Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Coming of Age and the Grands

Please join us for a community of Hodgepodge answers at

1. Way back when (the Hodgepodge bicentennial to be precise) several of you submitted questions as part of a giveaway I was hosting. I went back to that list for inspiration today and found a question  submitted by Marla, who blogs over at Marla's Musings. Thanks Marla!

She asks-At what age did you feel like a 'grown-up'? What keeps you young now?   

I think I first felt like a grown up the first day my new Hubby left me in our little duplex to go to work.  I was left alone in a new place with all new belongings and I was in charge of what took place there that day.  It was a very scary reality.

2. When did you last buy a vehicle? Was this by design or because you had no other option? Was the car/truck purchased for your own personal use or was it bought for someone else to drive? On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being delightful and 1 being 'pass the Excedrin') how would you rate the experience?

We bought our last car in 2011.  It was a good experience for me because after reaching the decision that we did not need a big gas guzzling truck in retirement, Hubby took it upon himself to see what was available.  He found the perfect car for us and I was very pleased.  Still am!

3. Corn bread, corn chips, corn pudding, corn on the cob, cornflakes, corn chowder-your favorite of the corn-y foods listed? What needs to be served alongside your selection?

I will take all of them except the corn pudding, but a favorite?  Being a southern gal, I will have go with cornbread.  With cornbread one must have a big pot of soup or turnip greens, or field peas, and fresh tomatoes and iced sweet tea.

4. What's something in your life that regularly requires you to 'put your thinking cap on'?

I think it would have to be my blog.  I strive to keep it interesting and informative while also trying to meet my need for creativity and expression.  I am currently doing a series on clothing personality and it is requiring more time to compile than just sitting down one day a week and posting.  But, I love the process because it is a challenge.

5. Share a favorite movie set in a school or classroom, or whose theme relates to school days in some way. 

My all-time favorite movie set in a school is the sports film from 1986, Hoosiers.  It tells the story of a small-town Indiana high school basketball team that wins the state championship. It is loosely based on the Milan High School team that won the 1954 state championship.
6. Reading, writing, and 'rithmatic' are commonly referred to as the three R's. What are the three R's in your life right now?

Reading, resting, and rejuvenating

7. What's something you've learned or tried recently you can say was as 'easy as ABC'?

I have been doing physical therapy twice a week for the past three weeks.  They have me doing various exercises and surprisingly, they are all easy.  I give my Pilates classes credit for that.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

This is a busy and exciting time for all our grandchildren with school starting back up.

Chandler will be a first-time teacher in a classroom of Kindergartners in Bryan, Tx. next week.
Brad will be beginning his last year at Texas A&M where he is working on both a Bachelor and Masters degree in accounting and auditing.
 Cassidy returned to the University of Texas on Monday where she began rush week.  She will be a 
Sophomore this fall.
 Emily started classes at the University of Arkansas this past Monday where she is a freshman.
Littlest Grand, Ava Grace will be in the third grade this year at Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas.
And those are just my daughter's girls!  Can you imagine what their life is like?

Our son's children are son Jackon, who will be a Junior at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI.  He is on a full-ride football scholarship and studying Business.
Daughters Savannah (right) and Mary-Elizabeth (left) will both be attending Penn High School in Granger, Indiana.
Savannah will be a Junior and Mary-Elizabeth, a Freshman.
Savannah just got her drivers license last week and came home from soccer practice the next day to find a new-to her car wrapped up for her in the driveway.  So, this will be a doubly exciting school year as the girls will be driving themselves and not having to wait in the snow for a cold school bus.
A lot of emotions for Mom and Dad!
 Where does the time go?  My babies are all growing up into amazing young adults.  We could not be prouder!
Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. I taught kindergarten, my favorite age...hope your granddaughter loves it as much as I did. I didn't think about Hoosiers! That's on my list of top ten favorite movies ever.

  2. Thank you for sharing your family with us. I always enjoy getting to know bloggers better. Congrats to all your college grandchildren--I am a sophomore at Alfred State here in upstate NY. I hope your youngest grandchild will enjoy the 3rd grade.

    Enjoyed your answers--have a beautiful day. Blessings

  3. What a blessed woman you are with all those grands. Love it. I have never seen Hoosiers. In fact, many of the Hodgepodgers have mentioned movies I've never seen.

  4. Good morning! I too would have chosen Hoosiers....such a good movie! Soo many good looking grands in college! How fast they grow! Wishing them all a good year!

  5. Your family is so beautiful. I hope everyone has a great year ahead of them!

  6. I never thought of Hoosiers in the movie category, and I'm from Indiana and a HUGE basketball fan, although it is rather hard for me to use the word "Hoosiers" since I live in Boiler Country, have my masters from Purdue, and LOVE all things Purdue. It makes things kind of feisty around the table when my IU grad, Army Ranger nephew and I start chatting about the schools. Thank goodness his two siblings are PU grads too! I'm not new to blogging, but I am trying to get back in to a routine, and thought this would be a great place to meet to people and find some inspiration before harvest puts us all back into crazy mode.

  7. Beautiful grandchildren. And Hoosiers is a great choice and a great movie. (And Indiana is a great basketball state, though like Lana above, I'm a Boilermaker. Hail Purdue!). Have a great weekend!

  8. Getting the right car is tricky, so a little caution goes a long way. At the very least, you want to avoid the gas guzzlers, and stick with something more compact and fuel efficient. Your husband certainly has a good sense, not to mention a sharp eye for such things, given how pleased you are with his purchase. This should benefit you all in the long run. Cheers!

    Victoria Robbins @ Diviniti Auto

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