Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday Medley

I thought since I am away from home and completely out of my routine, I would join up with Terri for
this week.

1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
I don't sleep well anyway, and tend to waste the time I am awake.  I should use that time to do Bible study, read a good book, go through and organize all the pictures I have stored away, or best yet, scan my parent's love letters for posterity.
2. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned?
I recently bought a pair of leopard jeans that I think will be my favorite for the fall.  You can see them next Monday on my blog post.  I think the item of clothing I would have the hardest time parting with right now is a beautiful, heavy tapestry jacket.  I've had it for years and have compliments every time I wear it.
3. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
I don't really want another hobby.  I need to do more of the one hobby I love and that is painting.  I met an artist last week and he said the one thing that keeps him going is painting a bit every day.  I don't know that I would it every day, but I do need to paint often to just keep myself inspired.  My quandary is what to do with a painting when I finish. 
4. What would your perfect room look like? (You can post a picture.)
 Rustic Elegance in MONTANA
I think I could soak myself wrinkled in this spot and with this view.
5. When was the last time you climbed a tree?
Too long ago to remember, but I was a climber when I was a kid.  We made many a pretend trip from the limb of a big Oak tree in our yard.
6. Tell us something you will do/did today.
We are at our son's house in northern Indiana for a couple weeks.  We are here this week with our HS senior granddaughter and grandpuppy while son and wife are in California. 
Besides walking the puppy multiple times I have researched how to make a toga for granddaughter's HOCO dress requirement for tomorrow.  I plan to spend time going through and editing some of the pictures I took while traveling through Kentucky last week.  It will be a fun, busy day doing what I enjoy.
This is just a preview of what is to come.
Thank you, Terri for hosting us today for

I thought since I am away from home and completely out of my routine, I would join up with Terri for Wednesday Medley this week. 1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? I don't sleep well anyway, and tend to waste the time I am awake.  I should use that time to do Bible study, read a good book, go through and organize all the pictures I have stored away, or best yet, scan my parent's love letters for posterity. 2. What’s your favorite piece of cl...

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Transitioning Seasons with B/W Polka Dots #5

Compliments of Hudson House in Shreveport, La.

If you look at this tunic and think "COMFORT" then you are exactly right. 

 Wearing this chiffon top is like what I would think wearing a cloud might feel like. 

Polka dots just never go out of style, but they seem to be a really big fashion statement this summer and fall.

I love the wide black band around this lovely scooped neckline and it lays so comfortably and keeps the top in place.  It is also self-lined so wearing a camisole is not necessary.

As you can see, we paired it with this lovely leather and silver chain necklace.  It plays so nicely against the soft fabric and dots in the design.

You know I love a long flowing tunic and this one is perfect.

 The sheer 3/4 length sleeve is so comfortable and complimentary to the aging upper arms of many in my age bracket.

Again, I'm wearing the comfy, stretch leggings with the bow and pearl detail from previous posts in this series.

For a change-up, I added pearl earrings and layered pearl necklaces to tie in with the cute little pearl on the bottom of the legs.

They also add a little touch of class.

This top has already found its way into my closet and into my travel wardrobe.

I can't wait to show you the outfit I have for you next Monday.  It is a departure from the B/W and is my favorite of all the outfits I've shown.  It will conclude this B/W Transition series without being B/W.  I hope you have enjoyed these posts.

I have not been compensated for any of these posts.

Please contact Hudson House for more information on any of the items you have seen and don't think you can live without.

The Fashion Boutique of Hudson House is located at 3118 Gilbert Drive in Shreveport, La. The Boutique has dressed women in Shreveport for over 20 years and continues to offer unique clothing and accessories.



Amaze Me Monday

Compliments of Hudson House in Shreveport, La. If you look at this tunic and think "COMFORT" then you are exactly right.   Wearing this chiffon top is like what I would think wearing a cloud might feel like.  Polka dots just never go out of style, but they seem to be a really big fashion statement this summer and fall. I love the wide black band around this lovely scooped neckline and it lays so comfortably and keeps the top in place.  It is also self-lined so wearing a...

Monday, September 17, 2018

Transitioning Seasons With B/W & Red #4

Yes, I promised you Black with Red from HUDSON HOUSE in Shreveport, LA, this week.

What is not to love about this top and outfit.

Because the top is rather high in front, I paired it with my own black dress pants instead of leggings.

I also selected to not wear a necklace with this top because I like the simplicity of the neckline and didn't want to distract from the whimsy design on the top.

I did however, add a cute pair of earrings that compliment without distracting.

As you can tell, the design wraps around the right shoulder and back.

This is such a smart looking outfit and would be suitable to take from office to evening or any casual or dress event.

Next Monday I will show one of the tops that has found a place in my closet.  Come back to see if you would have it in yours.

