Monday, May 20, 2013

Miscellany Monday - What a Week!

What a week we have had!  Actually, the craziness didn't just start this week.  We walked into the busy, busy lives of the John Day Family a couple weeks ago.
But, just let me share with you what we have been able to share with this active family this past week.

In order to do that, I am joining Carissa at Miscellany Monday.   Thank you again, Carissa for hosting us every Monday.
I am going to begin with

Granddaughter #5, Mary-Elizabeth, was inducted into the
National Junior Honor Society at her school, Discovery Middle School.

It was such an honor for her to be chosen.  The criteria was so high that she was one of 21 sixth graders chosen from a class numbering more than 300 students.
Discovery is a National Blue Ribbon School, of which there aren't too many.

Students were chosen because of their high scholastic standing, character, leadership, and service.
We could not be more proud of our outgoing and beautiful granddaughter.  One of her best friends, Makenzie was also selected.

Hubby and I took a trip into South Bend to visit a nursery only to find out while there that it is the oldest family owned greenhouse in Michiana.  It was started by the current owner's great grandmother in 1920 and moved to the back yard of someone's tiny little house in the West End in 1949 where it is today.  It may be a tiny little place but it is jam packed with beautiful, healthy plants of every description.
 Afterward, we drove around the residential area of South Bend and found this adorable little cottage.

We also visited an art gallery, but that is a whole complete blog of its own.

National High School Rugby Championship begins!
The local Rugby Association hosted the Nationals in Elkhart, IN, only a short distance from John's house.  You may recall Hubby and Son attending this event with Jackson in Salt Lake City last year.  What an exciting time for the whole family to be able experience Rugby at this level.

As this was Jackson's third and final opportunity to compete, we took the girls out of school early so they could support their big brother.  Little did they know that Mom and Dad had a surprise waiting for them upon arrival at the Rugby Fields.
They were each given a sweet card, a Stella & Dot necklace and tickets to "Wicked" for that evening.
Needless to say, they were very excited girls.  They had seen the Broadway play in Chicago last year and so wanted to see it again here in South Bend.  Son was kind enough to get tickets for his parents as well, and the six of us had a great evening.  The play was amazing!
Now, back to Rugby!
Jackson is a Senior so this was his last opportunity to play for the National Title.  They came in 2nd last year in Salt Lake City.
Penn was ranked #4 in the Nation and they played against the #5 team and WON.
 Jackson got quite a shiner as you can see, but he played tough, making two of the four Tries.


Game #2 was Friday afternoon against the #1 team, Gonzaga, Washington DC.
 It was a hard fought battle, but we were not to win against this strong team.  They had scouted Jackson and knew how to bring the Big Man down.  He played one of his best games, but it just wasn't to be.
He looks like a man playing with children, doesn't he?

That evening, Savannah had her Eighth Grade Dance.
In my unbiased opinion, she was the prettiest girl there!  Unbiased! I repeat, totally and completely unbiased!
I was able to take her to meet a friend for makeup and hairdo's then group pictures.

Again, to the Rugby fields for the last game.
Early in the game, Jackson had a head butt to his right thigh causing a deep bruise.  He played the rest of the game but he wasn't at his best.  Needless to say, they lost and came in 4th for the tournament.  A real disappointment!

This morning, we hit the Soccer field at 7:15.  And yes, this is the same gorgeous, feminine, Elizabeth Taylor look alike you saw earlier.  She is a fierce competitor on the soccer field.  A total contradiction!
 We got home in time to make a few wardrobe changes and get to the 11:30 worship service at Granger Community Church.

It has been a busy, busy week indeed, and the next two will be just as crazy, but I wouldn't change a thing.

I trust your week will be equally full of blessings.

WOW! What a week we have had!  Actually, the craziness didn't just start this week.  We walked into the busy, busy lives of the John Day Family a couple weeks ago. But, just let me share with you what we have been able to share with this active family this past week. In order to do that, I am joining Carissa at Miscellany Monday.   Thank you again, Carissa for hosting us every Monday. I am going to begin with Tuesday. Granddaughter #5, Mary-Elizabeth, was inducted into the Nation...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Weekend of Special Days

We will celebrate two very special days this weekend.

Savannah's Birthday

Fourteen years ago, this beautiful baby girl blessed our family in ways I cannot begin to explain.

She has the most beautiful spirit.
From day one, she has been a little lady.
She has the most loving and tender heart.
 She loves the Lord and desires to live her life for Him.
She is a fierce competitor.
 She is intelligent and discerning.
She is our Granddaughter #4 and we could not love her more or be more proud of her.

Savannah, you are a true example of God's Lady who is Beautiful Without and Within!

Mother's Day

I must recognize my special mother who went to heaven almost seven years ago.
Not a day passes that I don't think about her and wish I could share some little bit of interesting tidbit that I know she would love and delight in.  Or to ask her a question, or seek her wisdom and spiritual strength.

