Thursday, February 27, 2014
I will be joining a new Friday party at Fridays Unfolded This is a party link that shares all things creative from the kitchen, decorating, and family from a Christian perspective. I am excited about joining Allison and the other bloggers on Fridays. Nineteen Years Ago Today! Our only grandson, Jackson Marcus Day was born on February 28, 1995. There has never been a dull moment since that special day when this six pound preemie came into our lives. His weight at that...
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
1. What is something you'll never forget about the age you are right now?
That I am one year from being 70! YIKES!!!
I hope you weren't looking for anything meaningful in this response.
2. What's a household chore you've never done? How have you managed that???
I really can't think of anything that I haven't done regarding inside chores. Outside chores like power washing the house or painting, or doing carpentry repairs, then yes. How did I manage that? It's not my job! Pure and simple!
3. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture? Explain?
This is a toughie and a debate that has divided psychologists for generations. To argue that nature shapes our personalities the most would negate the affect of all experiences and relationships one might have. On the other hand to suggest that nurture is most influential could mean that we are born with a "clean slate," making us devoid of all inherited characteristics. Therefore, I will venture to suggest that both are of equal importance in shaping our personalities. To quote a noted psychologist, "Which is most important to a triangle, the width or the length?"
4. Friday (February 28th) is 'Something on a Stick Day'...funny because Zoanna over at A Penchant for Pens recently sent me an idea for a question relating to this topic. What's your favorite food eaten on a stick?
A chocolate fudgecicle
5. Which of your five senses do you treasure most, and why?
Sight. I can't begin to imagine not seeing my children and grandchildren for the first time, or to melt when they smiled; not being able to see one of my granddaughters emerge from her mother's body; to not be able to look into the face of my sweet husband; to not see the silently shed tear from a hurting friend. Yes, I would most miss my sight. Lord, please don't let me take it granted.
6. What's the best music, theater, or sporting venue you've been to? What made it great?
We had the most wonderful experience there. The group asked my Hubby to sing "How Great Thou Art" from the stage. The sound carries perfectly all through the theater because of its steepness. I will never forget hearing this wonderful hymn sung so beautifully in this ancient place. It was a holy experience.
7. It's the last week of the five words or less bid adieu to your February.
Couldn't you stay longer?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Downton Abbey!
Oh my, Joyce, you have again given me a lot to ponder for this #164 edition of Wednesday Hodgepodge 1. What is something you'll never forget about the age you are right now? That I am one year from being 70! YIKES!!! I hope you weren't looking for anything meaningful in this response. 2. What's a household chore you've never done? How have you managed that??? I really can't think of anything that I haven't done regarding inside chores. Outside chores like power washing the house or pa...
Monday, February 24, 2014
The colors and design make this sweater so versatile.
(Disclaimer: Photos taken by Hubby with iPhone)
Thank you my sweet one for being so willing to help me.
I am joining Not Dead Yet Style for One of my favorite and basic outfits is black pants and a black top or shell. I call it my uniform. I find that this gives me freedom to dress up or down depending on the jacket or sweater and accessories I add. Yesterday the weather was preparing us for the soon-coming spring by teasing us with a 70 degree sun shiny day. I knew I would need a light wrap for church so I added a long loose-weave cardigan and my very favorite piece of jewelry. I l...
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
1. What's the biggest change since your childhood in the way people think or act?
How much time do we have! Ethics, or the lack thereof, I think is #1. Basic in this is the lack of respect we have for others resulting in things such as the acceptance of abortion, homosexuality, amoral and deviant behavior, inappropriate public attire, living together before marriage, corruption by public officials, and the list goes on......... Without moral ethics to guide us, we are a lost civilization.
2. The Olympic Biathlon involves cross country skiing broken up with either two or four rounds of target shooting. Which part of that would stress you out more? Or would you love them both equally?
Having to make the penalty run if I missed one or more of the targets.
3. February is National Canned Food Month...what is your most often purchased canned food item? What was in the last can you opened?
Canned Beans - they make the most delicious soups, dips etc.
4. What river (anywhere in the world) would you most like to cruise?
Rarely do anything productive, but I will reach for my iPhone or iPad and play a silly game or two until I get sleepy again. I know they say never look at the little blue light, but that seems to get me sleepy again when nothing else does.
6. How important is keeping your cool?
Very!!! I have both kept and not kept, and the keeping brings much more positive results.
7. I've got white stuff on the brain so why not run with it? White lie, wave the white flag, white knuckle it, white wash a situation, or white as a sheet...which phrase could most recently apply to your own life in some way?
White wash a situation.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Wednesday Hodgepodge #163 Such a fun list of questions today, Joyce. Thank you again for giving us so much to think about. 1. What's the biggest change since your childhood in the way people think or act? How much time do we have! Ethics, or the lack thereof, I think is #1. Basic in this is the lack of respect we have for others resulting in things such as the acceptance of abortion, homosexuality, amoral and deviant behavior, inappropriate public attire, living together before ma...
Monday, February 17, 2014
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The three of us at a typical Friday night gathering at Neal and Becky's house. |
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Monica, Becky, Libby |
"When leggings began showing up to his school in force in October and November, school officials were repeatedly sending teens back to their lockers or calling parents to bring something to cover up.
The rule is that legs must be covered south of the hip, fingertip length; in other words, a skirt or shirt or sweater must hang south of where a dangling arm's fingertips reach.I have to agree and voice my appreciation for this philosophy. Leggings are fine as long as the top covers the hips and upper legs.