I have not in any way been compensated for this post.

The Fashion Boutique of Hudson House is located at 3118 Gilbert Drive in Shreveport, La. The Boutique has dressed women in Shreveport for over 20 years and continues to offer unique clothing and accessories.



Yes, I promised you Black with Red from HUDSON HOUSE in Shreveport, LA, this week. What is not to love about this top and outfit. Because the top is rather high in front, I paired it with my own black dress pants instead of leggings. I also selected to not wear a necklace with this top because I like the simplicity of the neckline and didn't want to distract from the whimsy design on the top. I did however, add a cute pair of earrings that compliment without distracting....

Friday, September 14, 2018

Wordless Friday Fotos

The first of these pictures were taken at Nature's Hideaway Gardens in Bastrop, Louisiana.

The others are from yards in my neighborhood.

Wordless Friday Fotos

"Dear Lord, Your gifts are greater than I can imagine.  May I live each day with thanksgiving in my heart and praise on my lips.  Thank You for the gift of Your Son and for the promise of eternal life.  Let me share the joyous news of Jesus Christ, and let my life be a testimony to His love and His grace.  Amen!"

The first of these pictures were taken at Nature's Hideaway Gardens in Bastrop, Louisiana. The others are from yards in my neighborhood. Wordless Friday Fotos "Dear Lord, Your gifts are greater than I can imagine.  May I live each day with thanksgiving in my heart and praise on my lips.  Thank You for the gift of Your Son and for the promise of eternal life.  Let me share the joyous news of Jesus Christ, and let my life be a testimony to His love and...

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wellness Wednesdays: Reflection, Fashion & Home

This is a somber week.  All of us have no doubt reflected on where we were and what we were doing 17 years ago on 9/11.  We have watched and heard many speeches about that horrific event.

The daughter of dear friends, and our son's "sister" friend was running late that morning and was in the subway when the towers where she worked were hit.  She was able to get out of the city.  She survived.

Our nation is also facing one of the strongest and possibly the most catastrophic hurricane to hit our shores this week.

Ten years ago when Katrina destroyed New Orleans, our son, a rehab hospital administrator, was trying to help 45 people under his care, not only survive the flooding but flee the city.  He had at least four critically ill patients and God opened the exit door for all of them to reach safety three days after the storm hit.

God made a way where there seemed to be no way in both these cases.  Had Ginger not been late, she might not have survived that horrible ordeal.

Had God not made available a vehicle large enough to carry 45 people out of the city, there might have been a very sad and tragic outcome.

What can we do to be God's instrument to remind the world that God still cares.  He still hears and answers the prayers of His people. 

Now, on a lighter note.


I have been doing a Monday blog post on outfits that can transition from summer to fall and where I live, even into winter.  These outfits come from Hudson House here in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Here are a few of the outfits I've shown so far.  Would you wear any of these?

 I am sure the long white shirt will see many outfit options in the months ahead and I can't wait to show you some of them.

In a previous post I mentioned reading the book, "Atchafalaya Houseboat."

It is a fascinating book of a young couple who chose a life of solitude on a homemade houseboat in the back waterways of south Louisiana.  It is a book well written and will transport the reader into an unfamiliar world of wildlife and hard work.  You can check it out HERE on Amazon.

This is a link to a short video introducing the book.

And if you have time, you can watch the video of their life, narrated by the author Gwen Roland.  It is being shown on PBS in our area.

And that leads me into the next appropriate topic.


 Are you decorating for Fall yet?

I haven't done a single thing but it's not because of a lack of inspiration.  Blog land is abounding with ideas and suggestions to help us get into the mood for cooler weather.  Where I live, cooler temperatures will be most welcome.

Here is a weekly "Fall Home Tour" link up that you might enjoy:

A Stroll Thru Life: 2018 Fall Home Tour

 I look forward to getting all my Fall stuff out of the attic after returning from our trip.  This is my favorite time to decorate my home.  How about you?

“This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Dick and I will be traveling for the next three weeks and I will blog again as I am able.  

Linking with
Hello I'm 50ish Link Up
Meditations in Motion

This is a somber week.  All of us have no doubt reflected on where we were and what we were doing 17 years ago on 9/11.  We have watched and heard many speeches about that horrific event. The daughter of dear friends, and our son's "sister" friend was running late that morning and was in the subway when the towers where she worked were hit.  She was able to get out of the city.  She survived. Our nation is also facing one of the strongest and possibly the most catastrophic hurricane t...

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Transitioning Seasons With B/W Shirt #3

Again, in this week's post, I will feature the pretty and super comfortable black stretch leggings with pretty little bow and pearl detail all from
Hudson House
in Shreveport, La.

So many of you, like me love the little detail on the bottom of the legs.

You will see more of this beautiful white shirt in future posts, but I wanted to show it with these versatile leggings.

