Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A Thought Provoking Hodgepodge

We are just 4 Hodgepodges short of 350.  Can you believe Joyce has been bringing a group of us bloggers together once a week this many times?

Thank you Joyce.

Click HERE to meet the other Wednesday Hodgepodge participants.

From this Side of the Pond

1. What's a word that describes your life? A word you wish described your life?

I wouldn't want it any other way.

2. Back in my day we___________________________________?

Respected authority; played outdoors from daylight to dark; never locked a door; ate watermelons in the field; prayed in school; curled our hair with bobby pens and orange juice cans; caught crayfish in a ditch; went on family picnics instead of vacation trips

3. When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food? Does a typical week at your house include takeout?

None of the above.  The only takeout we do, maybe once a week is either Mediterranean or Chipotle.
4. Think about the people you most respect. What is it about them that earned your respect?

Their honesty and sincerity.  That they built their life on Godly principles and never wavered. Their being able to relate to me on whatever level I was at the time, whether a child or adult.  

5. What's something your friends might see and say is 'so you'?

I had to do some research on this one, so got feedback from both family and friends.

  • A granddaughter said "A smart-looking outfit and pretty skin."
  • Another said a long tunic and outdoor photography reminds her of me.
  • Both my sisters agreed on things having to do with pretty objects, clothes and interior design.
  • My daughter's answer was things in jewel tones, and gilt as well as fine china pieces and glassware and other pretties that I like to have around.
  • My DIL said a rocking chair, art galleries, anything elegant and classy, and beauty products.
  • A friend responded with "the color orange!"  She also added objects that are "simple and elegant with appealing design."
  • Another friend said anything beautiful
So, there you go.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

So excited!
We got our little back porch screened in today.  Almost!

These are before pictures and then the after.  I just know I am going to love living out there.


They still need to finish the screens and after the thunderstorms expected tonight we will remove the covers from the chairs and get everything prettied up.  Aren't the azaleas beginning to look colorful?  Yes, Spring is Springing.

We are just 4 Hodgepodges short of 350.  Can you believe Joyce has been bringing a group of us bloggers together once a week this many times? Thank you Joyce. Click HERE to meet the other Wednesday Hodgepodge participants. 1. What's a word that describes your life? A word you wish described your life? I wouldn't want it any other way. 2. Back in my day we___________________________________?Respected authority; played outdoors from daylight to dark; never locked a door; ate waterm...

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Sound of Family!

How about a photo recount of our wonderful weekend in the company of our Dallas Grands!

Our youngest Grand played the part of Louisa in the North Dallas Performing Arts production of "Sound of Music"

Let me just tell you what a trooper she is.  She started the night not feeling well and before she could get completely off the set after her opening number, she literally threw up, necessitating the alternate Louisa to finish the 1st half of the play.

During intermission, when she realized that we could not come back the next day to see another performance, she said, "Then I will finish!"  And she did and did a great job.


A sister came all the way from Fayetteville, AR to see her.

After this kiss, she looked at her sisters and said, "You might not have wanted to do that!!"
Fortunately no one else was sick the next morning.

We are so proud of the long hours of rehearsal and Ava Grace's dedication to give over and above to every part she plays, as well as everything she is involved in.

Saturday morning it was our pleasure to take the three older Grands plus a husband and a boyfriend to brunch at "Ida Claire's" in Dallas.

Outside there is this little Air Stream decorated with a Moroccan theme with small tables for intimate dining.  So cute, but too small for us.

We ate in the outdoor garden and the weather could not have been more perfect.
Oh my goodness, was the food delicious and so beautifully presented.

We met Emily's friend, David for the first time and were very impressed with this fine young man.
We love these wonderful, smart, independent, productive young people so much and enjoy every minute in their company. 

And is it necessary to add that they are bunches of fun?

