throw on a light weight jacket or cardigan when you're going to be in air conditioning, and you're ready to go.  Don't forget a statement necklace with this simple look.

This is a fun and super simple look that can be dressed up with accessories. 

This simple yellow-on-yellow casual outfit is about as dressed up as I get most days.

This is about as dressed up as I will be to go hear Ava Grace and 350 other young people present their summer mission choir trip concert tonight.  And I will feel as "pulled together" as it is likely to get.

So, how have changes that bring changes affected how you express your personal style?

What was your last big change?Those of you who bother to read my blog, know our last big change was moving across a state line.  Yes, that indeed brought changes that brought changes.This morning at church, a dear sweet lady complimented me on always looking so "put together."  I thanked her and went on my way because I know the truth.  I may appear to pull it all together on Sunday but what about Monday or Thursday or especially Saturday?That led me to think about what my appearance says about...

Monday, July 19, 2021

Monday Morning Recap

You may recall reading in my last Wednesday Hodgepodge post, that our John and Michelle would be flying in from Indiana on Friday morning.  This recap is only of those few things we managed to get pictures of.  Most of the time, one of us would say, "Oh, we forgot to get a picture!"

Even without pictures, we have memories.  I won't bore you with a play-by-play of the weekend; however, I will potentially bore you with highlights.

Our first stop after their 9:15 a.m. arrival was "The Original Pancake House" in Frisco.  Oh my, it never disappoints.

To walk off all those calories, we thought perhaps a cattle drive was in order.

One of the places we have found to be interesting, is the Central Park in Frisco where the story of the cattle drives of the mid 1880's is commemorated with large bronze sculptures and interesting quotes spread around.

I especially enjoy looking at the huge reliefs and the amazing dimensions and details.

Granddaughters Chandler and Cassidy recommended "Kudan Sushi" for dinner.

Although I'm not a big sushi fan, everyone else is.  We ordered a couple rounds of a large assortment that met everyone's taste buds.  Even mine.

Afterwards we came back to our place for a fresh cold dessert and games.  Such a great first day with our family.

On Saturday, we went up to McKinney for breakfast with our grands at another place they recommended and I highly endorse, "Sugar Bacon."

So what do folks do while waiting for seven plates of food to arrive?

You play on Snapchat of course.  And people think he looks like his dad.  No way!

No matter how you look at it, the food was worth the drive.

The calories had to go somewhere, so we walked and sweated them off while enjoying all the neat little shops in Historic McKinney.

Dinner was at "The Swamp Café," for Cajun seafood cooked by a china man who once had a sushi restaurant in New Orleans and lived in Mandeville, Louisiana where our son and family had also lived.  Katrina had a way of dispersing the population in different directions.  Anyway, it was an interesting dining experience.

We had a great morning of worship and Bible Study together before making a dreaded trip to the Departure Gate at DFW Airport.

We do anticipate many more such visits in the future as it's only a three-hour direct flight from South Bend, IN and our time together is so precious.

You may recall reading in my last Wednesday Hodgepodge post, that our John and Michelle would be flying in from Indiana on Friday morning.  This recap is only of those few things we managed to get pictures of.  Most of the time, one of us would say, "Oh, we forgot to get a picture!"Even without pictures, we have memories.  I won't bore you with a play-by-play of the weekend; however, I will potentially bore you with highlights.Our first stop after their 9:15 a.m. arrival was "The Original Panca...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Joining Joyce for another Hodgepodge.

1. Tell us about one small blessing you have counted in the past week? 

There have been so many in the past week and some of these were featured on my Monday blog that can be found HERE

To not be repetitive, I'll go with one that is a particular blessing this time of year.

This little area by our house is always in the shade and there is always a breeze which makes living in Texas somewhat bearable this time of year.  We enjoy having our Saturday morning breakfasts out here because it is so pleasant and somewhat private.

Yes. we are still waiting for the patio guy to show up.

2. Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14th...have you ever been to France? Any desire to visit there, and if so what would site or city would you most want to see? (pretend for a minute international travel isn't an issue)

We have flown into Paris a couple times for a connecting flight to elsewhere. 