Let me also give you a close up of this beautiful necklace.

Don't you like the mesh knot detail and it is so light weight.
I chose to wear this necklace with another outfit from Hudson House.

I wish you could reach out and touch this sleeveless, flowing chiffon vest with the beautifully elegant detail around the hem.

The back is solid black and dips lower than the front.  I paired it with a glittery sweater and thought it made a perfect outfit for most any occasion.

Previously, HERE I mentioned the comfort and length of this black camisole.  In this picture, you can see the length and how it covers the crotch area and is good to wear under a top with leggings.

This pretty, long duster shirt feels so yummy and makes its own fashion statement. 

The sleeve length options makes this top suitable for summer and for cooler temperatures later on.

Buttoned, it makes a nice top for the office or most any nice event.  I paired it with one of my own statement necklaces and diamond earrings.

Don't you like the length of this roomy shirt?  Imagine it with a white camisole and white jeans or leggings.  Remember, white is still perfect even after Labor Day.

 I would even consider adding an orange, or teal top underneath with complimentary jewelry to further personalize this outfit for my coloring.  You can use your imagination to dress this top up or down.

What would you do?

If you like black with red, then you won't want to miss next Monday's post.

I have not in any way been compensated for this post.

The Fashion Boutique of Hudson House is located at 3118 Gilbert Drive in Shreveport, La. The Boutique has dressed women in Shreveport for over 20 years and continues to offer unique clothing and accessories.


Again, in this week's post, I will feature the pretty and super comfortable black stretch leggings with pretty little bow and pearl detail all from Hudson House in Shreveport, La. So many of you, like me love the little detail on the bottom of the legs. You will see more of this beautiful white shirt in future posts, but I wanted to show it with these versatile leggings. Let me also give you a close up of this beautiful necklace. Don't you like the mesh knot detail and it...

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Saturday 9: Gotta Travel On

Gotta Travel On

Saturday 9: Gotta Travel On (1959)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, the Billy Grammer sings that "summer's almost gone, winter's coming on." When you look out your window, do you see any evidence that the seasons are changing?

Unfortunately, there is absolutely no sign that the seasons are changing at our house.

2) He admits he has laid around and played around for too long. Do you consider lazy days to be wasted days?

Not at this point in my life.  One could possible think most days around here contain some "lazy" times.  Wasted?  Never.  We deserve every lazy moment we want to spend.

3) Billy relaxed by fishing. Tell us about a visit you made to a pier, or a ride you took on a boat, this past year. (Bonus points if you went fishing!)

Last May we spent several days on Mackinac Island in Michigan.  To get there we rode on a very fast ferry.  We sat on the top tier and soaked up every amazing view of the short trip.

We enjoyed walking the pier before boarding.

We even saw an old lighthouse on the way.

The Mackinac Island Pier before leaving this beautiful island.  We did not do any fishing.

4) Born in 1925, Mr. Grammer was the eldest of 13 children. He and his wife Ruth were childless. What do you think is the ideal size for a family? 

I don't think there is an ideal size for a family.  Every couple is different.  For us two was perfect, but for some a large family is ideal.  My mother was the youngest of ten.  My husband's grandmother gave birth to 24 with 3 sets of multiple births, and 19 of the children lived.  I wonder if she thought about an ideal number.

5) This song was very popular on juke boxes back in 1959. When were you last in a bar or restaurant that had a juke box? Did you play it?

Last May we visited friends in Cornelia, GA and ate in a local diner that took us all back to the '50's.  We did not play the juke box, but someone else did.

6) In 1959, movie tickets zoomed up in price to $1.00 and Ben Hur was the big blockbuster. What's the last movie you saw in a theater? Do you remember how much the ticket cost?

The last movie was "I Can Only Imagine" and the senior tickets were about $8 each.

7) Huckleberry Hound was a hit with the younger audience in 1959. What cartoon did you enjoy as a kid? 

We didn't watch cartoons that I remember.  We did read comic books however, and "Archie" was my favorite.

8) In 1959, continuing dramas (soap operas) were still broadcast each day on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for talk, news, or music?

If on a long trip by myself, and I'm not listening to an audio-book, then I listen to all three of the options - talk, news, and music.

9) Random question -- Which competition would you rather judge: The Pillsbury Bake Off, The Miss America Pageant, or Dancing with the Stars? 

The Miss America Pageant

Gotta Travel On Saturday 9: Gotta Travel On (1959) Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here. 1) In this song, the Billy Grammer sings that "summer's almost gone, winter's coming on." When you look out your window, do you see any evidence that the seasons are changing? Unfortunately, there is absolutely no sign that the seasons are changing at our house. 2) He admits he has laid around and played around for too long. Do you consider lazy days to be wasted days? Not...