Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Wednesday Hodgepodge
1. When were you last facing an ocean? Using just ONE word, describe how you felt as you faced that ocean.
A few years ago, we and best friends went to California on vacation. We drove along the Pacific Ocean on Hwy 1 between San Francisco and San Luis Obispo. This may very well be the most scenic highway in the country. I can only think of one word to describe this experience: AWESTRUCK!
2. What are three sounds you hate to hear?
1. A high-pitched, whiny female voice
2. Screaming, crying baby or child
3. The screeching of car tires and blowing of horns around me
3. This question comes to you courtesy of some real life friends. Hi real life friends! When you shop for yourself, do you try everything on in the store before buying or do you buy, try on at home, and then return what you don't like or what doesn't fit?
As a general rule, I try clothes on because I am so hard to fit. Shopping is not one of my favorite things, so I sure don't like having to take something back.
4. February 26th is National Pistachio Day...are you a fan of the little green nut? Do you use them in cooking and baking or prefer to eat them right out of the shell?
Yes, we like the little green nut, but I had no idea there was a National Pistachio Day. Interesting! I usually keep a bowl of them out on our counter for munching.
5. When did you last have to compromise with someone? Were you happy to reach the compromise or slightly irritated it was necessary?
Oh, life is full of compromises, both large and small. However, I don't think I want to expound any more than that on this question.
6. Have you ever written a letter to an elected official? Did you get a response?
I did write a letter to our Congressman a couple years ago and received a form letter in return. I decided then that it really doesn't matter what I do and will let my vote speak for me in the future. It is very frustrating though to think that we really have very little say in the running of our government.
7. We 'March' into a new month at the end of this week...what's something on your March calendar guaranteed to make you smile?
We don't have anything big planned for March, but hopefully every day I am able to get out of bed will bring a smile to my face.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
On Saturday night, Hubby and I enjoyed our night at the Symphony. They have had such a great variety of performances in this season's Masterworks Series, and we have looked forward to every one of them. This one was titled, "Wicked Divas." It starred two young vocalists who have played roles in this Broadway production. They sang three songs from "Wicked" but also a variety of others. It was a wonderful night and made us look forward with even more eager anticipation to seeing "Wicked" on the stage in South Bend, IN while there in May.
Hubby is on our church's mission planning committee. That committee, under the leadership of a new pastor and new missions intern, are evaluating all agency/ministry involvement. Hubby and I were assigned to interview the Director of Programing at the Providence House here. We met with her yesterday and came away so impressed with what that agency is doing to break the cycle of homelessness in this area. I am looking forward to becoming personally involved as the opportunity arises.
Wednesday Hodgepodge 1. When were you last facing an ocean? Using just ONE word, describe how you felt as you faced that ocean. A few years ago, we and best friends went to California on vacation. We drove along the Pacific Ocean on Hwy 1 between San Francisco and San Luis Obispo. This may very well be the most scenic highway in the country. I can only think of one word to describe this experience: AWESTRUCK! 2. What are three sounds you hate to hear? 1. A high-pitched, whiny fem...
Monday, February 25, 2013
Aerial Flow Yoga
This class is an excellent way of stretching and building core strength while defying gravity.
Mid morning again, and I'm just getting my Monday post with Carissa done. I had hoped to get it done yesterday, but since I didn't, I thought I would do a review of the Oscar Red Carpet attire from last night. Did your favorite movie win anything? Hubby and I paid $5.99 to watch ARGO from the comfort of our den yesterday afternoon and it was so worth it. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. Now, we want to watch some of the other winners. Aerial Flow Yoga Last week I tried som...
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
1. When were you last 'on a mountaintop'? You may answer in the literal or figurative sense.
I think the literal mountaintop must have been while traveling from Branson toward Springfield, MI. There is a beautiful stretch of mountainous highway that has special meaning for us. A few years ago, the husband of some of our dearest friends who live in Branson, fell hitting his head on a frozen concrete slab. Because of the severity of his injury, it was necessary to transport him to the trauma center in Springfield. Since they were in the midst of a terrible ice storm, they couldn't fly and had to take the treacherous mountain passage by ambulance. What should have been a 45 minute trip, took them 3 long hours. They made it and Jim survived for which we are more than grateful. But, we never drive this stretch without thinking about them and praising God for His mercy and protection, and for our beautiful friendship of 47 years.
2. Do you establish and maintain a strict budget in your household? What is one piece of financial advice you would offer someone just starting out on their own?
No, we do not have a strict budget and really never have. Both Hubby and I are very conscious of what we spend and don't make major purchases without consulting/discussing with each other. Although, we have always maintained separate bank accounts, we have not ever had an issue with this as we share household expenses, etc.
My advice for someone starting out would be to not go into more debt than can be paid for. Also, save, save, save, and invest for the future. This being said, I believe the best advice would be to give back at least a 10th of what the Lord has blessed you with. We have personally seen how He multiplies and blesses as He promised.
3. Cherries-yay or nay? Cherry pie, cherry cola, black forest cake, or a scoop of Ben and Jerry's Cherries Garcia...pick one.
Can't say that cherry anything is my favorite, although I do well remember my first cherry coke. I was sitting in a window seat of Walgreen's in 1959 thinking that I was really somebody. And I was!
4. Should you ever discuss religion or politics with people you don't know?
That might be the safest time to discuss politics. LOL There are times and opportunities that the Lord provides when it is right to discuss "religion" under His leadership; otherwise, it might be best to leave it alone.
5. When you take a road trip do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger? Where were you headed on your last road trip?
Oh yes, I prefer to drive. I told Hubby that if I drive, only one of us has to drive at a time.
The last road trip was returning home from a 3-week visit with son and family in Indiana, near South Bend. We make that 15 hour trip in one day, which does mean we share the driving some.
6. If we peeked inside your closet, what color would we say is most prevalent?
Probably black. But, there is a large variety of browns and reds as well. You will also find it grouped by color, by the way.
7. Who's your favorite senior citizen and why are they special?
Since I am a senior citizen, that means all my friends are too. How do you select just one?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It is so good to rejoin Joyce for Wednesday Hodgepodge 1. When were you last 'on a mountaintop'? You may answer in the literal or figurative sense. I think the literal mountaintop must have been while traveling from Branson toward Springfield, MI. There is a beautiful stretch of mountainous highway that has special meaning for us. A few years ago, the husband of some of our dearest friends who live in Branson, fell hitting his head on a frozen concrete slab. Because of the severity of...
Monday, February 18, 2013
It's Monday! What's better than joining with Carissa for Miscellany Monday! Mardi Gras Our son is CEO of a Surgical Hospital in Mishawaka, IN. Last year, he introduced his employees to Mardi Gras and Cajun food. His hospital chef insisted that it be repeated again this year, but he wanted John's wife, Michelle to assist him with some of her specialties. Gumbo & Michelle's Jambalaya Fried Catfish, Fried Okra, Cornbread & Michelle's to die-for Hush Puppies Desert Table...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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