How about a photo recount of our wonderful weekend in the company of our Dallas Grands! Our youngest Grand played the part of Louisa in the North Dallas Performing Arts production of "Sound of Music" Let me just tell you what a trooper she is.  She started the night not feeling well and before she could get completely off the set after her opening number, she literally threw up, necessitating the alternate Louisa to finish the 1st half of the play. During intermission, when she...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Has Broken!

Welcome to Spring!

Thank you for joining me as I join others for the

From this Side of the Pond

1. On this first official day of spring tell us something (besides the weather) you're looking forward to in this season of the year.

I am looking forward to getting our back porch screened in so I can enjoy sitting out there without the pesky mosquitoes eating me alive.  

I'm looking forward to having hummingbirds visit our feeders.

I am also looking forward to taking a road trip to the southern part of the state to visit special friends who have recently lost their husbands.  A by product of this trip will be enjoying the beautiful flowers characteristic of that part of our state.

2. When it comes to spring cleaning would you rather wash windows or wash baseboards? Clean out closets or clean out the garage? Dust ceiling fans or dust bookcases? Wipe down the patio furniture outside or wipe down the light fixtures inside? Any of these tasks recently completed?

1.  Wash baseboards - I clean them on a regular bases when doing the floors
2.  Clean out closets - There is very little reward in cleaning the garage as it just reappears
3.  Dust bookcases - Do this often
4.  Wipe down patio furniture outside - In the south, the pollen has to be wiped away on a daily bases.  UGH!

3. Your favorite thing to make/eat that calls for cream cheese? Sour cream? Whipped cream?

We just aren't eating any of these right now.  I did use a fat-free sour cream in a pasta sauce the other day, but I can't call it a favorite.

4. I read here a list of commonly mispronounced words. What is a word that gives you trouble when it comes to pronunciation?

To the ears of anyone not from the south, most all my words could be seen as mispronounced.  Dick and I were most recently reminded that the word "Salmon" is not properly pronounced as "sal-muhn" but "sam-uh n".  We are working on that.

5. What's a song you love with the word 'rain' in the title or lyrics?

First to come to mind is of course, "Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head" by B. J. Thomas from 1970.
But, my favorite would be the hymn "Morning Has Broken."  Video below is from a Bill and Gloria Gaither sing along.  But, this beautiful hymn is ageless.  You will see Ruth Graham in the video along with George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows.

"Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dew fall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, 
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass."

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

As I was doing some early morning reading in my sunroom, I noticed a Robin taking a very lengthy and thorough bath in our fountain.  I was able to capture a few of it's antics.

After sunning and preening for a while, it decided the tail feathers needed a bit more attention.  Then, off it flew to serenade me from the big pecan tree.

What a joy to watch this beautiful creature.
Truly, "morning had broken, like the first morning,
blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing!
Praise for the morning!
Praise for them, springing fresh from the Word!"

Welcome to Spring! Thank you for joining me as I join others for the WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGE 1. On this first official day of spring tell us something (besides the weather) you're looking forward to in this season of the year. I am looking forward to getting our back porch screened in so I can enjoy sitting out there without the pesky mosquitoes eating me alive.   I'm looking forward to having hummingbirds visit our feeders. I am also looking forward to taking a road trip to the s...

Monday, March 19, 2018

A Mid-Monday Weekend Recap

"But the most beautiful things in life are not just things.  They're people, and places, memories and pictures.  They're feelings and moments and smiles and laughter."

This past weekend was one of those times.

Dick and I spent Saturday just doing.  Just doing those little chores that are so much more pleasant when done together.

We cleaned off layers and layers of pollen on the patio.  We replaced the old cover on the grill with a nice new black one that soon became yellow as soon as we got it on.

We hung a new fern and potted a cherry tomato plant that is already full of babies.

My large pot of mixed herbs is doing great and offering it's fruits already.  I love the touch of lavender in the mix.

I added a pot of Gerber Daises and Creeping Jenny to a table in the Sunroom.