We love you Larla!

One of my favorite children's/grownup's book other than "A Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Day,"
Love You Forever.

Shall any of us who had children or grandchildren in the last 50 years ever forget these precious lines?

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

This week, someone posted this picture on Facebook, and I was reminded all over again of the brevity of life, but just how precious this relationship of mother and child really is.

Motherhood is a Life-long Career

May this truly be a memorable Mother's Day for each of you.

We will celebrate two very special days this weekend. Savannah's Birthday Fourteen years ago, this beautiful baby girl blessed our family in ways I cannot begin to explain. She has the most beautiful spirit. From day one, she has been a little lady. She has the most loving and tender heart.  She loves the Lord and desires to live her life for Him. She is a fierce competitor.  She is intelligent and discerning. She is our Granddaughter #4 and we could not love her mo...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Springtime in Michiana

Spring has finally come to the midwest.  After covering this part of the country with layer upon layer of beautiful white snow, God has now used His paint brush, dipped into the most amazing color palate, and reminded us again of His great glory.
Let me share with you what I see from my little temporary corner of the world.





I couldn't resist snapping this interesting old, gnarled tree trunk.  Don't you wish it could talk?

 And who would expect to find a bed of LSU tulips in Northern Indiana?
Yes, the Creator is still creating the most amazing blessings.  We just need to see them.

Spring has finally come to the midwest.  After covering this part of the country with layer upon layer of beautiful white snow, God has now used His paint brush, dipped into the most amazing color palate, and reminded us again of His great glory.   Let me share with you what I see from my little temporary corner of the world.           I couldn't resist snapping this interesting old, gnarled tree trunk.  Don't you wi...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Our Weekend in Review

Because this has not been a typical weekend/Monday for me, I will not be joining Carissa at Miscellany Monday this week.

So, just let me share with you why its been different.

It is May, therefore, Hubby and I must be in Indiana!

We left our little home early Wednesday morning headed to Little Rock, AR for a dental appointment with our favorite Dentist nephew.  It is worth the drive, I assure you.  He is the best!

From there, we drove to Branson, MO to visit one of our long-time couple friends, the Flemings.  Jim said I couldn't call them our "oldest" couple friends anymore.  Actually, they were our very first couple friends after we married in 1965. Even before that, they and Hubby went to college together, so they just decided to include me in the friendship.

On Thursday, they took us to the College of the Ozarks for lunch.  It is such a lovely campus with a most unusual Mission Statement.

Debt-Free Students!
"Each student participates in the on-campus Work Education Program 15 hours each week and two forty-hour work weeks. Credit from participation in the Work Program, plus any federal and/or state aid for which students qualify, plus a College of the Ozarks Cost of Education Scholarship combine to meet each student's full tuition charge."

It was recently featured in the

They are also known as the
 Students can select from over 80 different campus jobs to help defray educational costs.
 We had lunch in the lovely Keeter Center.

I enjoyed a most delicious Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwich with Sweet Potato Fries and an "Oh-my-goodness" Chocolate Cobbler.

I was even able to purchase some of the lovely olive green Fleur de Les napkins which will look great when serving a bite to eat in our new Sunroom.

The next morning, this was what our windshield looked like.  It was a cold 32 degrees, breaking all records in the Ozarks for May.  After a delicious buffet breakfast, we left Branson in a heavy snow storm.  Lovely, but rather treacherous on those beautiful mountainous roads.

From Branson, we drove to Indianapolis to be there with our granddaughter for the weekend of soccer games.  The team enjoyed an evening at Champs after two hard-fought games on Saturday.
 (Savannah is first on left.)

Also taking place on this evening a thousand miles southwest of Indy, was prom night for another of our beautiful granddaughters.
Cassidy is a HS Junior and our Grandchild #3.  Isn't she absolutely gorgeous, elegant and stunning?
We sure think she is!

On Sunday, our grandson and the Penn Kingsmen, won the big Mid-West Rugby Championship.  They are now #5 in the nation!  We are so proud of him and the team.  Next stop is the State Final playoffs then they host Nationals mid May.  Yes, we will be here for all of it.

 Best Buddies sharing the trophy and game ball.

Early this morning, Son and DIL flew to Puerto Rico for a medical conference and we have the honor of being here with the kiddos.

I'm telling you, how blessed can two people be!

Because this has not been a typical weekend/Monday for me, I will not be joining Carissa at Miscellany Monday this week. So, just let me share with you why its been different. It is May, therefore, Hubby and I must be in Indiana! We left our little home early Wednesday morning headed to Little Rock, AR for a dental appointment with our favorite Dentist nephew.  It is worth the drive, I assure you.  He is the best! From there, we drove to Branson, MO to visit one of our long-time...