Sunday, September 29, 2024

I'm Aging - What Now?

I recently saw someone's blog heading that made me pause.  She asked, "You're what?"  It's as if she had read my mind and repeated the question I had been dealing with.  Now what?

On November 1st, I will hit the big 80.  Achieving that number used to mean that women were ancient and condemned to days spent in a rocking chair knitting afghans for her great grandkids.  That won't ever be me, but what does it mean for me to be "old"?  Am I ancient or was that just from a child's perspective?

Everyone handles aging in different ways.  Some ignore it and are suddenly shocked when they can no longer do those things they thought would never change.  Others fight it every step of the way with workouts, smoothies, facelifts, hairstyles and makeup.  Still others are thankful for each new day and embrace all the changes that come with aging.

While the pursuit of a long and healthy life is to admired, some methods people choose can be unhealthy or even detrimental.  Constantly fighting the aging process can be counterproductive.  By spending so much time trying not to show their age, they miss the years that they have by being unhappy with who they really are.  Acceptance allows for a greater appreciation of life as it is.

This has been my experience with my personal friends who happen to be very close to my age.  Every one of them has come to believe that the most valuable resource regarding aging is acceptance.  None of them have given up on embracing who they are and making the most of the natural beauty they possess, while also enhancing that beauty along with strengthening their minds and body.

Yes, the constant struggles of aging can be stressful.  I recently had to have a hip replacement and now am having knee issues.  All of this means I can no longer walk 5 miles every day or lean over without wondering if I will lose my balance.  Just rolling over in the bed wakes me up sometimes.  I cannot stand to see the crepey skin on my upper arms and the cellulite on my legs.  I wonder how long before I will no longer feel confident driving in Dallas traffic.  Yes, all this can cause stress and fear if we aren't careful.  That's where acceptance comes in.

Paul in one of his epistles wrote, "I have learned to be content in whatever state I find myself."  That is acceptance!  But, it's not just acceptance of whatever state you are in, but it is also embracing that state and knowing God isn't finished with you.  It is acknowledging that yes, I'm not who I used to be and never will be again; however, with God's help, I will be the best me I can be at this stage in my life.

So what now?

Eighty is the new 60!  I am going to see about the knee and get it taken care of so I can resume walking a couple miles every other morning.  I am going to make myself get up early in order to get a good aquatic workout before the sun rises.  I am going to continue taking the best care of my appearance that I possible can and yes, that means coloring my hair and getting a monthly pedicure.  I am going to continue feeding my body with healthy food, and my mind with Bible study and meditation.  I am going to look forward to being with friends and finding encouragement through their company.  I am going to delight in the births of new great grandbabies and achievements of my seven precious grandchildren.  I am going to be grateful for another day and hopefully year(s) with my sweetheart.  We are going to continue traveling and planning road adventures.

There is always something for which to be grateful and something to look forward to in every situation of life.  We just have to look for it and allow God to help us be content in all things new and old.

Come on 80, I am going to make you look good!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.

1 comment:

  1. Well, my dear, you wear it well and I'm quite sure you will continue to. And, I agree, embracing aging, is key. Great post!


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