Wednesday, October 28, 2020

It's a Boo Hodgepodge

It is so good to be back on the Wednesday Hodgepodge after being on a long road trip.  Check out Joyce's blog HERE to see how others answer the following questions.

From this Side of the Pond

1. Boo, boo-hoo, make a boo-boo, boo(ze)...pick one and tell us how it relates to life lately. 

I guess the closest would be "Boo" since I'm watching Tucker's interview with Bobulinski about the Biden's involvement in unbelievable crimes against our country.  It sure gets scary to think that this sort of thing can happen and no one is held accountable.  Hopefully that won't be the case here.

2. Do you like the color orange? Would we find this color in your home? Your wardrobe? Peach-pumpkin-tangeringe...your favorite shade of the three listed? 

I love orange and yes, you will find it in my home and in my closet.  Pumpkin is my favorite shade.

3. October 28th is National Chocolate Day. What's the last chocolate something you tasted? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being out of this world delicious, how would you rate it? 

I happen to have just finished a glass of mixed chocolate and white almond milk.  That would be a 10!

4. Life is like a box of chocolates or so says Forrest Gump's mama. Would you agree? Aside from the pandemic fallout tell us one way this saying has played out in your life. 

I do agree that life is unpredictable and sure can be full of surprises; however, I believe in the One who holds my life in His hands.  He does have a good sense of humor as well, and some of these plans do come as big surprises.

The biggest surprise would be meeting my husband on a blind date 55+ years ago.  This was a good surprise and has only gotten better.

5. As October winds down tell us three things you loved about the month we're bidding adieu. 

My grandson's beautiful wedding that is featured in my previous blog post.

Traveling through 12 states in three weeks and enjoying every minute of it.

The anticipation of what November will bring beginning with another big birthday on the 1st.

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

As soon as I can get all the pictures where I can find them again, I will post some highlights of our trip.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. I love the wedding pictures in your previous post! We are still under a statewide mask ordinance here so weddings have been very different. I, too, love orange!!

  2. I've enjoyed all the wedding pics and your travels sound wonderful. I feel like we all need a change of scenery in the midst of so much isolation. Hopefully next time you aim this direction you can veer past the lake : )

  3. I don't want to argue with you, but let me point out that Tucker Carlson's commentaries are not factual, and that the news bureau at Fox News cannot find any proof of what he alleges.

    1. Thank you for reminding everyone to fact check what they hear or read !

  4. Love Tucker, but missed last night's episode. I will have to try to find it. How neat that you met your husband on a blind date. I keep forgetting to buy chocolate almond milk. I always have vanilla but think chocolate would be good too. Congratulations to your Grandson and his bride :)

  5. Happy 'big' birthday to whoever is celebrating on November 1st!

  6. We listened to that interview, too. Yikes! That is so great that you could enjoy your grandson's beautiful wedding. Sounds like it was in a beautiful setting, too. Hope the last days of October are good ones for you!

  7. I've heard of people going on blind dates, but thought that was pretty scary. Congratulations to you for your courage and the resulting 55 years of marriage! And Happy Birthday on All Saints Day!

  8. Your trip sounds exciting!
    Congratulations to your grandson and his bride!
    Blind dates back then were not uncommon. I suppose today a blind date would be a date with a harmony dot com match up... that wouldn't be my cup of tea. I'm glad your date worked out so well :)

  9. Looking forward to seeing an overview of the trip. Bet that took some big time planning. Here's to an early happy birthday! You wear your age very well my dear!

  10. I hope they are held accountable! So you mix them together? That's a great surprise on a blind date. The wedding looked so beautiful and all the lovely photos. Sounds like a great trip.


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