It was time to freshen the pillows on the living room sofa with some not quite so dark.  These are both pretty and tie in with the other colors in the room.

I am still loving this little vignette.  I did add a small picture on an antique easel that I like.

In one of the guest bedrooms I brought in some of the gorgeous Camillas that have been absolutely prolific this spring.

Now for the people, memories, smiles and laughter part of our weekend.

About six years ago, our dear neighbors and friends, Randy and Cele moved to Texas.  Randy was the Minister of Music at our church.  We have enjoyed staying in touch and visiting with them during these six years in their lovely Texas home.  Recently, they accepted the call to serve as Minister of Music at a church in northern Georgia.  They will be moving the first of April.

On Sunday evening, Dick and I hosted a "Going Away Again" get-together for them.  It was a time for them to see and enjoy some of their closest Shreveport friends before moving so far away.

Some of Randy's former choir members were here to enjoy sharing lots of memories.  

Cele brought me this beautiful Hyacinth.

It's beauty and fragrance will be a lasting reminder of sweet friendships.

" familiar friend.  We who had sweet fellowship together walked in the house of God..." 
Ps. 55:13-14 

"But, thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.  For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved ..."
2 Cor. 2:14-15

"But the most beautiful things in life are not just things.  They're people, and places, memories and pictures.  They're feelings and moments and smiles and laughter." This past weekend was one of those times. Dick and I spent Saturday just doing.  Just doing those little chores that are so much more pleasant when done together. We cleaned off layers and layers of pollen on the patio.  We replaced the old cover on the grill with a nice new black one that soon became yellow as soon as...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Springing Forward Toward Spring

Thank you for joining us again this week for another dose of
Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Click HERE to meet the other bloggers who answered the below questions.

From this Side of the Pond

1. Best place you've been lately?

I spent some time with my two sisters last week which was so nice and something we all needed.

This past weekend our daughter and husband and our granddaughter #6 came from Dallas for a couple days.  I can't tell you how much we enjoyed having them here.
So, I think the best place I've been lately is in the company of family.  Nothing better!

2. What's something you should say yes to today? Or this week? Or even this year?

We are already pretty far along in the process of changing our eating and life-style to one more heart healthy.  However, it is a daily commitment so I see myself saying YES to low/no sodium, sugar, etc. for the rest of my life.

3. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form? If so tell us how. In Western cultures the color green is typically associated with jealousy, nature, good luck, and growth. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word 'green'?

Do not celebrate at all.  The first thing that comes to mind when I hear green is $$$$$$$$$$!

4. What's a product or service you love so much you'd happily be their spokesperson? Tell us what makes you such a fan.

I discovered this shoe a couple years ago when planning a trip that would involve some walking.  I wanted something comfortable but that also didn't look like "tennis shoes".  I found this pair of Bzee's at Dillards for $70 and am now the proud owner of two pairs.  I love that they are so extremely light weight that you don't even know they are on your feet and yet they offer such amazing support and comfort.  Not the prettiest shoe, but definitely the most comfortable and my all-time go-to shoes for every day year round.  
You can find them online HERE.

5. March 14th is Pi Day. How are your math skills? What's the last thing you did that required math of any kind? And most importantly do you like pie? What's your favorite kind? With ice cream, whipped cream, or please hold the cream?


I believe in putting all the info into Excel and let it do it's thing.  The last thing I did that required math (to the extent I do math) was to finalize the Excel spreadsheet I maintain all year of income and expenses for tax purposes.
See #2 above.  No pie on this eating plan!!!

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Spring has not completely sprung yet, but it is springing here in Northwest Louisiana.

Thank you for joining us again this week for another dose of Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Click HERE to meet the other bloggers who answered the below questions. 1. Best place you've been lately?I spent some time with my two sisters last week which was so nice and something we all needed. This past weekend our daughter and husband and our granddaughter #6 came from Dallas for a couple days.  I can't tell you how much we enjoyed having them here. So, I think the best place I've been...