This week I came across some materials I had used for an Image seminar I did a few years back and thought it worth sharing again with you.
Do you make a good first impression?
First impressions are powerful!
Harvard University conducted a study and concluded that it takes a mere two seconds to make an in-depth and long-lasting impression about a person. So, if you are doing that about others,
They are doing that about you as well.
"In most cases, people make the vital decision about a stranger in less time than it takes to blink an eyelash." Image Consultant Emily Cho
Who of us can afford to squander those precious moments and be thought to be less than the person God created us to be?
Mona Lisa is a perfect example of the point I want to make. She is referred to as a Masterpiece. Not because she is considered a raving beauty or wears beautiful colors or clothing styles.
NO, the famed Mona Lisa is a Masterpiece because a Master painted her.
Leonardo DaVinci was a master of color and composition. He knew how to lead the eye exactly where he wanted it, and he knew how to set a mood with color. He also painted Mona Lisa's face seven layers deep to create the luminosity that only a young child has. Mona Lisa also wears eyeshadow, even though it had not been invented. DaVinci painted "shadows" in the creases of the eyes to give them shape and depth - and to make them mesmerizing.
Look at her again. Did you realize that it is not her smile that draws you in and intrigues you? No, it is her eyes - and her "interactive" pose that makes her seem to be turning toward you. DaVinci was the first painter to depict a subject in such a way.
DaVinci used this technique in another of his well known works of art, The Last Supper.
Masters know that you can only have one focal point in a painting. In this case, the Lord Jesus Christ is the focal point. By the way, is He the focal point of your life?
The same principle is true when it comes to people. There can only be one focal point: THE FACE.
Who wants others to notice their feet or a too-large pair of earrings, or a cartoon character on their tee shirt instead of their face?
So, what does it take to make a person memorable? What does it take to make a profound first impression? Guess what! It isn't just one thing, it's EVERYTHING!
The Power of Personal Appearance
It is.....
the way you hold your head,
the way you look people in the eye when
you meet them,
your body language,
the way you act or behave,
your smile. Best Beauty Tip - Your Smile
It is also....
the colors that make you look and feel better about yourself. You may want to look back at past postings on how to know what colors look best on you, Image - Color
knowing how to choose clothing styles that flatter your body type so you appear more attractive, Image - Clothing Personality
knowing how to choose makeup colors and application that look natural and professional.
Mary Kay Makeup
Never negate the power of your personal appearance because it is the one personal characteristic that is immediately obvious and accessible to others. You can't hide it! Your appearance makes a strong statement about your personality, values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, abilities, roles, and goals.
This is something YOU can control, so take control of the first impression you make on others!
Who is the Master Painter of Your Life ?
I am joining again today with Carissa for Miscellany Monday.
This week I came across some materials I had used for an Image seminar I did a few years back and thought it worth sharing again with you.
Do you make a good first impression?
First impressions are powerful!
Harvard University conducted a study and concluded that it takes a mere two seconds to make an in-depth and long-lasting impression about a person. So, if you are doing that about others,
They are doing...