Aix-en-Provence sounds like a place we would enjoy simply because it is a quaint, pretty, university town known for its cute cafes, markets and easy way of life.  It wouldn't be overrun with tourists either, I don't think.

3. A food associated with France that you love?

Gumbo isn't food from France but it is Cajun French. 

4. Something you recently purchased where a coupon was involved? Do you regularly shop with coupons? 


5. You have to give something away this week...what will it be? 

The best thing I'm good at giving away is advice; however there aren't many takers.

The one thing I would most like to give away is my front-loading washing machine.  Why would anyone want one of these!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Our son and DIL are flying in on Friday morning for the weekend with us.  To say we can't wait would be a total understatement.  We are trying to plan some things that they will enjoy while also trying to provide times out of the heat.  That is a daunting task!

One thing for sure, it will involve eating well and lots of loving.  Check back next Wednesday for a full report.

Joining Joyce for another Hodgepodge. 1. Tell us about one small blessing you have counted in the past week? There have been so many in the past week and some of these were featured on my Monday blog that can be found HERETo not be repetitive, I'll go with one that is a particular blessing this time of year.This little area by our house is always in the shade and there is always a breeze which makes living in Texas somewhat bearable this time of year.  We enjoy having our Saturday morning...

Monday, July 12, 2021

Day Family Adventures

It's a hot Monday morning here and seems to be the perfect time for a blog post.

There have been happenings that I haven't shared so why put it off any longer.

Our recent college graduate Granddaughter Savannah has been offered her first full-time position in her chosen field and one for which she has prepared.  She will be working remotely until it's time to relocate to Indy.  So proud of this smart and gorgeous girl.

Budding actress, Granddaughter Ava Grace, has been cast in a leading roll, and the one she wanted, in the upcoming musical "Into the Woods."  It will be with the North Dallas Performing Arts and she will play the role of Little Red. We have so enjoyed seeing her prepare for this audition, and cannot wait to see her perform in September.  By the way, this will be the first performance they have done without masks in over a year.  YES!

Dick had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from his ear a couple weeks ago which also required some extensive reconstruction.  I watched the whole thing and found it absolutely fascinating.  The surgeon's assistant was so sweet and supportive.  He is doing well and we are grateful for excellent physicians.

This past week, a few singers from our Life Group visited a fellow member who has ALS.  They sang quartet arrangements of several hymns and evidently this meant so much to him.  It is so good to be part of such a ministering group of Christian men and women.  Bill, on the left is our amazing teacher.

Jackson and McKenna took a delayed honeymoon to Greece a couple weeks ago and had a marvelous time exploring several of the islands.  This was taken on Mykonos Island, one of their favorites.  We are so glad they were finally able to make their dream trip come true.

Speaking of dream trips!

Granddaughter Chandler and husband Brad, who are extensive world travelers, will be returning from Greece this week.  They were sorry schedules didn't permit them meeting up with the cousins though.

She is so knowledgeable of planning the most amazing trips that she has started her own Instagram account and is eager to help you plan your dream trip.

Check her out @chanchanstravelplans

Here are a few pictures of their most recent travels.  And by the way, Brad is the best photographer, but you may not be able to afford to take him with you.

This picture was taken from the patio of their airbnb.  What a place to live for a few days.

Needless to say, Chandler is an excellent model and Brad is an excellent photographer.

This picture was taken where they were staying in Bali last year.  Can you imagine sleeping on this and waking up to that view every morning?

This was their Airbnb in Florence, Italy.  Yes, this gal knows how to plan a trip!

Dick and I took our own little trip and ventured among the large bronze sculptures in the Central Park of Frisco, last week.  This and driving on the toll roads, is about as adventurous as we get these days.

Life is good!

It's a hot Monday morning here and seems to be the perfect time for a blog post.There have been happenings that I haven't shared so why put it off any longer.Our recent college graduate Granddaughter Savannah has been offered her first full-time position in her chosen field and one for which she has prepared.  She will be working remotely until it's time to relocate to Indy.  So proud of this smart and gorgeous girl.Budding actress, Granddaughter Ava Grace, has been cast in a leading roll, and...