These are skaters from the 1924 Olympics.
Hungry on left, Great Britain, and USA on right.
Can you imagine doing a Triple Axel in a full-length wool skirt and sweater?
I know it is still winter, but in my part of the world today, it looks like SPRING! We are really trying to not brag on our great weather while other parts of our country are still being buried in ice and snow. Friendships Get Sweeter It was 1969 and Hubby and I were visiting a church in northeast Louisiana "in view of a call." Probably only you Baptists will understand that phrase. But it means that a church had invited us to visit them to see whether they wanted us on staff or if we...
Thursday, February 13, 2014
I was a stay at home mom with three kids and my two sons would be graduating high school and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. My daughter would be entering Jr. high and the elementary school years would be over. So I began praying for the Lord to reveal His will for my life. And that very day my daughter and I drove past a house that had a sign in the front that said "Art Show," so we stopped and it was a potter's house. He made these amazing large pots. They were beautiful! He gave us a tour of his studio and showed us the kiln he built.
The next day I woke up thinking of that pottery studio. I began reading my Bible like I did every morning. I prayed and then just flipped through pages of scripture and just randomly started reading. There was the word "pottery" in bold literally floating off the page! Yes, pottery was levitating and I thought it was a trick on my eyes. I thought I was going crazy! Just a couple hours later my friend texts me and asks me if I want to take a ceramics class with her at the high school! I hadn't talked to her in a week so she couldn't have known.
That began my journey. I started pottery at the high school and I remember walking into that studio totally broken because my mother’n’law had just passed away. I sat at that wheel and felt peace. Every Wednesday night I spent hours just trying to center the clay. The high school teacher found out I had a daughter in 6th grade and he suggested I teach pottery at her elementary school. He offered me free clay and firing for the kids... this would be a good advertisement for him because these kids would eventually end up at the high school. Within just a few weeks of starting pottery I was teaching it at the elementary school!Then the school district cut the Adult Ed classes. During this time I was not 100% believing this whole pottery thing. Pottery is a huge endeavor! I was doing a lot of yoga at the time and had plans to open a ‘hot’ yoga studio in town. But the Lord kept encouraging me. One day I was driving to yoga and I was crying out to God about the direction of my life. Pottery still seemed so obscure. I was driving and crying out to God and this song comes on the radio and it was a Counting Crows song I’d never heard before so I'm weeping and listening and the lyrics said, ‘Hey, Mrs. Potter, don't cry, Hey, Mrs. Potter, I know why But, hey, Mrs. Potter, won't you talk to me.”Wow! I was so amazed!The high school class was about to end and I didn't know what to do about pottery. I was going to a Beth Moore bible study and the Holy Spirit seemed to talk to me through Beth. I remember Beth saying, “Don't give up till the Lord blesses you!” I had never told anyone in class about pottery, it just seemed too nuts. But a lady from bible study approached me and said’ “You should take a pottery class at Hancock College.” I was stunned! I said, “Why did you say that to me?” and she said, “Oh God told me too!”That summer I took my first art class at the local community college, Ceramics I. For the last three years I have been a full time ceramics student. My skills have developed at an apparently super fast rate. My teacher says I am a prodigy. But I know it’s Jesus! Along the way the Lord has been encouraging me and given me over 40 pottery scriptures. He continues to stay at my side strengthening me during this most incredible journey of my life...pottery.
I asked Susan where she gets her inspiration and she told me that she has always loved beautiful things and in fact took an interior design class in high school and loved it. She was even accepted to the Art Institute of Dallas following high school but was encouraged to pursue a Business Degree instead, which she did but totally disliked the process. She said she never took any more art classes after this and life took over.Although she tried every craft out there from painting, mosaics, sewing, furniture refinishing, beading, jewelry making, and enjoyed all of it, she never really found her niche until God opened the door to pottery.
She gets her inspiration through interior design, architectural elements, (which you will see evidence of in her pieces) fabric and paper designs and jewelry.
"I am also inspired by the beautiful things in Solomon's temple," specifically the Biblical descriptions of the lamps, bowls, ladles, firepans, plates, etc. for the alter. She says, "I am always inspired by the attention to detail and dedication in building the temple."
This large Porcelain Platter is her favorite piece.

"Last summer I went to a workshop and worked with a famous potter named Tom Coleman. After that I began working exclusively with porcelain. Then I went to a different kiln workshop with Tom and learned how to fire the small gas reduction kiln that I love! In particular are two end table lights that are my favorite. They are next to my bed.
"I mix all my own glazes too and the kiln firing affects the color of the glazes so I have been especially happy with the glaze colors of the porcelain pieces that have come out of my kiln."
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"God's word is better than red ripe summertime strawberries!" |
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Handcrafted pottery into functional art. Serving platter: microwave, oven and dishwasher safe. "God's faithful love endures forever!" |
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Large wheel thrown stoneware bowl with handles and custom glazes. 20" diameter and 4" deep. Makes an excellent salad bowl! "God is Love!" |
and have definitely made an impact on my life even from a distance.
This is a slight departure from the norm for me as all the "Beauties" I have shared before are personal friends whom I have known and loved for a while. Each have had a unique impact on my life. I met Susan only a short time ago and not in person but on Instagram, of all places. I don't recall how I first saw her pictures there, but it didn't take me long to follow her and anticipate her postings. She told me that in less than a month of opening her account, she already had over 1000 f...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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