Monday, September 29, 2014
What a joy to be able to enjoy Grandparent's Day with a grandchild. We love being able to enjoy it with our littlest one. Ava Grace, is a 2nd grader at Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas. This special day begins with a joint worship service for all classes K-12 and grandparents. As you can imagine, this would be a couple thousand folks. Then we go to the classrooms These children receive such a wonderful Christian education. Here the children are quoting Psalm 1:...
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I love to decorate my house for fall, y'all. This and a bit in the spring is about all the seasonal decorating I do. While in Amish country last week, I bought some beautiful pumpkins. Just let me tell y'all how much I wish I had been able to get more. This is when we so miss our big truck; however, we do not miss the price of gas to drive it, let me tell y'all.
Now, I ask y'all! Can a southerner talk without their hands or without using "Y'all?" I think not!
I've just to tell you this funny that happened this past Sunday. We went to see our grandson's Purdue girlfriend play a game of Rugby against the Notre Dame ladies. When I saw her parents, I said "Hey, y'all!" I evidently put all the southern twang I could unconsciously muster into that short phrase, because every Midwestern head in the bleachers looked at me.
2. When did you last have a falling out with someone? Has it been resolved?
I'm electing to skip this one if you don't mind.
3. A song you love with the word 'fall' in it's title?
"Autumn Leaves" - Roger Williams (I know it's not Fall per-say but it is my favorite)
"I Fall to Pieces" - Patsy Cline
"Why do Fools Fall in Love" Frankie Lymon
"Raindrops Keep Fall(ing) on My Head" - B. J. Thomas
4. What's something you've recently let 'fall by the wayside?'
My daily Bible reading and study time. While we've been out of our routine this month, I have really let it 'fall by the wayside." But, I'm looking forward to making this part of my morning routine again.
5. When did you last attend an event, read a book, watch a movie, try a new recipe, or visit a shop-town-tourist attraction that fell short of your expectations? In what way?
Niagara Falls! I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but as I stood looking at it the first night, the song title "Is This All There Is" kept running through my mind. I do think though that the huge crowd there on Labor Day weekend, had much to do with my disappointment. The next day when it was less crowded, I was able to more fully appreciate its majesty and overwhelming beauty.
Seeing my husband and son together this past week.
Yesterday was spent in a car traveling almost 1,000 miles. Today, I'm home unpacking and doing those things that need to be done after being gone for a month. Yes, today is a better day than yesterday.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Join me and other bloggers for Wednesday Hodgepodge 1. It's fall. Y'all. My favorite season of the year! What's something you love to do this time of year that makes you feel it's officially fall? And unrelated to that, do you ever say-'y'all'? I love to decorate my house for fall, y'all. This and a bit in the spring is about all the seasonal decorating I do. While in Amish country last week, I bought some beautiful pumpkins. Just let me tell y'all how much I wish I had been able...
Monday, September 22, 2014
Well, all good things must come to an end I suppose. Our month-long trip has been all and more than we had imagined and hoped for. Now, we are on the road headed south for the next 17 hours with full and grateful hearts....
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
1. I'm celebrating a birthday this week so a question relating to aging feels appropriate. Douglas MacArthur is quoted as saying, 'You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair." Would you agree? If not why not?
Yes, I agree with this, but I would also add this addendum with a smile: "You are as young as your joints allow you move."
2. What remarkable feat, interesting piece of trivia, or historical event occurred on your birth day and month? Not necessarily in your birthyear, just the same date/same month.
"All Saints Day" Painting by Fra Angelico |
835 - All Saints Day made compulsory by Pope Gregory IV throughout Frankish Kingdom
1512 - Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican, Italy 1st exhibited
1848 - 1st US woman's medical school opens (Boston)
1913 - Notre Dame upsets Army 35-13, 1st to use forward pass effectively
(I liked this one because I'm in Notre Dame country right now)
1966 - NFL awards New Orleans its 16th franchise (All Saints Day) Geaux N. O. Saints!
Of course, in November we celebrate Thanksgiving; also, our mother's birthday and our parent's anniversary (24th) and our middle sister's birthday (26th).
3. Describe a time or circumstance where you wanted to 'have your cake and eat it too.'
Daily. I think any time I feel rebellious I am wanting to 'have your cake and eat it too.' I want to sin without any consequences. This may be complicating an otherwise simple question.
4. What's something you do that makes you feel young? Something that makes you feel old?
Interesting that many of the things that make me feel young also tend to make me feel old. For instance, doing things with my grands can make me feel both young and old when in comparison to them or what I used to be able to do.
I can feel young at the gym when I'm accomplishing more than someone older or in poorer shape than me. Then, there will be always be someone to come along who makes me feel very old and inadequate.
Comparison is not always a good thing!!!
5. When did you last do something that was 'a piece of cake'?
Last week I added a few fall touches to my DIL's house. I love doing that and find it pretty easy to do. See pictures below.
6. Beef, wine, and cheese all improve with age. What's something else you'd add to that list? (not necessarily food or beverage)
Treasured relationships!
7. If I were to have a giveaway when we hit Volume 200, what should I give away? By my calculations we'll hit Volume 200 on November 26th, the day before Thanksgiving, which means whoever wins would have whatever it is in time for Christmas.
A compilation of some of your writings during these 200 Hodgepodges.
8. Insert your own random thought here
Volume 190? My goodness Joyce, how in the world have you come up with 1,330 questions? You are one creative lady. Thank you for doing this week after week, especially when you could be spending your time on more important things such as a wedding. To read Joyce's answers to her own questions and the answers of many others, pop over to From This Side of the Pond 1. I'm celebrating a birthday this week so a question relating to aging feels appropriate. Douglas MacArthur is quoted as s...
Monday, September 15, 2014
Just as promised, today is about my grands. Last Thursday Hubby and I drove up to Kalamazoo, Michigan to have lunch with our Big Boy Jackson. Then on Saturday night we were able to watch his team play Idaho online. We did get a few views of #65 which is always so exciting. And they won! Sunday after church, the girls allowed me to play with my camera. As you can tell, we had a great time. Now how fun was that!...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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