Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Women, Woman, Wo-man

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Click here to see how others have answered them.
1. March is National Women's History Month. In that vein, who are three women who've been influential in your life? How so? 

First would be my mother.  She was always the steady spiritual influence in my life, but she also taught me to appreciate beauty and fine things.  She demonstrated unconditional love and a love for missions.
Second is my mother's sister - my Aunt Thyra.  She encouraged me by example to be a lady and instilled the desire to surround myself with beautiful things, .
Third, Mrs. Charlotte Young was my spiritual mentor when I most needed that in my life.

2. In what ways do you think women have it easier than men?

I don't know that they do.

3. What do you need most right now: faith, love, hope, or peace?

If the Apostle Paul needed more faith, then how much more do I.

4. Do you have a collection? If so, what do you collect and why?
I no longer collect anything as space for storing/displaying is limited in our Garden Home.  But, I used to collect gravy boats and white pottery pitchers.  I still love my pitcher collection and try to use them in decorating as much as possible.

5. Plaids, checks, polka dots, stripes...your favorite?

You will not find any of these in my house.  I don't care for the casual décor style where these would be appropriate.  In my wardrobe, there are a few striped shirts.

6. In what way are you the same as your childhood self?
Good question and something I haven't given much thought to.  I suppose one would be my sleep pattern.  The night was my most creative time as a child, and I would often be up writing, sketching, pretending all by myself.  Another would probably be my stubbornness strong will.

7. You're a contestant on the TV game show Jeopardy. What category will you ace?
None!  I am not an ace in any category.  The older I get, the more I am aware of this fact.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Are you ready for the 2016 Olympics in Rio?  Watching 2012 Olympic gymnast, Gabby Douglas on the balance beam in this video will get you in the mood.
Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. Honestly, I haven't given much thought to the '16 Olympics. I blame that on all the political hoopla going on right now. UGH!

  2. I always look forward to the Olympics, and they'll be a nice distraction from all the crazy : ) I love pitchers, and find them hard to resist. My favorite is one I bought in a little town in Italy called Nove. Pottery heaven! It's painted to look like a fig. Enjoy your day!

  3. oh I haven't give any thought to the Olympics yet, but I am now...I LOVE them. Enjoy your day!

  4. I do love watching the Olympics, but is Brazil going to be ready for it?? I enjoyed the question about whether or not we are similar to our young selves. It's one to ponder, isn't it! So many of us were so blessed to have godly women in our lives who had such a great spiritual influence on us. Have a blessed day.

  5. I didn't know about the Olympics. :o)) Your answer to #2 me laugh. HOpe the weather clears up for Dallas and us in the next few hours. Enjoy the rest of your time with Ava.

  6. The Olympics already???? ---I enjoyed your answers. Have a beautiful Thursday, friend.

  7. How blessed you were to have three women in your life who influenced you. I will be downsizing my collections when we downsize in a few years. I haven't given any thoughts to the Olympics yet but I will definitely be watching!!
    Have a blessed weekend.


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