Sunday, June 24, 2018

Decorating Ideas from a Decorator

My friend, Jan Hudson, is one of the most talented and respected decorators in this area.

She is also a fashionista and master of the art of putting together outfits and layering.

Jan combined both of these gifts and she and her husband, Don have owned and operated the
Hudson House Boutique and Interiors in Shreveport, Louisiana for many years.

I featured their home in a series I did a couple years ago.  If you would like to see how she decorated her own home, click link below.

I think it's time for a blog update on what changes she has made recently.

In our town, we have two weekends a year to showcase several new homes, new builders and new neighborhoods.  Not all of the homes will be staged, but this year, a particular builder contracted with
Hudson House to show off their house.

My goal is not to sell this house, although it would be great to find a buyer who will buy it and the furnishings.  I just want to give you some ideas from an expert, how you might incorporate something fresh and new in your own home.  I came away with ideas for my own home that I will show at a later date.

The exterior is pretty, but not unlike many of the other houses in this area.

  It is the interior that will sell this house, so let Jan take you inside.

Everything in this house came from Hudson's showroom except the rugs.

The entry sets the stage for the rest of the house.  

The mirrors on the entry wall are actually two long mirrors put together vertically.  They are one of Jan's best sellers.

The first thing you will notice upon entering is the amount of outside light that filters through the large bank of windows on the backside of the house.

The next thing is the monochromatic color scheme that Jan has used.  I like it, but colorful pillows and more colorful rugs could always be added.

One reason Jan used this calm, non-busy color scheme is because with the large brick columns and the heavy wooden beams, a lot of color could have been overwhelming.

You will see that Jan uses a lot of mirrors in her decorating.  I personally like this and feel it gives the room not only interest but a sense of space.

To the left of the entry is an area that could have been awkward.  Instead, Jan used a large dark piece and large picture to create a special grouping and also fill this space between the brick columns.

And here is the surprise in the room - a red leather chair.  It just makes you want to get a book or magazine and enjoy a glass of sweet tea and relax.

You will notice that Jan uses patterns in the house very carefully as not to over power; the patterns she does use have color and design in common.  Notice the pillow on the red chair ties in without repeating the design of the living room rug.  And the settee fabric again continues the color and geometric pattern theme. 

This is the beauty of using a monochromatic theme.

The semi-circular settee makes a statement around this table.  It could also be moved to the living room if needed for additional seating.

Jan used a tone-on-tone tan rug in the dining room.  It ties the grouping together, blends beautifully with the chair fabric and creates warmth without competing with the fabric on the settee or the view from the large windows.

The interesting yet simple Greco stone table in front of the windows serves as a possible buffet or serving table.  It also balances the large book case on the opposite wall without disturbing the view of the lovely back yard.

I love the flow and open concept of this house.  Each area seems to be set apart by the brick columns and walls, yet the beautiful dark hardwood floors keep it seamless.

Jan and I both love the idea of putting under-lighting on the island.

Of course it shows off the detailed corbels, but it also adds interesting ambient lighting.

The breakfast area is very small and rather awkward for a large table.

Jan's solution was to use an interesting small table and top it with a large piece of heavy glass.  The whimsical rug beneath pulls it together with interest. 

And here, she incorporates a color (that will be repeated in another room) in the most amazing fabric I've seen.  I would love to re-upholster my living room Martha Washington chairs in this.  I love it!

Just off the kitchen is the walk-in pantry,

an office,

utility room,

 and a half bath that leads to the outdoor kitchen.

Now, let me take you to the piece de resistance.

The Master Suite.

The teal touches in the kitchen are built upon in this tranquil bedroom.

The colors of blues, teal and yellow truly set this room apart.

I love these two groupings.  Also pay close attention to the repeat use of gilt and mirrors.

Don't you love the back of this chair.  Actually, this is Jan's own personal chair from her home.  I want it!  You can see the mirrored-drawer fronts of the night stands in the background.

Master Bath

I want to go back and look specifically at a few vignettes that caught my eye.  I will make no comments because I want you to look at them from your perspective and see if it's something you would like.

 I hope you have enjoyed this home decorated by

Linking to
Amaze Me Monday

My friend, Jan Hudson, is one of the most talented and respected decorators in this area. She is also a fashionista and master of the art of putting together outfits and layering. Jan combined both of these gifts and she and her husband, Don have owned and operated the Hudson House Boutique and Interiors in Shreveport, Louisiana for many years. I featured their home in a series I did a couple years ago.  If you would like to see how she decorated her own home, click link belo...

Friday, June 22, 2018

Just Something to Think About

Each Monday morning, I send out a newsletter to our Sunday School members with a note from my husband the teacher, prayer requests, praises, announcements and usually at the end my "Food for Thought."

To close out this week of blogging, I thought I would share what I wrote on Monday.

Food for Thought

Yesterday, in our lesson from 1 Samuel 24, Dick talked about revenge and how subtle that can be in our lives.  There is a great lesson for us in Chapter 25.  David is planning a terrible act of revenge against a man, Nabal, who disrespected him.  The man's wife, Abigail hears of her husband's terrible behavior and King David's plan, and goes to David.

She reminds him that his plan for revenge against the "foolish" acts of Nabal was not God's plan but his own, and asks that he spare her husband and his men.

One of the things we as Christians have to guard against is that it is so easy to confuse our own agenda with God's.

In helping David evaluate the consequences of what he had planned to do to Nabal, her husband, Abigail used a beautiful analogy of God's care and protection.

This past week, I received a package from my daughter.  It was my zoom camera lens that I had mistakenly left with her.  When I opened the box, I realized that the person who packed it took extreme pains to make sure the lens was protected from any possible damage in shipping.  It was wrapped in layers of plastic and then encased in thick packing paper.  It arrived unscathed, which was the goal of my daughter and the packer.

In verse 29 of chapter 25, Abigail used a similar story - the placing of valuable jewels and pieces of silver and gold in a cloth, rolling it, and tying it so that the possessions might be stored or transported without danger.

"If men rise up to pursue you and to seek your life, the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the Lord your God. And the lives of your enemies he shall sling out as from the hollow of a sling."

Her words had the power to cause David to reflect on his intended actions, but also to remind him of God's great care and plan for his life.  Since the day of his anointing, David had been in God's hands.

This passage is also a beautiful picture of God's love and protection in our own lives.   It is a reminder that our lives are in God's hands and we can trust Him ultimately to make things right.  We all need to ask God to give us the ability to recognize wisdom that is of Him. "Be not wise in your own eyes"

Each Monday morning, I send out a newsletter to our Sunday School members with a note from my husband the teacher, prayer requests, praises, announcements and usually at the end my "Food for Thought." To close out this week of blogging, I thought I would share what I wrote on Monday. Food for Thought Yesterday, in our lesson from 1 Samuel 24, Dick talked about revenge and how subtle that can be in our lives.  There is a great lesson for us in Chapter 25.  David is planning a terribl...